Glycine max


SK 2902 12 May 2021- Fabaceae: 5 high res. images.
Location: Central Nepal Altitude: 1400 m. Date : 11 May 2021
Habitat : Found in my pot!
Fabaceae for ID !

No idea.It is not flowering. Still in bud stage for so many days except for 2 legumes !

Glycine max 
(L.) Merr. ?? Flowers are so tiny !
7 high res. images.

Yes, appears close as per


seeds : Attachments (2).  7 posts by 5 authors.

I have two samples of seeds with me which a student of Botany (H) III yr has brought. She is from Himachal and these seeds are eaten in some form in winters and are important medicinally. She knows only the local names. According to her one is known as Bhatt (black seeds) and the other is Ghount (brown seeds). Can you help me in the identification. I don’t know whether the spellings she has written are correct or not

While studying Agronomy in college days, I was told that Bhatt is indigenous Soybean.

The brown ones appear to me as Vigna aconitifolia

… may be right

Glycine max, perhaps
Bhatt is known as indigenous soyabean. it is consumed not just in himachal but in Uttaranchal too. It is considered to be very ‘hot’ as in generating heat in the body and is one of the winter foods.
more information may be known from navdanya which has a stall in dilli haat at ina market.
often we see numerous indigenous produce from the hills whenever there is an organic produce or hill products festivals in dilli haat at ina market.
having been to many in the past, i am bewildered by the sheer variety of produce available in the hills.

hope this helps

Can it be Glycine max ssp. soja (Seibold & Zucc.) H. Ohashi as per thread Glycine max ssp. soja_RKC01_16092013

To me these brown seeds seems Macrotyloma uniflorum (Horse gram) which is known as Gauth or Gahat in Uttarakhand.

Horse gram seeds are flatter than the whole masoor seeds and darker.
These brown seeds appear to be a variety of either moong or rajma.
I have personally seen and used a moong look alike which is called as chhota rajma, but which is redder and bigger than the regular moong daal.

the chhota rajma are from Kashmir.

The black seeds look like Kala Urad.

Since the black seeds have been identified as Bhat, and they do look like Bhat too, they are the hill soya bean.
A good source for hill seeds is Navdanya stall at Dilli haat at INA in New Delhi.
I have used Bhat and still have them…


where do i get the herb jangli soya (जंगली सोया )? please tell me other names and provide some images of it?

Could you provide more details pl. along with the place etc.?
Pl. see if any of the following efloraofindia is of any help:

Updated on December 24, 2024

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