Rhynchosia aurea (Willd.) DC. (Syn: Glycine aurea Willd.; Glycine elongata Roth; Hedysarum aureum Rottler; Nomismia aurea (Willd.) Wight & Arn.; Rhynchosia elongata DC.); . Slender trailing annual herb; leaves pinnately trfoliate, leaflets obovate to rhomboidal up to 5 cm long, pubescent on both surfaces; flowers yellow in raceme; calyx up to 15 mm long, teeth 3-4 times as long as tube, setaceous, lowest longest; pod globose, up to 15 mm in diam, 2-seeded. . India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Assam; Bihar ; Delhi ; Goa ; Gujarat ; Haryana ; Himachal Pradesh ; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh ; Maharashtra ; Meghalaya ; Orissa; Pondicherry; Punjab ; Rajasthan; Tamil Nadu ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal ; Sri Lanka (N) as per ILDIS; . Plant Wealth of the Lower Ganga Delta: An Eco-taxonomical Approach By Kumudranjan Naskar (Description & Keys- R. aurea & R. minima) . Plains to Low Altitude, Dry Localities Karnataka: Belgaum, Shimoga Tamil Nadu: All districts Fabaceae for ID Pakkamalei, Tamil Nadu NAW-OCT-27 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Rhynchosia aurea (Willd.) DC. Rhynchosia aurea (Willd.) DC. 15Jan SN 16 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2). Rhynchosia aurea (Willd.) DC, small wild climber from Kancheepuram district of Tamilnadu Need id of plant 02 from Morena, M.P : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Need id of plant 02 from Morena, M.P 25 October 19 Pleas check https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/a—l/f/fabaceae Last image is most important for ID. It is Rhynchosia aurea. It differs from R .minima in having a globular pod, against 1.5 to 2cm long flt pod in R .minima. Flower differs too …R .minima is said to have smaller flowers, standard up to 8mm, in R.aurea 12 to 15 mm in various keys … but I regularly see R .minima with bigger than 8 mm standard. So , to me pod is most important point to look for.
Please help me in identifying this twiner on ground. Is this any Rhynchosia aurea? Flower: 1.5 cm across Habitat: scrub forest floor and fallow land Date: 09 May 2015 Location: near Kelambakkam, TN Alt.: 28 m asl efi page on Rhynchosia aurea It must be Rhynchosia minima. Check the size of leaves with description I think more closer to images at Rhynchosia aurea (Willd.) DC. rather than images at Rhynchosia minima (L.) DC. Rhynchosia aurea 04082013 BRS 502 : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 2 authors. Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. confirmation. Is it Rhynchosia sp.? Location: Adyar, Chennai Habitat: urban Habit: herb Yes. Rhynchosia aurea Id request for attached plants. Location- Salem (Altitude- 3000 ft.) Month – Dec, 2017 Check for Rhynchosia sp. It is Rhynchosia minima of Fabaceae To me appears more closer to Rhynchosia aurea rather than Rhynchosia minima as per images and details herein. yes I agree with you . ID help needed: tiny yellow trifoliate legume: 2 high res. images. Bhopal; black soil 25/12/2021 Please check Rhynchosia ! Details not clear. I think it is close to images at Rhynchosia aurea (Willd.) DC. Looks right . References: The Plant List Ver. 1.1 ILDIS GRIN India Biodiversity Portal Plant Wealth of the Lower Ganga Delta: An Eco-taxonomical Approach By Kumudranjan Naskar (Description & Keys- R. aurea & R. minima) |
Rhynchosia aurea
Updated on December 24, 2024