Paracalyx scariosus (Roxb.) Ali (syn. Cylistascariosa Roxb.); par-uh-KAL-iks — from Greek para (alongwith) and calyx (covering) ska-ree-OH-sus — thin, dry, shrivelled commonly known as: no common name in English • Marathi: रान घेवडा ran ghevada Distribution: Nepal, India, Myanmar, Thailand . identification no200211sn1: Some new plants for id. taken at my farm in Mulshi, Pune in feb. i am pleased to share one of the rare sighting of a climber with full bloom Name: Atylosia volubilis Family: Fabaceae Place of collectiion: Ranpur, Nayagarh, Odisha Habit: Climber Habitat: Wild in scrub forests. I too have never seen this beautiful flower. Would you please upload the picture of whole plant. sorry for delayed query, are you sure this plat is Atylosia voluvilis? to me it looks like Paracalyx scabrus, but I have not seen Atylosia voluvilis in flowering stage, so just I want to clarify my doubt. Yes … This is A. volubilis. I have also matched this with herbarium specimens deposited in two herbaria of Odisha. Paracalyx scariosus as per images herein & not Cajanus crassus (King) Maesen (syn. Atylosia volubilis) as per images herein. Creeper for ID : 010511 : AK-2: Taken at Nasik, Maharashtra on the 26th of Feb,2011….growing with the support of the Carissa bush. Is it Ran Ghevda? – Paracalyx scarious Marathi name: Ran ghevada Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :: Paracalyx scariosus- PKA9: This one is a Climber growing upto 5m with hairy & twining branches. Bot. name: Paracalyx scariosus Family: Fabaceae Local (Marathi name): Ran Ghevada Location: At “Katrabaichi Khind” (Kumshet- Ratangad region), Maharashtra. Habitat: Wild Yes Ran ghewda. The season of this must have statrted by now in Western ghats. Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week : Climber/Climbing shrubs : Paracalyx scariosus: Paracalyx scariosus Fabaceae-Faboideae (Papilionaceae) Week :: Paracalyx scariosus in northern Western Ghats: Paracalyx scariosus (Roxb.) Ali par-uh-KAL-iks — from Greek para (alongwith) and calyx (covering) ska-ree-OH-sus — thin, dry, shrivelled Dec 20, 2009 … at Jawahar, Maharashtra commonly known as: no common name in English • Marathi: रान घेवडा ran ghevada Distribution: Nepal, India, Myanmar, Thailand some views: Feb 12, 2011 … at Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra Feb 7, 2009 … at Ghodbunder Fort, Maharashtra Dec 27, 2008 … at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Maharashtra Jan 26, 2008 … along Saphale Ghat, Maharashtra Id Plz: i will like to know name of this fabaceae climber it is having trifoliate leaves it is seen at Sindhudurg MH on 25th Jan.2013 Not sure bt i hope its a Paracalyx sp. Yeah thanks it is Paracalyx scariosus 🙂 Shrub ID request – RK101 – 11-Feb-2013: Requesting identification of this shrub seen at Chinchoti. The leaves are trifoliate and it is flowering now. I think it belongs to Flemingia genus but not sure of species. The flowers are yellow. This is Ran-ghevda [Paracalyx scariosus]. Agree with … Paracalyx scariosus (Roxb.) Ali is quite possible. … Clarify once again whether it was a Shrub or a Climber . Thanks a lot … and … It looked like a shrubby plant and is about 2 feet tall at the most. Paracalyx scariosus—for sharing and validation : 1 post by 1 author. Pic of Ran ghevda, taken at ambyvalley rd., lonavala, pune in feb14 Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Paracalyx scariosus :: n Western Ghats :: DVOCT101 : 1 post by 1 author. 12 images. Paracalyx scariosus (Roxb.) Ali at Jawahar on December 20, 2009 at Karnala Bird Sanctuary on February 12, 2011 at Ghodbunder fort on February 7, 2009 at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on December 15, 2008 at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on December 27, 2008 at Saphale Ghat on January 26, 2008
Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Paracalyx scariosus :: Lonavala :: PKA-OCT-11 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Common name: Ran Ghevada रान घेवडा (Marathi) Botanical name: Paracalyx scariosus Location: Lonavala Fabaceae (Faboideae)Fortnight :: Paracalyx scariosus ::Katrabai chi Khind :: PKA-OCT-21:: : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Marathi name: Ran Ghevada Bot. . Namee: Paracalyx scariosus Family: Fabaceae Location: “Katrabaichi Khind“, Fabacaceae week ,twinner for identification : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3) attaching images of a twinner taken on 21 nov, from Dindori Nasik, to me it looks like some Rhynchosia spp, please help to identify it my last post on nov 22 seems to be Paracalyx scariosa, please validate Paracalyx scariosus OR Paracalyx scariosa to me too. is it wild or planted? A climber at moist deciduous habitat. Trifoliate, pubescence, tip accuminate, Base obtuse rounded, Racemose (Corymb) inflorescence. Locality-Bhadra wildlife santuary, Shivamogga, Karnataka. Please help with ID … must be Paracalyx scariosus. If you get to know local name for this plant, please put it here. Yes it looks like P cariosus ID of this Fabaceae member. : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Pl help me to ID this Fabaceae member. May a Rhynchosia sp. Climber (Twinner). Pod formation yet to occur. The plant was observed in Yelagiri Hills, Tamil nadu. Attachments (1) How about Paracalyx scariosus? Exactly. Paracalyxscariosus (Roxb.) Ali
Climber for ID :: Hatgad near Saputara :: ARKFEB-05 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) Saw this climber on a hill and many other places by the roadside at Hatgad near Saputara. GJ in Feb 2017. Is this Paracalyx scariosus? Please validate. Paracalyx scariosa (Roxb.) Ali
Fabaceae undershrub for ID :: NOV2017 MK003- 2 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8) Please help me in identifying this Fabaceae climber found over the shrubs of Deciduous forests. Could this be any Rhynchosia sp.? Location: Masinagudi, Nilgiris, TN Alt.: 945 m asl Date: 04 Nov 2017 Pl check for Paracalyx scariosus Yes, Paracalyx scariosus Wild climber with dried up yellow flowers seen in Karla, near Lonavala in March,19. Could be Paracalyx scariosus? Leguminosae ?? Paracalyx scariosus is correct. It looks like Paracalyx scariosusof fabaceae
Climber for ID : Nasik : 02DEC20 : AK-02A wild climber. Could be Paracalyx scariosus? 2 images. I guess ID is correct ! I too agree with both of you, |
Paracalyx scariosus
Updated on December 24, 2024