Iris spuria (Cultivated)

NC. & C. Europe to Iran as per WCSP;



Schwertlilie IRIS, Foto taken in June 2010
Iris-Hollandica-Hybride Purple Sensation  ?
Sumpfwiesen-Schwertlilie /  Iris spuria ?

Really nice photographs of this Iris cultivar

yes… beautiful picture and beautiful location. Whats the location?!

i mean…beautiful picture and beautiful flower. What’s the location?!

This is Iris spuria:
and not Iris-Hollandica-Hybride Purple Sensation:
Yes this is Iris spuria check from the link below

Thank you … for your Information.
Great, you are now going for a stroll in nature in germany. (naturspaziergang). Welcome!! 
…, Ritterhude is in north of germany near Bremen.



Iris spuria L. from Kashmir: Iris spuria Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 39. 1753  
Common names: Blue iris, butterfly iris
Erect perennial herb up to 70 cm tall, hardly branched; leaves linear, up to 30 cm long, stiff, shorter than stem, glacous; spathes 1-3 flowered, spathes green; flowers blue or purple; pedicel 20-25 mm long; perianth tube 12-16 mm long; falls 6-8 cm, limb nearly rounded, half as long as narrowed claw, with yellow ridge in centre, not bearded; standards oblanceolate, hardly 10-13 mm broad; capsule 3-5 cm long, beaked, with two ridges along each of three angles.
Photographed from Hazuri Bagh (Iqbal Garden), Srinagar Kashmir.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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