Mimosa polyancistra Benth. (syn: Mimosa hystricosa Brandegee); India (I) ; Andhra Pradesh; Tamil Nadu; Mexico (U) as per ILDIS; This taxon is known predominately from pine-oak and tropical montane deciduous woodland. This taxon is endemic to Mexico found from Sinaloa to Chiapas Province.
sharing Acasia caesia images : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) I wish to share the images of Acasia caesia Syn. Mimosa caesia To me these appear close to images at Senegalia torta (Roxb.) Maslin, Seigler & Ebinger rather than those at Senegalia caesia (L.) Maslin et al. The images are not Senagalia they are Mimosa polyancestra Yes, Mimosa. References: Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 ILDIS IUCN Red List (LC) demonstration portal – Kew Consortium of Intermountain Herbaria Embryology and Apomixis in Grasses By T. Pullaiah, G. N. V. Febulaus (2000- details with keys) |
Mimosa polyancistra
Updated on December 24, 2024