Senna siamea

Siamese/ thai/ yellow Cassia, Ironwood tree, Bombay blackwood, Thailand shower, Siamese Senna • Hindi: Seemia, Kassod कसोद • Marathi: Kassod • Kannada: Sima tangedu, Hiretangedi, Motovolanyaro • Tamil: Manjal konrai, Manje-konne, Chelumalarkkonrai • Malayalam: Manjakonna, Manjakonnei • Telugu: Sima tangedu, Kurumbi;
SEN-nuh — Latin form of Arabic word for a thorny bush
SI-am-ee-ya — of or from Siam (Thailand)
Native to: Indo-China, Malaysia; naturalized / cultivated throughout tropics
India (I) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Arunachal Pradesh ; Assam ; Bihar ; Delhi ; Goa ; Gujarat ; Haryana; Himachal Pradesh; Jammu-Kashmir ; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh ; Maharashtra; Manipur ; Meghalaya; Mizoram ; Nagaland ; Orissa ; Pondicherry ; Punjab ; Rajasthan ; Sikkim; Tamil Nadu ; Tripura ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal & other countries as per ILDIS;
Large tree reaching 30 m with up to 30 cm long leaves having 4-16 pairs of up to 7 cm long leaflets, glands absent; stipules minute 1 mm, caducous; flowers yellow in panicles of corymbs up to 12 cm long; pedicels 3-4 cm long; petals up to 2 cm long, upper clawed; stamens 10, upper three reduced; pod up to 30 cm long.

I hope you meant Senna spectabilis

Yes Sir Senna spectabilis

Should be Senna siamea only as per images herein.

Cassia for ID : 190111 : AK-2:
Taken at Gangajal Nursery, Nasik, Maharashtra on the 1st of October,2010. A tree of medium height.


Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Pune  Kothrud
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- On the Roadside
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- big Tree
Height/Length- I cannot specify
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-green
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- spectacular yellow flowers
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-Green berries
Never seen this before in Pune I am surprised

Yes Senna siamea (syn: Cassia siamea) seems to be the likely choice.

cassia siamea or Senna siamea  hindi name chakundi

I too think that this is Senna siamea (Lam.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby of Leguminosae family.
May be the attached file would be useful for getting more information.

Cassia siamea. काशीद
A favourite of Garden dept. Pune Municipal Corp.for roadside plantation.
Non native


efloraofindia:”For Id 230520121MR1’’ medium height tree at Pune:
May 2012
Would appreciate your help to Id this tree of about 20-25 feet at Kothrud Pune outside a temple
No flowers or fruits were seen.

This is obviously an ornamental species of Cassia possibly Cassia siamea.

Cassia siamea

Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) Week: Is this Senna siamea ? flora of Jaipur:
Photographed this medium sized tree in Jaipur on 6th nov 2011.
8-9 pair of leaflets, Leaves rounded at d base n d apx.

Yes … The flowering month also matches, November-December


Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) :: Senna siamea in Chakan:
Bot. name: Senna siamea     
Family: Caesalpiniaceae
Plant Habit: Tree
Location: Chakan, Maharashtra
Date/Time: 05-11-2011 / 08:00AM

Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) Week: Cassia for ID Pune 7/12/2011SMP1:
A tree planted on roadside. Pune
Sorry for poor quality pictures.
Is it Cassia siamea or Cassia surattensis?

I think yes
Correct name Senna siamea

SEN-nuh — Latin form of Arabic word for a thorny bush
SI-am-ee-ya — of or from Siam (Thailand)
Nov 5, 2011 … along NH50 near Chakan, Maharashtra
commonly known as: Siamese cassia, Siamese senna, Thai cassia, Thailand shower
Native to: Indo-China, Malaysia; naturalized / cultivated throughout tropics
more views: Nov 5, 2011 … along NH50 near Chakan, Maharashtra
Aug 8, 2008 … along NH3 near Padgha, Maharashtra 

A nice set indeed. Naturalised tree. A favourite of Pune corporation for roadside plantation due to its fast growth.

Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) Week: Senna siamea from IOCL Panipat Area:
Senna siamea from IOCL Panipat Area
pls validate
this tree is one of the trees supplied by forest Deptt to people for plantation in common land Roadside areas


efloraofindia:”05122011MR5’’ “Fabaceae-Caesalpinioidea (Caesalpiniaceae) Week: Senna siamea at Pune:
Sharing images of Senna siamea
Photographed on roadside in Kothrud area at Pune in Sep 2011

Common Avenue Tree in Haryana Also

I happened to travel to the same area today again. Attaching pics of pods of the same tree but it was late evening and could not get very clear pics


Fabaceae-Caesalpinioideae (Caesalpiniaceae) Week: Senna siamea from Delhi:
Senna siamea (Lam.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby, Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 35:98. 1982

syn: Cassia siamea Lam.
Common names: kassodtree, Siamese cassia, Siamese senna, Thai cassia, Thailand shower
Large tree reaching 30 m with up to 30 cm long leaves having 4-16 pairs of up to 7 cm long leaflets, glands absent; stipules minute 1 mm, caducous; flowers yellow in panicles of corymbs up to 12 cm long; pedicels 3-4 cm long; petals up to 2 cm long, upper clawed; stamens 10, upper three reduced; pod up to 30 cm long.
Common avenue tree in Delhi flowering in November-December, photographed from Vikas Puri.

Senna sp. from Hooghly:
Attaching images of a Senna sp.
Species : Senna siamea (Lam.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby
Roadside tree, about 25 feet
leaf = compound, rachis 17 cm, leaflets 7 pairs, petiole 0.3 cm, leaflet (longest) 6 cm x 2.1 cm
flower diam. 3.7 cm, pedicel 2.6 cm, longest filament 1 cm, carpel 1.8 cm
pod 19.5 cm x 1 cm
Date : 13/8/12, 10.00 A.M. (pod from another tree)
Place : Gobra (Hooghly)
ID help :
efi thread

Looks like Senna siamia, but then it flowers in Delhi only in November-December

Thank you for the probable ID of this tree, the keys you compiled to identify Cassia complex is excellent for an average user like me. A website informs, “…The flowering period is long, and flowers may often be found at various seasons (Troup 1921)….” for Senna siamea

For the past few months whatever i have learnt about plants is from you, and …
Attaching a pdf file, available at –



Request for ID GD28112012:
a friend of mine (and me too) is pretty curious about exactly what this tree is. We, as laymen, call it subabool (as we call many other similar trees). These are planted roadside in Nagpur and are very common. Please reply.

most of the babool are some species of Acacia OR Leucaena … this is not subabool. It is some species of Cassia.

Yes it is Cassia. Any possibilities for this to be C.siamea ?

Closeup of a flower and buds

a twig with pods

Most probably it is Senna siamea (= Cassia siamea) just as … hinted … family Fabaceae.
Commonly known as: Siamese cassia, Siamese senna, Thai cassia, Thailand shower … no vernacular names
Native of Indo-China, Malaysia; naturalized / cultivated throughout tropics.

Yes, seems like that. Thanks all.

Senna sp. from Assam : Attachments (7). 4 posts by 3 authors.

Attached images may be Senna sp. Please ID the plant.  
Date :21.10.2013
Location: Kamrup district, Assam
Family : Caesalpiniaceae
Genus & species : Senna sp.
Habitat: Grows wild on road side
Habit :Tree 

Senna siamea I hope

Yes Senna siamea (Lam.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby. It is blooming nowadays in subtropics.

Yes one of the few trees flowering profusely in November-December at least in Delhi.

Senna siamea (Lam.) Irwin et Barneby (Fabaceae)
It is a medium-size, evergreen tree growing up to 18 m with beautiful yellow flowers. It is often used as shade tree in cocoa, coffee and tea plantations. Leaves are alternate, pinnately compound, with slender, green-reddish, tinged axis and 6 to 12 pairs of leaflets on short stalks, rounded at both ends.
Photographed from Hedua Park (near Scottish Church College), Kolkata, West Bengal during 2010.

Images by tspkumar


TSP-MAY2016-59-387-Images of Senna siamea (Fabaceae) : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

It is my pleasure to present a few images of Senna siamea (Fabaceae 

Habit: Tree 

Habitat: Wild, Wasteland 

Sighting: Chikmagalur and Tumkur, Karnataka, about 1200 msl and 800 msl 

Date:29-05-2014, 06-11-2014, 16-11-2014, 24-11-2014 and 06-10-2015

6/10/07 in Kolkata; delhi on 14.4.08; Aare Millk Colony, Mumbai: 2nd May 2009; 4th week Sept. 2010, Chandagal village,  Mysore dist.;Trees of Delhi- flowers in two distinct peaks, the major one after the rains lasting into Dec., a shorter one in May. As per link- the flowering period is long, and flowers may often be found at various seasons.


Senna siamea from Kaikondrahalli lake, Bangalore-GS27012022-4: 5 very high res. images.
Senna siamea photographed from near Kaikondrahalli lake, Bangalore, 17-9-2015.


Tree from Bilaspur for id: Mixed thread: 3 images.
Request for I’d of another tree (not in flowering) from Bilaspur. Photographed in March 2022.

Check please
Senna sophera?

Senna siamea


Senna? sp.for ID from Lal Bagh Bangalore-GS17052022-5: 4 very high res. images.
Please help with the ID of Senna? sp. photographed from Lal Bagh, Bangalore, 29-5-2015.

I think close to images at Senna siamea

Thanks …, I think you are right.


I’d of cultivated tree Senna: 2 high res. images.
Request for I’d of commonly cultivated tree Senna from Bilaspur. Photographed in February, 2023

Pl. check—l/f/fabaceae/senna/senna-siamea

I guess the correct ID


Fabaceae: Senna siamea (Lam.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby: 1 image.
synonym: Cassia siamea Lam.
location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994


Fabaceae: Senna cyamea: 5 high res. images.
Senna cyamea

Synm. Cassia cyamea
From Andhra University campus, Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh

Correct spelling is Senna siamea


Updated on December 24, 2024

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