Teramnus labialis

Teramnus labialis (L.f.) Spreng. (Syn: Glycine labialis L.; Glycine parviflora Zollinger ex Miq.; Kennedya arabica Hochst. ex Benth.; Kennedya arabica Benth. [Spelling variant];             Bujacia gampsonychia E.Mey.; Glycine abyssinica A.Rich.; Glycine debilis Aiton; Glycine debilis [Dryander in] Aiton; Glycine gampsonychia (E.Mey.) Walp.; Glycine meyeri Benth.; Glycine parviflora Lam.; Glycine pentandra Spreng.; Glycine subonensis Hayata; Glycine warreensis Dalzell; Teramnus angustifolius Merr.; Teramnus axilliflorus sensu Hauman; Teramnus debilis (Aiton) Prain; Teramnus labialis “sensu Hauman, p.p.”; Teramnus labialis sensu Baker; Teramnus parviflorus (Lam.) Spreng.; Teramnus repens “sensu Hauman, p.p.”);
India (N) ; Andhra Pradesh ; Arunachal Pradesh ; Assam ; Bihar ; Dadra-Nagar-Haveli ; Delhi ; Goa ; Gujarat ; Haryana ; Himachal Pradesh ; Jammu-Kashmir ; Karnataka ; Kerala ; Madhaya Pradesh ; Maharashtra ; Manipur; Meghalaya ; Nagaland; Orissa; Pondicherry ; Punjab ; Rajasthan ; Sikkim ; Tamil Nadu ; Tripura ; Uttar Pradesh ; West Bengal & other countries as per ILDIS;

Different books and efloras give different and contradicting keys, which are not actually correct on all accounts:

Book image in the Flora of Peninsular India gives, two sets of keys, out of which first set (based on calyx) may not be correct. Keys in 2nd set are below:
Leaflets ovate, acute, nearly glabrous, racemes very slender, near glabrous, pod glabrous- Teramnus labialis
Leaflets ovate- lanceolate, acute, strigosely hairy, racemes slender, villous with spreading hairs, pod villous- Teramnus mollis
I found the following entries in the “Bengal Plants”, on Teramnus species :-
(i) leaflets small, acute or sub-obtuse; racemes elongated, usually stalked. Leaflets membranous, sparsely hirsute; calyx teeth as long as tube —– T. labialis Spreng. (a slender twining species in all provinces).
(ii) leaflets small, acute or sub-obtuse; racemes elongated, usually stalked. Leaflets sub-coriaceous, densely pubescent beneath; calyx teeth shorter than tube —– T. debilis Prain (Syn. of Teramnus mollis Benth.) (a slender twining species in C. & E, Bengal).
(iii) leaflets large, acuminate or acute; racemes congested, sessile; calyx teeth shorter than tube —– T. flexilis Benth. (a rather robust twining species in Sundribuns and Chittagong).
In another common species Teramnus labialis have glabrous pods, while they are hairy in Teramnus mollis; 



Teramnus labialis? :
Teramnus labialis? Bangalore mysore road. After Ramnagara. on garden fences, coconut gardens etc.

Yes it is Teramnus labialis, a climber widespresd in plains of India.

thanks for good photo and identification
A must for Ayurvedic studies

its classically known as mas-parni or mashaparni or ban-urad
any modern well documented CLINICAL STUDIES? Papers?


trifol fab tiny flr Hooghly 25-01-13 sk :
Found this twiner beside a pond, climbing on a Bauhinia sapling.

Species : UNKNOWN
H & H : slim twiner beside a pond, seems to be not ornamental or planted
Date : 24/1/13
Place : Hooghly

Seems to me Teramnus volubilis!

Thank you very much Sir for the probable ID, found similar image at – http://www.flickr.com/photostream/.

Teramnus volubilis seems to be is restricted to the Americas as per the following links:
Is it cultivated in India ?

I found the following entries in the “Bengal Plants”, on Teramnus species :-
(i) leaflets small, acute or sub-obtuse; racemes elongated, usually stalked. Leaflets membranous, sparsely hirsute; calyx teeth as long as tube —– T. labialis Spreng. (a slender twining species in all provinces).
(ii) leaflets small, acute or sub-obtuse; racemes elongated, usually stalked. Leaflets sub-coriaceous, densely pubescent beneath; calyx teeth shorter than tube —– T. debilis Prain (a slender twining species in C. & E, Bengal).
(iii) leaflets large, acuminate or acute; racemes congested, sessile; calyx teeth shorter than tube —– T. flexilis Benth. (a rather robust twining species in Sundribuns and Chittagong).
So, this species seems to be the T. labialis Spreng.
I thank all, specially … for introducing me to this genus.

I believe … is now able to resolve the identity.


Wild Vine For ID : Jijamata Udyan,Mumbai : 071013 : AK-2 : Attachments (4). 5 posts by 2 authors.
Taken on 27/8/13 at VJBU or Jijamata Udyan in Mumbai.
Could not focus on the flower being very tiny

It could possibly be Teramnus labialis.

Thanks a lot.
Seems to be the right id.

Difficult to photograph because the flowers are tiny. Sending a few photographs.
My photographs of Teramnus labialis var. mollis are available at this link

Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Teramnus labialis ??:: Mumbai :: PKA-OCT-07 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Teramnus labialis ?? from Mumbai.

efi page on Teramnus labialis with images of …


Fabaceae: I’d confirm pls : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
At Adalaj

I think Teramnus labialis
Size indication would have helped..

fabaceae for id mm4 10162011: 3 correct images as above.
very small flowers, no bigger than 3 mm
mostly magenta, but saw one specimen with bluish violet flowers
would very much appreciate an id
alibaug, my place, this week

Nice set of photographs ! This is Ran-udid [Teramnus labialis]. Had recently posted some photographs of this.
Just back from Shahapur. Will send some of my photographs later.

I guess second photo is different from the rest Teramnus labialis has … mentioned,, second photo look like Pseudarthria viscida to me (Chikta in Marathi)

Yes, Except 2nd pic as … has pointed out, I go with … and …, rest are Teramnus labialis Syn. Glycine labialis.


along KSH 34 between Ramnagar & Malamba :: Teramnus mollis :: DVFEB44/77 : 1 post by 1 author. 3 images.
along Karnataka State Highway No. 34 between Ramnagar & Malamba
Date: 15 OCT 2011 … Altitude: about 640 m asl
Teramnus mollis Benth.  (family: Fabaceae)

These are of Teramnus labialis (L.f.) Spreng. as per keys and details herein.

Thanks … for the ID.
Corrected in my notes.

Teramnus labialis (L.) Spreng var. mollis (Wt. & Arn.)
tay-RAM-nus — from the Greek teramnos (soft); referring to leaves and pods
la-bee-AH-liss — referring to lip
var. — variety
MAW-liss — soft
commonly known as: blue wiss, horse vine, rabbit vine, teramnus, vogel-tephrosia • Bengali: mashani • Hindi: कल्याण kalyan, लोमशपर्णिनी lomashparnini, मशानी mashani, माषपर्णी mashaparni, पाण्डुलोमा pandu-loma • Kannada: ಅಡವಿ ಉದ್ದು adavi uddu • Konkani: रानउडीद ran-udid • Malayalam: kattulunnu • Marathi: रानउडीद ran-udid • Oriya: ban-kultha • Sanskrit: हयःपुच्छी hayahapuchchi, कल्याणी kalyani, माषपर्णी mashaparni, विसारिणी visarini • Tamil: மாஷபருணி mashaparuni • Telugu: కారు మీనుముల్లు karu minumullu • Tibetan: mon sran gro u i dab ma
Distribution: pantropical
more views: ……….

These are of Teramnus labialis (L.f.) Spreng. as per keys and details herein.

Nice photographs ! Mine are also currently flowering at my farm. Sending some of my photographs. [The last is from a previous year to showcase the densely hairy pods which essentially differentiates it from T.labialis which has glabrous pods].

Many thanks … for showing your photos and for the differentiating feature among the two close species.
BUT my concern is about the status of this Teramnus labialis (L.) Spreng var. mollis (Wt. & Arn.).
Not finding it at The Plants List.
Hoping to get some clarity in this regard.

FOP shows only Terammus labialis var. mollis Baker (Syn. of Teramnus mollis Benth.) as per link:
The Plant List also shows similar names as per link:
Where did you get the name Teramnus labialis (L.) Spreng var. mollis (Wt. & Arn.) from ?

These may of Teramnus labialis (L.f.) Spreng. as per keys and details herein.

Thanks very much … I have corrected the labels of these photos at flickr.

This one is Teramnus flexilis, it seems … as per key on Teramnus page !
efi thread ……
I have got T. labialis and T. mollis in abundance in Surat !

Thanks … for the possibility.
I will wait for validating comments.

…, the post I quoted is by … from Hooghly, WB, very much from the described distribution for T. flexilis.
Your specimen is T. labialis, simply on account of being minimally hairy !!

Teramnus labialis ? : 5 posts by 5 authors. 8 images.
Presenting, what I think is Teramnus labialis, for deliberation.
29 10 2019, rural Surat. Gujarat .
This species has less hairs, leaflets relatively larger, pods longer and straight, tip beaked and pointing sideways. 
Calyx teeth are definitely not shorter than calyx tube.
This is how leaflets lie in sun !
Hairs present, not too much !
Lax raceme
Tiny flower
Calyx !!!
Straight flat long pods …almost no hairs
Older pods.

I hope you’re right …,  I too collected this from Gujarat,

Yes, it is Termanus labialis

Yes, I also agree.


Please identify tiny purple flower : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 mb.
Plz id tiny purple flower with 3 leaflets, Thane, yeoor, maharashtra, 26 January

Teramnus sp.

I agree with …

Thanks, …, for the genus id.
It may be Teramnus labialis as per comparative images at Teramnus


Photograph for Id request : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) – around 1300 kb each.
Please help me to Id this twinner of fabaceae family,

Teramnus labialis


Swamy/New series/ID/54 – Fabaceae ID: 8 images.
I am forwarding herewith the photographs received from Chennai taken last week (27.1.22). Please Id the plant. Pods are flat and minutely hairy and stick to the body.

Teramnus labialis


Updated on December 24, 2024

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