Indigofera trita var. trita

India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh; Assam; Bihar; Daman; Delhi; Diu ; Goa; Gujarat; Haryana ; Himachal Pradesh ; Jammu-Kashmir; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra ; Manipur ; Meghalaya ; Nagaland ; Orissa ; Punjab; Rajasthan ; Sikkim ; Tamil Nadu; Tripura ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal & other countries as per ILDIS;
Indigofera trita var. trita will have trifoliate leaf, raceme 8 to 12 flowered, pods straight.
var. subulata has 5 foliate leaf, 20 to 40 flowered raceme, pods slightly curved upwards
in-dee-GO-fer-uh — bearing indigo
TREE-tuh — presumably refers to three-leaved
commonly known as: Asian indigo, three-leaved indigo • Kannada: ಗೋರಮ್ಟಿ ನೀಲಿ goramti nili • Tamil: புனல்முருங்கை punal-murunkai • Telugu: జీడి వెంపలి jidi vempali
Native to: tropical Africa and Asia, northern Australia; widely naturalized

Confirmation of ID- Indigofera trita var.trita : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Pl help me in confirmation of ID of the attached specimens observed at Ranipet, Vellore Dist. Tamilnadu on 09-06-2015.
Erect herb, stem pinkish
Leaves: Pinnately tri-foliate, leaflets opposite, stipule present, triangular and hairy
middle leaflet bigger than the laterals, base cuneate or  round at base, tip emarginate or mucronate.
Inflorescence shorter than the extending leaves.
Pod about 16-18 mm, extending, straight, beaked.

Yes, I think the ID is correct.

Images by B. Narendra (Inserted by J.M.Garg)

Pl id this tree shrub. : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Pl id this tree shrub seen in pune. It has pods right now.

Some Indigofera ? Me too eager to know ID.

Please clarify if it’s a shrub or a tree and its size.

I could not get more pictures as earlier photos were given to to me by someone else. It was a shrub for sure based on feedback from the poster.
Keeping it in mind and will try to get samples.

seems Indigofera trita


efloraindia: 190911 BRS31:

Pl. find the attched file contain photos for id.
Date/Time-Location- 18.09.2011, Codisia Road
Place, Altitude, GPS- Coimbatore Near Airport
Habitat- Garden Urban
Plant Habit- Shrub
Flowers Size/ Colour Pink very tiny
Shape/ Size Seeds- are also avialble.

Indigofera trita, I think.


Fabaceae- Week:  2 images.
Pl. find the attached file contain photo of Indigofera trita (Location: Coimbatore).


Herb for Identification : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Please help me with the identification of this herb.

It is Indigofera trifoliata var. trifoliata L. for illustration you mar refer to eflora china.

Could be Indigofera Species.

This is definetly a species of Indigofera. need closer look to get full identity

Indigofera trita L.f.

indigofera trita ssp trita var trita

Identify plz : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
Identify this plant plz

Fabaceae Family

Pl. see replies in another thread

Images by Nayan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg)


Indigofera sp from Satpura NSD 9 : 11 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2)

seen today in Satpura Tiger Reserve
i think this shrub is Indigofera sp
but not difficulty in finding sp.
please help in id

If you refer Dr. Sanjappa’s book (Fascicle No. 21, BSI), you can id the species without any difficulty.
This could be Indigofera trita (pl. check for variety).

Indigofera prostrata Willd.

I do not know what this species can be, but it cannot be I. prostrata Willd. since petiolules are much longer, specially the terminal one which is sessile in I. trifoliata L. (ref. Prain). However, though earlier literature state(s) I. prostrata Willd. is synonymous with I. trifoliata L. those two are different taxa now and difference can be seen in –

It may be Indigofera trita var. trita (large leaflet form) as per the Fascicle-21 of Flora of India. Rest of the varieties in this species either have racemes longer than leaves or have 5-7 foliate leaves.


Spelling mistake in Species page- Indigofera trita : 2 posts by 2 authors.
There is spelling mistake in Indigofera tirta. The correct spelling should be Indigofera trita

Thanks, … I corrected at one place. Is it OK now ?

Request for identification : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)
Please identify the following species collected from Telangana, appear to be Indigofera trita?

Yes to me also appear closer to images at Indigofera trita as per comparative images at Indigofera

yes it is

Images by Nayan Singh, Identified by Abdul Jabbar (Inserted by J.M.Garg)

Indigofera from Palpur kuno Wild life Sanctuary – NSD 70 – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Photographed this small shrub on 24-10-09 in Palpur Kuno Wild life Sancturay

I think this is some sp of Indigofera from Fabaceae family

Experts please id it

The plant looks to me as Indigofera tinctoria

It was identified as Indigofera subulata by …, who is an expert on Fabaceae

It should be Indigofera trita as per Key available in Flora of Karnataka as per efi thread

As per the key in Flora of Karnataka, Indigofera trita var. trita. Leaflets 3, raceme 8 to 12 flowered.


Indigofera trita : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (10)

var. trita or var. subulata ?

Endemic, in Surat Gujarat.
Recorded on 02 10 2019.
Roadside, wasteland, vacant plots.
Perennial …….even in intense summers of may-June it keeps flowering, fruiting.
With rains rejuvenates.

Any keys? Thanks, …, for the wonderful presentation.

I got confused between efi and some facebook interactions. That is why I had to post it.

I guess it is correct ID !

Key available in link above .
Indigofera trita var. trita will have trifoliate leaf, raceme 8 to 12 flowered, pods straight.
var. subulata has 5 foliate leaf, 20 to 40 flowered raceme, pods slightly curved upwards.
With the key in link above, Flora of Karnataka, I foresee a revision of Indigofera trita subpages.
My specimen stands as Indigofera trita var. trita.

In FOI, Indigofera trita entry has I. glandulosa image, I. glandulosa entry has I. trifoliata image, I. trifoliata entry has images by …, are correct. I. trita var. marginulata is very new to me .

Thanks …, The three species have been corrected on FOI.

Thanks … I will have to check what I have labelled in my collection. Will do so after 21st.


Need id of plant from Morena, M.P : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Need id of plant from Morena, M.P
25 October 19

Please check—l/f/fabaceae/indigofe

Indigofera trita var. trita

Request for id : 4 posts by 2 authors. 2 images– 2 & 5 mb.
Request for I’d of a legume. Probably Indigofera from Bilaspur. Photographed in September 2020.

Close up of inflorescence attached.

Once u check with Indigofera trita sir


Tiny Plant for ID : Nasik : 18JAN21 : AK-17: 2 images.
A very tiny plant.
Looks to be Indigofera Species.

Indigofera trita

I’m getting confused between Indigofera glandulosa, trifoliata and trita.
I have posted similar plants from Nasik before.
Also Indigofera trita on Flowersofindia looks different from my pictures above.

1. Leaves with glands……………….. glandulosa

1. Leaves without glands……………………2
2. Leaves glabrous above, pubescenct below….. trifoliata
2. Leaves appressed pubescent both surfaces or verrucose… trita
It may help you ma’am,

Thanks for the tips in differentiating the different Species.
Hope I’m able to understand these differences.


Shrub for Id- 130112-NS 2- frm Pune:
Shrub was photographed at Bhugaon, Pune on 2nd Jan 12.
Appx height- 3 n half feet
Plz id.

This is a species of Crotolaria.

I have never seen ‘Methi’ fruiting…. The leaves remind me of Trigonella sp. (Fenugreek)...

Indigofera sp.

Please check it for Indigofera trita.

Pods look like some Indigofera species… any photo of Flower please ?

There were no flowers at dat time. Sorry, these r d only pics I have.

Yes it’s Indigofera trita

Agree with …


FOR ID :: Indigofera sp. :: Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · JUN23 DV380: 5 images.

Indigofera sp. … FOR ID
Shirgaon, Palghar :: Feb 26, 2023 · 3:50 PM IST :: about 24 m (79 ft) asl

I think close to images at

Thank you very much, …, for suggesting a possible ID.

Yes, many thanks, … I too think it must be Indigofera trita !!


Updated on December 24, 2024

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