
Images by Shahina Shanavas, inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click link to see details).


Image by Shahina Shanavas, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click link to see details)



Canscorinella Shahina & Nampy[1]

The genus Canscorinella is similar to Canscora, from which it differs by its actinomorphic corolla, isomorphic stamens and filaments 2–3 mm long, while the latter has zygomorphic corolla, anisomorphic stamens and filaments 0.5–2.5 mm long. The genus comprises of only two species in the world, both are endemic to southern India.

Key to the species of Canscorinella

1.  Branches dichotomously branched; bracts elliptic-lanceolate;
     flowers pedicellate; pedicels 4-angled……………………………………..C. bhatiana
1.  Branches monochasially branched; bracts linear-lanceolate;
     flowers sessile…………………………………………………………………..C. stricta

1.  Canscorinella bhatiana (K.S. Prasad & Raveendran) Shahina & Nampy

     Synonym: Canscora bhatiana Prasad & Raveendran

     Distribution: Endemic to southern India (Kerala).

2.  Canscorinella stricta (Sedgwick) Nampy & Shahina
     Synonyms: Canscora stricta Sedgwick; C. devendrae Singh & Diwakar
     Distribution: Endemic to southern India (Karnataka, Kerala).


[1].   Shahina PM, Santhosh Nampy. 2014. A taxonomic revision of the genus Canscora in South India, and the erection of the new genus Canscorinella (Canscorinae, Gentianaceae) with two new combinations.” Phytotaxa 164(4): 201–225. DOI:

[2]. Singh RK and Diwakar PG. 2011. Canscora devendrae (Gentianaceae)
– A new species from Western Ghats, India. Indian Journal of Forestry. 34 (2):
249 – 252.

[3]. Subrahmanya Prasad K and Raveendran K. 2012. Canscora bhatiana
(Gentianaceae), a new species from Kerala, India. International Journal of
Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences 2(4): 197-201. [Full article]

A taxonomic revision of the genus Canscora in South India, and the erection of the new genus Canscorinella (Canscorinae, Gentianaceae) with two new combinations by SHAHINA P.M. & SANTHOSH NAMPY*- Phytotaxa 164 (4): 201–225- 2014- (with Keys & details to the South Indian species of Canscora.)
Abstract The genus Canscora in South India is revised based on field and herbarium studies and in consultation with types and protologues. C. pauciflora, which was previously treated as conspecific to C. diffusa is reinstated while C. sanjappae and C. devendrae are synonymised under C. diffusa and C. stricta (= Canscorinella stricta) respectively. The present study supports the exclusion of two species of Canscora i.e., C. stricta and C. bhatiana resulting in the establishment of the new genus Canscorinella and two new combinations: Canscorinella stricta and Canscorinella bhatiana. The new genus Canscorinella is characterized by the presence of actinomorphic corolla and isomorphic stamens. This brings the number of species currently recognized for the genus Canscora to eleven worldwide, six (55 %) of which occurring in South India. Descriptions, photo plates and keys to the South Indian species of Canscora and Canscorinella are provided here.

Please have a look at new developments in this regard:

Thanks, …, May be authors can say better. May be there are some other papers after them.
Problem with Catalogue of Life is that they do not give references of publications as done by GRIN.

There had been random publications in the group in recent past which lead on to more confusions than solutions. This paper is valuable as it clarifies some doubts. Can I have a PDF of the full paper for reference?

Thanks, … Sent to you in a separate mail under subject heading: “things to submit”

Updated on December 24, 2024

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