Saintpaulia ionantha H.Wendl., Gartenflora 42: 321 1893. (Syn: Petrocosmea ionantha (H.Wendl.) Rodigas; Saintpaulia ionantha subsp. ionantha ); Ornamental Herb: Could you help me ID my plant please. Saintpaulia ionantha How about an african violet? variety of Saintpaulia spp….. To me it looks similar to Usambaraveilchen (Germanname)/Saintpaulia/, commonly known as African violet. African violets are popular houseplants in the west: For your visual delight, all those colors of a houseplant from South Africa.. very popular in USA and Canada, may even in UK Binomial : Saintpaulia ionantha Flowers in normal size are about an inch across total.. leaves upto 2 inches long, 1.5 inches wide, and root easily to give rise to a new true descendant.. hybridizers have to wait for the seeds to develop.. I never learnt to fertilize them ( no pollinators inside the home, ) ha ha..:)
Begonia for ID : Nasik : 061012 : AK-1: A small, cultivated, potted plant with white flowers. Picture taken at Racca Nursery, Nasik on 16/7/2008. Id please. this is not begonia this African violet this plant propagated bye leaf cutting just cut single leaf with 2” stem and insert into soil after 2 weeks you will get 4-5 rooted plants. Identification TB16062010 : Attachments (2) African violet is quite different. German name: Usambaraveilchen (Saintpaulia ionantha-Hybride) see (sorry it is in german) I have bothe the plants, sending two fotos for comparison, the first one is African violet (Usambaraveilchen) the second a Gloxinie. Ornamental plant for identification 200313MK02 : 5 images. 7 posts by 4 authors. Please help me in identifying this ornamental plant kept in pot. The leaves were up to 10cm long (without petiole); flowers were around 4cm across Place: Ooty town, Nilgiris, TN Date: 01 Mar 2013 Alt.: 2200 m asl African Violet Saintpaulia sp. of Gesneriaceae. Coomonly known as African Violet. yes sir This is african Violet many sub varieties are there I agree with … Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal Elevation : 4500 ft. Date 22 March 2018 Habit : Cultivated Saintpaulia ionantha or rupicola ?? Pl. check images at To me also appear close to images at Saintpaulia ionantha H.Wendl. Location: Jawalakhel Flower Show, Lalitpur Date: 20 October 2019 Elevation: 1300 m. Habitat: Cultivated Attachments (1) – 6 mb. |
Saintpaulia ionantha (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024