Gnetum edule

SW. India as per WCSP;
commonly known as: monkey’s bridge, joint fir • Kannada: ನವುರು ಕಟ್ಟೆ navuru katte, kodkamballi • Malayalam: കറുത്ത ഓടല്‍ karuththa ootal, oolan valli • Marathi: उंबळी umbli • Tamil: anapendu, peiodal • Telugu: apajuttili, kaloi, loluga tige, luliti

Gnetum ula is known from southwest and southeastern India (Western Ghats, Nilgiris, hills at Coromandel coast). It has also been reported from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
Native: India (Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra, Orissa)
Gnetum ula is a large woody climber. It has been found on trees in the hill forests of the Nilgiris (Western Ghats). New leaves appear in March, flowers in March – April and fruits from April onwards, ripening yellow in November.
Its distribution coincides with the following ecoregions: Karakoram- West Tibetan Plateau alpine steppe, North Western Ghats montane rain forest, South Deccan Plateau dry deciduous forest and Malabar Coast moist forest (Sahni 1990).
(From IUCN Red List (LC) on 17.12.13)


Came across this woody climber at Chandoli Forest. (24-01-2010).
Bot. name: Gnetum scandens (Family: Gnetaceae family)
Local name: Umbli.

Fantastic upload …, this group is nearest to angiosperms..

Gymnosperms fortnight :: Gnetaceae » Gnetum scandens at Yeoor Hills on 21 FEB 10 :: DV13 : 5 images. 1 post by 1 author.

Gnetum scandens Roxb.

at Yeoor Hills (part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park) on 21 FEB 10

Gnetum scandens Roxb.
at Karnala Bird Sanctuary on 12 FEB 11  

… surface textures of lianes … in foreground, Diploclisia glaucescens … the one behind is Gnetum scandens

This is too good. I liked the last photograph comparing textures of too huge lianes i.e. Diploclisia glaucescens & Gnetum scandens ..

Gnetum scandens Roxb.
… beautiful colours of the seed
at Mollem National Park on 23 APR 11


Gymnosperms fortnight :: Gnetaceae » Gnetum scandens at Prabalgad :: DV16 : 3 images. 1 post by 1 author.
Gnetum scandens Roxb.

… my first sighting of the leaves

at Prabalgad on 28 JAN 12

Gymnosperms fortnight :: Gnetaceae » Gnetum scandens at Yeoor Hills :: DV12 : 4 images. 3 posts by 2 authors.
Gnetum scandens Roxb.
at Yeoor Hills (part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park) on 15 MAR 09  

Nice one Dear Dinesh. Do U have photograph of the leaves (black coloured one spread on the ground…)… I had seen in wild but never bothered to take pics…

Thanks dear … Indeed I am going to upload it soon. We had seen it at Kanakeshwar.

Gnetum ula Brongn. SN Dec 28 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2).

Gnetum ula Brongn, male climber.
Common wild woody climber from siddapur area of karwar, Dt, Karnataka

ANJAN34/34 Gnetum ula : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5)
Family: Gnetaceae
Date: 9th January 2015
Place: Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary
Habit: Liana

Gnetum scandens (Gnetaceae) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Common robust climbers in the interior forests of the Andaman Islands.
Photo by courtesy of Dr. P. G. Diwakar.


id pls 200513NI01 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors.
It is a climber taken from thattekkad bird sanctury, Kerala

Gnetum sp., I think.

Gnetum ula I suppose

Concur. Sending a few of my photographs. My previous post is available at this link

Gymnosperms Fortnight :: Gnetum species from Karnala and Phansad :: SMP 24 : Attachments (5). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Posting some images from Karnala and Phansad sanctuarys.
I am under the impression that they are of Gnetum ula. Please opine.
Family Gnetaceae.

Superb photographs. Each one is unique…

Very nice photos. Yes it is Gnetum ula. It is a woody climber and quite prevalent in forests in Southern India. How thick was the trunk of the individuals you came across. I have seen ones of about 1 foot in diameter.


One more set of pics of Gnetum scandens (Family: Gnetaceae family) from kadra (North Karnataka).

Gnetum scandens Roxb.
… to me a rare capture; female inflorescence.
at Netravali Wildlife Sanctuary on 20 FEB 12

Gnetum scandens Roxb.
the forest floor with the fallen leaves of Gnetum scandens at Kanakeshwar on 06 APR 13

Came across this woody climber at Karnala Forest.
Bot. name: Gnetum scandens (Family: Gnetaceae family)
Local name: Umbli.


Gymnosperms fortnight :: Gnetum scandens at Phansad WLS:: PKA09:: : Attachments (4). 8 posts by 5 authors.
Set of pics of Gnetum scandens from Phansad WLS..

great capture … You have always something new to offer.

Very beautiful images of an uncommon seed plant..

Correct name for G scandans is G montana

Different sources are saying different things & there seems a lot of confusion:
IUCNRed List (LC)– 2013 : Gnetum montanum Markgr. (no mention of Gnetum scandens Roxb.) (Range in India: India (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Sikkim)
WCSP (Kew): Gnetum scandens Roxb. as a syn. of Gnetum edule (Willd.) Blume, Tijdschr. Natuurl. Gesch. Physiol. 1: 161 (1834). 
Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal: Gnetum scandens Roxb. as a syn. of Gnetum montanum Markgr. 
Encyclopaedia of World Medicinal Plants, Volume 1 By T. Pullaiah (2006) & Indian Medicinal Plants: An Illustrated Dictionary edited by C.P. Khare (2007) – Gnetum scandens Roxb. as a syn. of Gnetum montanum Markgr.  
Gnetum scandens information from NPGS/GRIN (2002): Gnetum scandens Roxb. & no mention of Gnetum montanum Markgr.
M.M.P.N.D. Sorting Gnetum names : Both names are accepted.
I hope somebody sorts it out 

I think at present it is justified to treat it as accepted name following GRIN and GBIF, both reputed databases.
The Plant List as in most cases has raised its hands by declaring it as unresolved name (better to ignore).

Liana for ID SMP 2 6Feb2011:
Again a huge liana on way to Karnala fort showing inflorescence arising
directly from stem.
I think this is Gnetum Ula.


Gnetum ula and Gnetum scandens:
sharing the images of Gnetum ula and Gnetum scandens for ur reference. I have collected both the species from same locality, i.e from Nayagarh district of Orissa in my last visit (29th April to 1st May, 11). Both are climbers and growing wild near perennial hill streams (Orissa semi ever green forest at an altitude of 600 m above msl.). Please validate.

.. a small correction. After critical examination of both the specimen and literature review, it is found that both the species are Gnetum ula Brongn (G. scandens auct. non Roxb). While one is the male cone, the other is the female cone (berry like).

Both the fotos are Gnetum indicum (Syn. G. ula Brogn.) (foto representing with name G. ula showing male cone) and (foto representing G. scandens is female cone).. Common in Western Ghat in Evergreen and semievergreen forest..
G. ula is nom. illeg.
We must follow name G. indicum (Lour.) Merrill

Gnetum ula and Gnetum indicum are two different species.
The pictures here are of Gnetum ula Brongn. of Gnetaceae family first and last pictures are male cones and second one is female cone. A close up of leaf would have been better. Usually, leaves of this huge liana (without cones) gives an impression that this could be a flowering plant!

My Flora Picture of the Year 2011:
Liana or tree?
On a botanical trip around the foot hills of Kodikanal (near Madurai, Tamilnadu) we came across the trunk of this huge liana. It looked like a large coiled serpent slowly climbing into the canopy perching the branches of other trees. Its huge trunk would have been at least a foot and a half in diameter. Judging by the size of other individuals in that area and general size of lianas, this one was amazing. My guess is that, this liana-tree would be at least more than 200 years old. I was thrilled when I thought of how many human generations would it have seen since it germinated in that forest floor. How many important events in history would have been recorded while this plant was an infant and entered youth. And now she is still standing there healthy, proud, and as young as ever. I was so lucky to have I met this old wise liana. She is a Gnetum ula.

This is really robust!!!

It’s really a great feeling to get a unique specimen, particularly that have gone through ages and ages…

Really a huge Gnetum stem. Nice write up.

Wow, then I think I have a Gnetum too from Hong Kong. Had been confused about its identity. Will share separately. Nice pic .. and thanks for sharing. Seems you have started liking the western Ghats.


Gnetum ula:
Sharing picture of Gnetum ula

Fantastic photograph.


Came across this woody climber at Chandoli Forest. (24-01-2010).
Bot. name: Gnetum scandens  (Family: Gnetaceae family)
Local name: Umbli.

Fantastic upload …, this group is nearest to angiosperms..

There are three closely related species, G. scandens, G. gnemone and G. ula. Let our expert clarify the same.  So far no response from the expert!

Gymnosperms fortnight :: Gnetum scandens at Kadra Karnataka:: PKA08:: : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 4 authors.
One more set of pics of Gnetum scandens (Family: Gnetaceae family) from kadra (North Karnataka).

Okay, it is a Gnetum. What about the specific identity.

Gnetum scandens Roxb.
Dear friends, this was my first sighting of Gnetum.
I have labelled the last photo as Gnetum ula – just for the sake that the placard says so. Most probably it must be the scandens. Not clear which species of Gnetum is / are distributed in the northern Western Ghats. Seeking clarity.
Will continue to add a few more uploads of Gnetum sightings; one of the different members of the forests.
in Karnala Bird Sanctuary on 09 FEB 08 

Probably … would solve the differences between Gnetum ulla and Gnetum scandens.

‎efi page on Gnetum
Gnetum scandens seems to be big riddle now ?
We really need to dug up inf. from other sources.

I think Gnetum ulla and Gnetum scandens appears to be the same species as per postings in efi as well as as per the following recent citations: 

1. Gnetum ula Brongn., Voy. Monde Phan.: 12 1829. (Syn: Gnetum funiculare Smith ex Wight; Gnetum pyrifolium Miq.; Gnetum scandens Brandis; Gnetum ula Rheede; Thoa edulis Willd.) as per IUCN Red List (LC) (2011) 
There appears to be some confusion as to which name should be considered as an accepted name as well as in the nomenclature of Gnetum scandens Brandis & Gnetum scandens Roxb.
In view, I shall be following IUCN Red List (LC) (2011) considering both postings of Gnetum ulla and Gnetum scandens as same untill & unless something else comes to the contrary.

Synonym: Gnetum scandens Roxb., Hort. Bengal.: 66 (1814).
Gnetum edule (Willd.) Blume, Tijdschr. Natuurl. Gesch. Physiol. 1: 161 (1834).  


ANAUG60 Gnetum ula : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1).

Thadiyandamol, Coorg
30th August 2014

Gnetum scandens at Kadra Karnataka : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Gnetum scandens  (Family: Gnetaceae family) from Kali Tiger Reserve (North Karnataka).

Gnetum fruit SN 19419 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Gnetum young fruit from Siddhapura area of Karnataka

Awesome! A superb load. If you have a clear photograph (s) of the foliage (leaves) you may pl upload.

I think it should be Gnetum edule


Memecylon umbellatum Burm.f. :: Matheran :: May 22, 2023 · 12:16 PM IST: 5 images.
Memecylon umbellatum Burm.f.
Matheran, Raigad, Maharashtra :: May 22, 2023 · 12:16 PM IST :: about 800 m (2,625 feet) asl

I think this is Gnetum….

I have made a terrible blunder here.
The correct ID is Gnetum edule (Willd.) Blume

You need not worry. This happens to every one. A decade back a top taxonomist from BSI (my friend) who visited my house  could not identify a common garden plant (Adenium obesum) which is very common.

When I saw the plant at site, I looked at the texture of stem quite a few times, and it seemed matching that of Memecylon !!!
Many many thanks to … – she pointed out the error in iNaturalist, and I see she has pointed it out here too, which I realized only when I looked through our group posts on web.


Gnetum edule at Kigga, Karnataka (Agumbe region):  4 images.

Gnetum edule at Kigga, Karnataka.
Family: Gnetaceae.




WCSP  IUCN Red List (LC) (Gnetum ula Brongn., Voy. Monde Phan.: 12 1829. (Syn: Gnetum funiculare Smith ex Wight; Gnetum pyrifolium Miq.; Gnetum scandens Brandis; Gnetum ula Rheede; Thoa edulis Willd.) 

WCSP (Gnetum ula Brongn. in L.I.Duperrey, Voy. Monde, Phan.: 12 (1829), nom. superfl. as a syn. of Gnetum edule (Willd.) Blume, Tijdschr. Natuurl. Gesch. Physiol. 1: 161 (1834).)

The Plant List 1  The Plant List 2 (Unresolved)  Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post  India Biodiversity Portal

Updated on February 14, 2025

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