Chrysothemis pulchella

Tuberous perennial herb with oblong to lanceolate leaves up to 20 cm long serrate leaves; flowers in few-flowered axillary cymes campanulate calyx, not inflated at base, orange-red in colour, corolla 2-3 times as long as calyx, yellowish with red stripes.

Date/Time-Sep 2011
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Garden
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- HErb
Height/Length- 1 foot
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- brown turgid
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- orange bell shaped

Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds-not seen

this is Chrysothemis pulchella    Family: Gesneriaceae (Gloxinia family)
Please see

You have solved the mystery of Garden plant (in pots) we photographed in Dakpathar. I am uploading it separately for validation

I found this very interesting info on the net which I would like to share
I liked the common name Sunset bells how very apt

Photo by ….
Common name: Sunset Bells, Black Flamingo, Chrysothemis, Copper Leaf
Botanical name: Chrysothemis pulchella    Family: Gesneriaceae (Gloxinia family)
Sunset Bells is an interesting plant from the Caribbean.
Yellow flowers with bright orange sepal cups form a colorful ground cover. The yellow flowers are short-lived, but the orange sepal cups last for many days and give the plant an everblooming effect.
The dark, glossy, toothed leaves make this plant attractive even when it is not in bloom.
It is a perennial herb that can be grown as a house-plant. From spring to summer it is covered with very showy orange-red flowers. The bright yellow corolla, with some red striping or spotting, is about twice the length of the sepal cup, with a narrow tube and flaring lobes.
Leaves are large, dark-green with brown touch, very ornamental. The stems are thick and succulent, usually upright. The plant forms a dense mountain of flowers and foliage. The plant forms tubers at the base of the stem, and sometimes also in the leaf axils.
The name is taken from mythology – Chryso Themis was a daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon, of Greek mythology. *Pulchella* means beautiful.


Chrysothemis pulchella from Dakpathar:  Chrysothemis pulchella (Donn ex Sims) Decne
Family Gesneriaceae
Tuberous perennial herb with oblong to lanceolate leaves up to 20 cm long serrate leaves; flowers in few-flowered axillary cymes  campanulate calyx, not inflated at base, orange-red in colour, corolla 2-3 times as long as calyx, yellowish with red stripes.
Photographed on September 16, 2011 from Dakpathar, cultivated in pots,

Here are mine,

Attaching pics of the same from my neighbors garden

Request for identification a potted plant in a private garden at Pune Ht about 9 “
with brown leaves and bright red flowers
?Episcia Amazonica

To me it does not look like Episcia Amazonica
I think it is Chrysothemis pulchella, uploaded by me and others few days back

Chrysothemis pulchella as per another thread too. I had resurfaced this plant for Id as another thread. The link is efi thread


BND 93 16/11/14 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
Please ID this ornamental plant with scarlet red bracts and yellow petals. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Mar 2013

Chrysothemis pulchella

yes. we even had a thread by Bhaghyashri from Pune… a few years ago
oh I found it : efi thread
Its quite popular with nurseries around tropical wet and humid states …
i see it every where in last few years.


Chrysothemis pulchella (Donn ex Sims) Decne. (accepted name) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Location: Pokhara , Nepal
Altitude:  3200 ft.
Date: 25 July 2015


id please Barasat,wb 20.12.2016 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
id please Barasat, wb 20.12.2016

Pl. send better & bigger image.

I resolved it Chrysothemis pulchella


ID correction NEWBARRACKPORE,WB November,2016- 2 : 2 posts by 1 author.
ID correction from barasat, WB

Chrysothemis pulchella as per another thread.


Chrysothemi pulchella from Trivandrum, Kerala: 1Feb2017: SS-1 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (12)

Here are some pictures of a garden plant Chrysothemis pulchella.
Photographed from my garden (13 Jan 2013 and 8 Jan 2017).
Known as Sunset bells, Copper leaf.

Superb images.

Cultivated Plant for Identification : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Kindly let me know the identity of this cultivated garden ornamental (Kolkata).

Pl check for Chrysothemis pulchella.
Plant for ID : Conservatory, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta : 02JUL20 : AK-06 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Plant seen at the Conservatory.
No flowers. To me leaves look close to Chrysothemis pulchella.

Looks close to me.
Since I’ve seen and know the plant, I suggested Chrysothemis.

Yes … There are varieties in this garden plant.
I have written an article long back on one of the varieties , which I had grown in Chennai. I will locate & post it in due course.



Updated on December 24, 2024

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