Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet (syn. Dolichos benghalensis Jacq.; Dolichos lablab L.; Dolichos purpureus L.; Lablab lablab (L.) Lyons; Lablab niger Medik.; Lablab vulgaris var. albiflorus DC.; Vigna aristata Piper); . LAB-lab — aboriginal name pur-PUR-ee-us — purple . bonavista bean, dolichos bean, Egyptian kidney bean, field bean, hyacinth bean, lablab bean, pendal bean, pole bean, poor man’s bean, waby bean • Assamese: উৰহী urashi • Bengali: শিম sheem • Gujarati: વાલ vaal • Hindi: सेम sem • Kannada: ಕಪ್ಪರದವರೆ capparadavare • Malayalam: അമര amara • Manipuri: হৱাঈ উৰী hawai uri • Marathi: घेवडा ghevada, वारवा varava • Mizo: bepui • Oriya: semi • Prakrit: सिम्वा simba • Sanskrit: अङ्गुलिफला anguliphala, शिम्बा shimba • Tamil: சிவப்பவரை civappavarai, காட்டுமொச்சை kattu-moccai, பாலவரை pal-avarai, வெள்ளவரை vel-l-avarai • Telugu: చిక్కుడు chikkudu • Urdu: سيم sem; . Native to: Africa; cultivated pan-tropically . Edible use: … fresh seeds (as VEGETABLE) . Climber with trifoliate leaves, leaflets triangular-ovate or rhombic, up to 15 cm long; flowers purple or white; pod flattened, up to 8 cm long, pointed at both ends. . Vegetable Bean for ID : Flower Show,Mumbai : 250912 : AK-3: Known as Papdi or Val Papdi in Marathi, these vegetable pods are very commonly available in the market. These pictures were taken at the Flower Show at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai on 19/2/11. Flat bean pods and white flowers seen on this climber. A cultivated plant. Botanical name please. the botanical name of papdi is Dolichos lablab. Thanks for the botanical name. I tried searching on the net, Dolichos lablab are with purple flowers & purple pods. Yet to come across this green species with white flowers. Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Dolichos ? :: Panipat :: NS OCT 137/137 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Please provide id clues for this climbing herb, growing upon roadside shrubs and trees.. Is this Dolichos sp. ? Calyx and corolla with its segments form very much like that of Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet, earlier Dolichos lablab L. Please note, leaves seen in the attached pics are much smaller than Lablab Dolichos species so far in efi These pictures taken minutes ago, tried the angles you have used in your photography. My species is Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet. I think your species is also same. Your specimen may be wildly growing, it may be an escape or a wild variety. Thanks …, Yes, this was an escape, and I agree with your id conclusion !! Fabaceae (pea, or legume family) » Lablab purpureus Synonyms: Dolichos benghalensis, D. lablab, D. purpureus, Lablab niger, L. purpurea, L. vulgaris, Vigna aristata LAB-lab — aboriginal name pur-PUR-ee-us — purple commonly known as: bonavista bean, dolichos bean, Egyptian kidney bean, field bean, hyacinth bean, lablab bean, pendal bean, pole bean, poor man’s bean, waby bean • Assamese: উৰহী urashi • Bengali: শিম sheem • Gujarati: વાલ vaal • Hindi: सेम sem • Kannada: ಕಪ್ಪರದವರೆ capparadavare • Malayalam: അമര amara • Manipuri: হৱাঈ উৰী hawai uri • Marathi: घेवडा ghevada, वारवा varava • Mizo: bepui • Oriya: semi • Prakrit: सिम्वा simba • Sanskrit: अङ्गुलिफला anguliphala, शिम्बा shimba • Tamil: சிவப்பவரை civappavarai, காட்டுமொச்சை kattu-moccai, பாலவரை pal-avarai, வெள்ளவரை vel-l-avarai • Telugu: చిక్కుడు chikkudu • Urdu: سيم sem Native to: Africa; cultivated pan-tropically Edible use: … fresh seeds (as VEGETABLE) … Wikipedia<> Re: [efloraofindia:92608] Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :: Lablab purpureus in north-west Maharashtra: Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet LAB-lab — aboriginal name pur-PUR-ee-us — purple Dec 18, 2009 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra commonly known as: bonavista bean, dolichos bean, Egyptian kidney bean, field bean, hyacinth bean, lablab bean, pendal bean, pole bean, poor man’s bean, waby bean • Assamese: উৰহী urashi • Bengali: শিম sheem • Gujarati: વાલ vaal • Hindi: सेम sem • Kannada: ಕಪ್ಪರದವರೆ capparadavare • Malayalam: അമര amara • Manipuri: হৱাঈ উৰী hawai uri • Marathi: घेवडा ghevada, वारवा varava • Mizo: bepui • Oriya: semi • Prakrit: सिम्वा simba • Sanskrit: अङ्गुलिफला anguliphala, शिम्बा shimba • Tamil: சிவப்பவரை civappavarai, காட்டுமொச்சை kattu-moccai, பாலவரை pal-avarai, வெள்ளவரை vel-l-avarai • Telugu: చిక్కుడు chikkudu • Urdu: سيم sem Native to: Africa; cultivated pan-tropically some views: Nov 23, 2008 … at Thane, Maharashtra Dec 26, 2009 … at Rajguru Nagar, near Pune Jan 29, 2011 … at Kohoj Fort, near Manor, Maharashtra . Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: syn: Dolichos lablab L Common Names: Hyacinth bean, lablab bean, lubia bean, sem bean, Indian bean, bonavist bean Climber with trifoliate leaves, leaflets triangular-ovate or rhombic, up to 15 cm long; flowers purple or white; pod flattened, up to 8 cm long, pointed at both ends. Photographed from Botanical garden, Khalsa College, Delhi Yes commonly observed in many kitchen garden but not photographed unless from botanists. Makes a tasty vegetable Common Escape here in our area! . Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: Lablab pupureus from Delhi: but This bean … the entire group… needs to be studied in INDIAN context…. proteins and lectins ie genes are different in different “members” of beans that are all lumped by plant list and kew as dolichos lablab / lablab purpurens… May be we can have a week just for the lablab in feb or march next year … gives us time to collect data and grow a few of these ourselves in our yards and or balconies… this ‘ONE ” name is a source of much much confusion… for me.. at least… . Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Climber/Climbing shrubs : Lablab purpureus: Lablab purpureus Munnar Kerala
Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: RVS13: Lablab purpureus: Tasty vagetable!!!! I like Bhaaji made by it [EfloraIndia_201211PD05_Lablab purpureus_Flora of Odisha]: A nice display esp. of reproductive parts of the flower. SYMBIOSIS : 113/114/115: 113 A male of Purple Sunbird on the flowers of Dolichos lablab. 114 Female of Purple Sunbird on the flowers of Bignonia venusta. 115Female of Purple Sunbird on the flowers of Clerodendron splendens.
Jan2015sk01 – Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (8) very nice it was indeed dull but we can always make it bright ideas filled day, cant we.. you did Beautiful upload it is Lablab purpureus Thank you Sir, one more picture, recorded today. Attachments (1) Wonderful pictures and video … Thank you very much …, my mother also grows it, as can be seen in these pictures! In this winter season they make delicious curry with cabbages 🙂 . Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight: Lablab pupureus from Delhi-GSOCT25/30 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet, Hort. brit. ed. 1:481. 1826 syn: Dolichos lablab L. Common Names: Hyacinth bean, lablab bean, lubia bean, sem bean, Indian bean, bonavist bean Climber with trifoliate leaves, leaflets triangular-ovate or rhombic, up to 15 cm long; flowers purple or white; pod flattened, up to 8 cm long, pointed at both ends. Photographed from Botanical garden, Khalsa College, Delhi Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Dolichos lablab:: NS OCT 50/50 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4) This climbing legume is a frequent escape near habitations, the shared shots are from Ambala, Haryana.. this one is having white flowers..!! Grin tells that this is now known as Lablab purpureus (L.) Sw. subsp. purpureus Please correct the id, I can go wrong.. Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Lablab purpureus :: Manor, Pune, Thane :: DVOCT92 : 1 post by 1 author. 13 images. Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet at Kohoj fort on January 29, 2011 at Rajgurunagar on December 26, 2009 at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on December 18, 2009 at Thane on November 23, 2008 Fabaceae (Faboideae)Fortnight ::Ghevada?? ::Mumbai::PKA-OCT-36: : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Kindly help me with the ID.. Yes to me … Flower for Id -ID19042016SH2 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2) Flower for Id pl. Location – Vasai ( Dist.-Palghar, Maharashtra) Date – 15.12.2013 likely to be Lablab purpureus. can you find some beans on the vine Thanks … No, I didn’t observe beans on the plant. Maybe pollination had not occured yet. if they look like what we call VALOR in gujarati Phaseolus vulgaris Is it “rajama” ( राजमा) you mean to say … ? The flowers look like the ones of Lablab purpureus to me. What we call in Marathi as Val Papdi. Thanks, … for the Id. I think it matches with images at Lablab purpureus ID requested..its a wild climber now a days blooming and covering its nearby vegetation..Lahore Pakistan : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Pl. check with images at Sir. it resembles with Lablab purpureus. Thanks alot Sir however mostly google images show purple flowers instead of white. Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet ??? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Location: Chautara, Nepal Date: 18 December 2017 Altitude: 4600 ft. Appears so. Nepali Names : हिउँदे सिमि Hiunde Simi / सिमि Simi / राज सिमि Raaj Simi Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet : 13 posts by 3 authors. 7 images- 6 to 7 mb each. Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal Date: 07 September 2020 Altitude: 1300 m. Habitat : Cultivated Nepali Names : राज सिमी Raaj Simee / टाटे सिमी Taate Simee / सिमी Simee Plenty grown here and available in the market. Avarekayi in Kannada. Here too. Nicely grown.. Is it organic? Yes! ohh nice… how to protect it from larvae of flies I have no such problem. Beans for ID : Flower Show : Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Bangalore : 11SEP20 : AK-19 : 11 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Beans seen in the vegetable section of the Flower Show in January. There are so many varieties and it could be one of them. One of the broad bean variety. There are innumerable varieties as said by … Chapparadavare in Kannada. Is it Lablab purpurea ? Thanks … I don’t have any idea.
Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week: -Beans flowers: I hope Lathyrus odoratus????? Does not look like L. odoratus as flowers are more than 3 in an inflorescence, L. latifolius is possible but peduncle and stem needs to be seen Lablab ! Wild? Cultivated? Location ? Date? Elevation ? Flower for Id- ID04022015SH1 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Flower for Id pl. Location – Vasai. Date- 15.12.2013 Habitat –Wild . Climber for ID : Fabaceae : Nasik : 24JAN22 : AK – 35: Climber seen on a fence of a field. Beans were flat with a purplish color. Dolichos Species? Lablab purpurea ! This is edible. Fruit (raw) vegetable is used and sold in the market. . Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Apr 13, 2008 · JUN23 DV201: 1 image. . Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet :: Thane, Maharashtra :: Nov 23, 2008 · JUN23 DV502: 6 images. Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet Thane, Maharashtra :: Nov 23, 2008 · 9:18 AM IST :: about 11 m (36 ft) asl
. References: The Plant List GRIN Flora of China Flora of Pakistan Flora of Nepal Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post Flowers of India ENVIS – FRLHT Tropical Forages lablablab DDSA Wikipedia Dave’s garden HEAR PFAF Dolichos bean, Lablab bean, Hyacinth bean, Field bean, Common bean, Indian bean, Pole bean, Kidney bean, Bonavist bean, Waby bean, Lubia bean, Tonga bean, Kikuyu bean, Seim, Avare, Avarai, Anumulu, Wal, Mochai, Bata |
Lablab purpureus
Updated on December 24, 2024