Iris crocea

Iris crocea Jacquem. ex R.C.Foster, Contr. Gray Herb. 114: 41 1936. (Syn: Iris aurea Lindl. [Illegitimate]; Iris spuria subsp. aurea Dykes);
W. Himalaya as per WCSP;


Iris crocea Jacq. ex R.C. Foster from Kashmir:
Iris crocea Jacq. ex R.C. Foster in Contrib. Gray Herb. 114: 41. 1936
Syn: Iris aurea Lindl. (non Link.); Iris spuria subsp. aurea Dykes
This beautiful species known to occur only in Kashmir, commonly planted on graveyards, along roadsides and road dividers. Plants tall up to 125 cm with long straight sword-like leaves 50-80 cm long, 15-25 mm broad; flowers deep golden-yellow, 12-16 cm in diam, in a terminal cluster, and two lateral clusters; spathe valves 7-9 cm long, green, spathe 2-3 flowered; perianth tube 10-15 mm long; falls without beard, up to 9 cm long with 4-5 cm long blade, crisped along margin, narrowed into 3-4 cm long haft; standards oblanceolate, 6-8 cm long, margin wavy; style 3.5-4 cm long, crest deltoid; capsule oblong, 6-angled, beaked.
Photographed from Airport Road in Kashmir, grown along road divider.


Iris sp. From Kashmir: 2 images.

Iris aurea


Updated on December 24, 2024

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