Comastoma pedunculatum

Comastoma pedunculatum (Royle ex G.Don) Holub, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 3: 218 1968. (Syn: Eurythalia pedunculata Royle ex D. Don; Gentiana pedunculata Royle ex G.Don; Gentianella pedunculata (Royle ex G.Don) Harry Sm. ex S.Nilsson);
Annual herb with few or no basal leaves at flowering, up to 15 cm tall, branched from base; Lower leaves short petiolate, upper sessile, elliptic to ovate-oblong, up to 12 mm long, flowers 5-merous, solitary terminal on up to 20 cm long stalk, sometimes 4-merous on lateral branches; calyx up to 4 mm long; corolla dark blue to blue-purple, with pale yellow base and dark blue veins, tubular, 6-10 mm long; lobes ovate-oblong, throat fimbriate, capsules exserted from persistent corolla.   





Pangi id’s continued – al0710115 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4).

Another beautiful flower for id
Location Pangi, Himachal
Altitude 3000 mts

Habit herb
Habitat wild
Height 12 inches

May be some Caryophyllaceae.

Certainly not in Caryophyllaceae. It must be searched in GENTIANACEAE

To me it is Gentianella tenella.
As the two species in efi looked similar, I did have a look at resources in net.
No range is given for Comastoma tenellum in India, Pakistan or Nepal as per the following:
Also does not matches with Comastoma tenellum as per keys at Flora of China as below:
8 (7)Stem leaves petiolate; leaf blades widest above middle; calyx lobes oblong-spatulate to narrowly elliptic 8 Comastoma henryi
+Stem leaves sessile; leaf blades oblong or widest at or below middle; calyx lobes lanceolate to ovate. (9)
9 (8)Corolla dark blue to blue-purple with dark blue veins and pale yellow base 11 Comastoma pedunculatum
+Corolla uniformly blue or pale blue. (10)
10 (9)Calyx lobes acuminate, margin undulate rugose and revolute 9 Comastoma polycladum
+Calyx lobes apiculate, margin flat and smooth 10 Comastoma tenellum

Also does not matches with images at
While it is matching with images at efi link: Comastoma pedunculatum
In view I think it should be Comastoma pedunculatum


VOF Week: Gentianaceae sp —en-route Vasundhara falls:  Seen this Gentianaceae sp. en-route Vasundhara fall.
Date/Time: 11-08-2012 / 09:50AM.
Flower was small, approx 1cm across.

Gentianella moorcroftiana???

That is a good suggestion, but the sepals look too short for Gentianella moorcroftiana

I know when you raise a doubt something good comes out. I checked Flora of China calyx 7-8 mm long, unequal unequal, corolla 12-14 mm long. I think it agrees with photograph, if we see the relative size.

Definitely not Gentianella moorcroftiana. Appears to be a Comastoma.  Must check further when time permits.

Gentianella tenella, now Comastoma tenellum to me.

Thanks for identification. I need to take a serious look at all known Comastomas from the Himalaya.
Dickore & Klimes list 4 in their check-list for Ladakh – so 2 in addition to C.falcatum and C.pedunculatum.
I am fully occupied with other tasks at present and still going through Androsace.  

As the two species in efi looked similar, I did have a look at resources in net.
No range is given for Comastoma tenellum in India, Pakistan or Nepal as per the following:
Also does not matches with Comastoma tenellum as per keys at Flora of China as below:
8 (7)Stem leaves petiolate; leaf blades widest above middle; calyx lobes oblong-spatulate to narrowly elliptic 8 Comastoma henryi
+Stem leaves sessile; leaf blades oblong or widest at or below middle; calyx lobes lanceolate to ovate. (9)
9 (8)Corolla dark blue to blue-purple with dark blue veins and pale yellow base 11 Comastoma pedunculatum
+Corolla uniformly blue or pale blue. (10)
10 (9)Calyx lobes acuminate, margin undulate rugose and revolute 9 Comastoma polycladum
+Calyx lobes apiculate, margin flat and smooth 10 Comastoma tenellum

Also does not matches with images at
While it is matching with images at efi link: Comastoma pedunculatum
In view I think it should be Comastoma pedunculatum




Seen this Gentianaceae sp. en-route Vasundhara fall.

Bot. name: Gentianella moorcroftiana?
Date/Time: 11-08-2012 / 09:50AM.
Flower was small, approx 1cm across.

I think yes, although longer calyx tube strongly unequal calyx lobes would identify it with G. falconeri, separated by eFl of Pakistan but regarded as synonym of G. moorcroftiana by The Plant List

Comastoma pedunculatum as per another thread: VOF Week: Gentianaceae sp —en-route Vasundhara falls



Kindly confirm the ID
Bot. name: Gentianella pedunculata
Location: Paddar valley J&K
Date: 6th August 2011

I think yes



Gentiana sp. for ID from Paddar valley J&K. 280112 SRANA 01: Request for Identification

Kindly identify the plant.
Date: 2nd August 2011.
Location: Paddar valley district Kishtwar J&K.
Altitude: 3200 meters asl.
Plant height: 30-40 cm cms
Plant habit/habitat: Wild herb

The attached plant looks like Gentianella moorcroftiana to me.

I have uploaded Gentianella moorcroftiana earlier and that was quite different.
Can this plant be Comastoma pedunculatum
Syn: Gentianella pedunculata
Yes … Your other plant was Gentianella moorcroftiana, again identified by … has larger flowers more than 2 cm long at flowering and importantly throat without scales.

Your this plant clearly has scales in the throat and smaller flowers (should not be longer than 1.5 cm). It may be Gentianella pedunculata as suggested by you.
Please develop the habit of taking close ups of flower and taking note of the sizes. It often can’t be estimated from photographs, but is very essential for identification.

I stand corrected.




Amarnath Yatra: Wild flower for ID (NSJ-01 02/09/2013)Attachments (2). 5 posts by 3 authors.

Small flower for ID.

Location: On the way to Panjtarni, on the hill slopes

Altitude: 13500′

Size around 6 to 8 mm

Date Aug 12, 2013

It looks like gentianella tenella.

Should be Comastoma pedunculatum (Royle ex G.Don) Holub

Himalayan plant is not Gentiana tenella (Gentianella tenella) which is now Comastoma tenellum (Rottb.) Toyok. in which corolla is uniformly coloured and not with dark base. 

Comastoma pedunculatum (D.Don) Holub in Folia Geobot. Phyto tax. 3:218. 1968.
Syn: Gentiana tenella Clarke (non Rottb.); Gentianella pedunculata (D.Don) H.Smith
Annual herb with few or no basal leaves at flowering, up to 15 cm tall, branched from base; Lower leaves short petiolate, upper sessile, elliptic to ovate-oblong, up to 12 mm long, flowers 5-merous, solitary terminal on up to 20 cm long stalk, sometimes 4-merous on lateral branches; calyx up to 4 mm long; corolla dark blue to blue-purple, with pale yellow base and dark blue veins, tubular, 6-10 mm long; lobes ovate-oblong, throat fimbriate, capsules exserted from persistent corolla.
Photographed from Rajdiaghan pass in Kashmir  

Gentianella pedunculata from Himachal [Chhitkul, Kinnaur, 3500 m asl]

Images by Saroj Kasaju (ID confirmation Krishan Lal), inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click links to see details and more images).


Fwd: Comastoma pedunculatum (Royle.ex.D.Don) Holub Lungwort Comatoma ???? : 3 posts by 2 authors.

I have taken these pictures at Khardung village (3975 metres / 13,042 feet) on 22 August 2104.
I did not find it in the FOI. As such, enclosing herewith to be included in the site.
Habitat: Stream sides, alpine meadows at an altitude of 3200-4800 meters.
Distribution: E. Nepal, Bhutan, China, India.
Flowering : July-October. 

Yes, it looks me Comastoma pedunculatum too,

I wish this plant is published in the FOI website.




 ID request -23102010-PKA1: Came across this herb with grass like leaves on a rock near “Balu ka Gera” .
Date/Time: 27-09-2010 / 12:10PM
Location: Near “Balu ka Gera” on the way to Hampta Pass (Altitude of approx 12500ft).
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb with grass like leaves (Found on the Rock)

– Could be Gentiana sp. – G.pedunculata?

I think Comastoma pedunculatum only.

Updated on December 24, 2024