Gomphostemma ovatum Wall. ex Benth., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 2: 12 1830.?; . Plants from Northeast Tour 2017- Herb for id from Meghalaya : 10 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) Please identify this very short herb (I think Acanthaceae) from forest shade near seven sisters falls, Cherrapunji, Meghalaya.. Pl. also check with comparative images at Acanthaceae it belongs to genus Gomphostemma Thanks …, Gomphostemma seems quite convincing…!! Thanks, …, for the initial id. Pl. check with the following illustrations of species which may be found there as per efi page on Gomphostemma: Thanks a lot …, Gomphostemma lucidum? I am not convinced. I think choice is between the following: I am unable to decide. However feel more close to images at Gomphostemma ovatum Wall. ex Benth. On further perusal of Flora of Bhutan, Nepal and China and GBIF specimens of all the species at Gomphostemma, I think closest I can go is Gomphostemma ovatum Wall. ex Benth., which is a 15-30 cm herb. Other species are much bigger or shrubs. Description given in Flora of Bhutan are reproduced below: Ascending herb. Stems somewhat slender, 15-30cm, rooting near base only. Leaves ovate-elliptic, 8—12(—18) * 5—8(—9)cm, acute, base rounded to cuneate, margin crenate; upper surface with scattered, simple, appressed hairs; lower surface stellate; petiole 2—7cm. Verticillasters many-flowered. Outer bracts elliptic, +/- obtuse at apex. Calyx 10-12mm, stellate-tomentose; teeth narrowly triangular, c 5.5mm. Corolla pale yellow, 35—38mrn; tube e 25mm; upper lip entire. Nutlets 6 * 4mm. Darjeeling: Ryang, Rangit River, Sitong, Rishap, Balasun. 610-l220m. July-August. Two varieties have been recognised: var. ovatum (var. typica Prain nom. superfl.) and var. flaccidum Prain. Both are recorded from Darjeeling but only differ in the degree of hairyness. I think also appears close to specimens at GBIF as per high resolution specimen (bracts may have fallen off). Corolla colour is creating doubt, but white colour variant is seen in so many species. May I request … to pl. have a look. .
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Gomphostemma ovatum
Updated on December 23, 2024