Mimosa rubicaulis Lam. (Syn: Mimosa intsia sensu auct. non L.; Mimosa mutabilis Roxb.; Mimosa octandra Roxb.); Afghanistan (N); India (N); Andhra Pradesh ; Arunachal Pradesh ; Assam; Bihar; Delhi ; Goa; Gujarat; Haryana; Himachal Pradesh; Jammu-Kashmir; Karnataka; Kerala; Madhaya Pradesh; Maharashtra; Manipur; Meghalaya; Mizoram; Nagaland; Orissa ; Pondicherry; Punjab; Rajasthan ; Sikkim; Tamil Nadu; Tripura ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal; Yanan ; Sierra Leone (I) as per ILDIS; Common name: South-Indian Mimosa • Kannada: rasne, urisige • Malayalam: kattusinikka, katcheenikoi • Marathi: arai • Sanskrit: Rala-arlu, Sajjaka • Tamil: Ingai, igai, ikkagodi • Telugu: kodimudusu, korinda, putakorinda I could locate the following differences between the two species M. rubicaulis M. hamata Pinnae usually more than 5 pairs Pinnae usually not more than 5 pairs Midrib lateral Midrib near middle of leaflet Flowers rose coloured fading white Flowers red Pod sutures glabrous Pod sutures armed with hooked prickles Attached images may be Mimosa sp. Please ID the plant. Date :13.11.2013 Location: Kamrup district, Assam Family :Mimosaceae Genus & species : Mimosa sp. (?) Habitat: Grows wild on side of Railway tract. Habit : Smal tree, It seems to be Mimosa rubicaulis. Key (Mimosa) can be found in efi thread. I agree with …
Mimosa rubicaulis Lam SN May 13 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1). Mimosa rubicaulis Lam. Straggling shrub in the scrub jungles with hooked prickles. Mimosaceae Liane for identification MK NOV-001 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (14) Please help me to identify this liane found on dense scrubs and along roadsides of moist forests. Initially the habit is Shrub, later it forms as liane-form. Inflorescence: 2-3 cm across Date: 01 Nov 2014 Place: Coimbatore Dist., TN Alt.: 650 m asl Acacia sp Can this be Mimosa rubicaulis ??.. It is Mimosa rubicaulis Lam Mimosa hamata or Mimosa rubicaulis. Need to check the differentiating features. Identification : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) Kindly help to identify the species. The genus is Mimosa. I have checked the key on efloraofindia site. But it is confusing for a layman like me. Can anybody suggest tips for identification in the field. When I visit the place next time I can look for those distinguishing characteristics. I can post more photos if it helps in identifying the species. Date/Time- 10 SEP 2019 Location-Place, Altitude, GPS- Savandurga 12° 55′ 3.64” N 77° 17′ 56.08” E. Altitude 852.9 Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub Height/Length- 2 meters Flower – Pink heads Looks like Mimosa rubicaulis Lam. Please check Mimosa ! I agree Can you show us the number of pinnae in a leaf clearly, to go through the keys and finally decide on the species ? agree with … need to count the pinnae, before the key….. otherwise this is a dx stop at Mimosa sp. I counted the pinnae at few places. The average is 13 to 16 pairs. I am also attaching two photos for your reference. If this is not sufficient I will do another field trip in future. Thanks, …, You are giving is no. of leaflet pairs. But this is a compound leaf with many pinnae. Each pinnae has many pair of leaflets. Pl. see https://qforquestions.com/describe-simple-compound-leaf Regarding Mimosa rubicaulis Plant plant information : 3 posts by 3 authors. Any body can provide me the Plant Mimosa rubicaulis for authentication. It will be in flowering now in scrub forests of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka. References:
Mimosa rubicaulis
Updated on December 24, 2024