Mimosa diplotricha var. inermis (Adelb.) M.K. Alam & M. Yusof, Bangladesh J. Bot. 21(1): 55 1992. (syn: Mimosa diplotricha var. inermis (Adelb.) Veldkamp); Indonesia (N) ; Irian Jaya (N); Jawa (N); Mauritius (I); Papua New Guinea (N); Sri Lanka (I) as per ILDIS; Straggling subshrubs; stem 4-angular, without prickles. Leaves alternate to 12 cm long; rachis, tomentose; pinnae 5-10 pairs; leaflets c.20 pairs, oblong, 3-7 by 0.75-1 mm, overlapping, base oblique-truncate, apex acute-mucronate. Flowers pink. Lomentum flat, margin with recurved prickles; seeds 3-5, subrhombic. Flowering and fruiting: October-December Weed in degraded forests, also in the plains Native of Tropical America; a weed in India (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal) Ornamental scrambling shrub, as sensitive as M. pudica, produces seedlings, photographed today (22.11.15) in Hooghly. efi page on Mimosa diplotricha Yrs kit is Mimosa diplotricha at Hooghly. Mimosa for ID : 090811 : AK-1: Taken these pictures at Kumarakom, Kerala on 17/10/08. Shrubs, growing wild by the roadside, very close to the backwaters. It may be Mimosa hamata or some other sp.; it doesn’t look like M. pudica to me. I feel it just look like Mimosa invisa (Exotic plant). Please check Stem angular, plant without prickles indicates that this could be Mimosa diplotricha var. diplotricha Sauvalle Fabaceae – Mimosoideae ( Mimosaceae) Week :: Mimosa for ID : 090811 : AK-1: Taken these pictures at Kumarakom, Kerala on 17/10/08. Shrubs, growing wild by the roadside, very close to the backwaters. Mimosa diplotricha C. Wight ex Sanvalle var. inermis (Adelb.) Veldk. That seems interesting ….A totally new and unheard of Mimosa. |
Mimosa diplotricha var. inermis
Updated on December 24, 2024