Nepeta laevigata (D.Don) Hand.-Mazz., Symb. Sin. 7: 916 1936. (syn:Betonica laevigata D.Don; Glechoma laevigata (D.Don) Kuntze; Nepeta elata Royle ex Benth.; Nepeta nuristanica Murata; Nepeta spicata Benth.; Nepeta spicata var. elata (Benth.) Benth.; Nepeta spicata var. incana H. Lév.); . Smooth Catmint; . Branched perennial herb with triangular-ovate, 3-6 cm long leaves, and upto 4 cm long petiole gradually reduced above; flowers lilac-blue or white in terminal spikes. . VOF Week: Nepeta connata ??? —- en-route Vasundhara falls: Seen this herb en-route Vasundhara falls. Could this be Nepeta connata ??? (Family: Lamiaceae). I think its Nepeta laevigata Yes Nepeta laevigata Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: For validation from VOF-NS May 141/141- CONCLUDING POST : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Please validate the id for this herb or correct it.. this was shot from vof area… earlier discussions led me to Nepeta laevigata …. This is my conclusive post for this fortnight… . VOF Week: Nepeta laevigata for validation from the valley: This was shot from the valley, should this be Nepeta laevigata….. I think yes. Nice photographs
I think yes. Good photographs My checklist of missed plants is increasing ! … mine is already very long 125 plants til today
Location Pangi, Himachal Not Lamium …, a Nepeta species, closest match seems to be N. laevigata, though flower colour is somewhat different Nepeta laevigata to me also but flower colours are deep blue in laevigata…….seem some variation in flower colour
Flora of Uttarakhand- Herb1 for Id- JM: 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5) Wild Herb captured in 2nd week of August’10 during the trek from Ghangaria to Hemkunt Sahib. Dracocephalum nutans? I think close to images at Nepeta laevigata (D.Don) Hand.-Mazz. Lagotis cashmeriana I feel this is some Nepeta sp. Could be Nepeta connata or N. laevigata ?? Yes sir, I think I over looked. This is not Lagotis at all. Should be some Nepata. Dracocephalum has petiolate leaf. I think Nepeta elliptica N. elliptica not mentioned in Concise Flowers of Himalayas by Oleg Polunin & Adam Stainton. Can it be Nepeta connata as per this book. Nepeta connata looks similar but has much narrower linear to linear-lanceolate leaves. Thanks, …, Details of Nepeta elliptica: (FOP). Illustration of Nepeta connata as below doesn’t match with my plant: I think close to images at Nepeta laevigata (D.Don) Hand.-Mazz.
Nepeta grandiflora is not reported from India by GRIN & WCSP. Yes, close to images at Nepeta laevigata (D.Don) Hand.-Mazz. Dear sir help me to indentify the following species , i think it will be a Nepta : 6 posts by 3 authors. 1 image. please help me to identify the following species Species for Identification – location – Deothachi, Mandi District, Himachal Pradesh Altitude- 2800-3200m Please check Lamiaceae sp. can it be a Nepeta elliptica I think more closer to images at Nepeta laevigata (D.Don) Hand.-Mazz. rather than those at Nepeta elliptica Royle ex Benth. Nepeta laevigata :: Govindghat – Ghangaria, Uttarakhand :: Aug 2018 :: ARKOCT-21 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) Saw these at many places along the Govindghat-Ghangaria trail and at Mana village, Uttarakhand in Aug 2018. Seen aplenty Appears close as per first glance at Nepeta laevigata:
I hope Nepeta connata. Branch with clear leaves should help in excluding N. laevigata and confirming exact identity. I guess not N. connata ! I think it is close to images at Nepeta laevigata (D.Don) Hand.-Mazz.
Nepeta laevigata (D. Don) Hand.-Mazz., Symb. Sin. 7: 916. 1936 syn: Betonica laevigata D. Don; Nepeta elata Benth.; Nepeta spicata Wall. [Cat. 2083. 1829] ex Benth. Branched perennial herb with triangular-ovate, 3-6 cm long leaves, and upto 4 cm long petiole gradually reduced above; flowers lilac-blue or white in terminal spikes. Photographed from Manali Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae, Nepeta laevigata from Manali-GSMAY70/73 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Nepeta laevigata (D. Don) Hand.-Mazz., Symb. Sin. 7: 916. 1936 syn: Betonica laevigata D. Don; Nepeta elata Benth.; Nepeta spicata Wall. [Cat. 2083. 1829] ex Benth. Branched perennial herb with triangular-ovate, 3-6 cm long leaves, and upto 4 cm long petiole gradually reduced above; flowers lilac-blue or white in terminal spikes. Photographed from Manali . SK 3206 07 September 2021: 5 very high res. images. Location: Jumla, West Nepal Altitude: 2500m. Date: 23 August 2021 Habit : Wild Nepeta laevigata (D. Don) Hand.-Mazz ?? Yes, appears close to images at Nepeta laevigata (D.Don) Hand.-Mazz. . SK 3244 20 December 2021: 2 very high res. images. Location: Jumla, West Nepal Altitude: 3000m. Date: 24 August 2021 Habit : Wild Nepeta laevigata (D. Don) Hand.-Mazz ?? Yes, appears close to images at Nepeta laevigata (D.Don) Hand.-Mazz. . Nepeta discolor in FOI: Looks different from images and references at Pl. correct. Thanks … for the scrutiny. The leaf size in the two species is quite different. Leaves of Nepeta discolor are 1-2 cm long, and those of Nepeta laevigata are 2-6 cm long. Leaves of Sunit’s plant do look small, but Sunit might be able to comment on it better, especially if he has collected the plant. It is very difficult to say about size. Pl. check the shape, look and arrangement of the leaves as well as the flowers and calyx etc. I will verify it for further authentication. it seems N. discolor for me, attaching herbarium image also. Please have a look, waiting for your response. Any keys between the two from local flora? N. discolor: leaves shorter than 3 cm, white tomentose beneath, flowers white or pale blue N. laevigata: leaves 3-10 cm long, green on both surfaces here I’m attaching Sir. 1a. Flowers in nearly continuous or capitate spikes; basal floral whorls rarely separate …… 2 1b. Flowers in distant whorls, either axillary or forming interrupted spikes or panicles …… 5 Is your id OK as per these keys? I don’t think the key goes well with descriptions and keys else elsewhere.The two in Flora of Ladakh What do you think it is? please attach some images of Nepeta eriostachya, if you have any, and please tag some specialists working on the same genus or family. Quite interesting! I could only find the following: . References: |
Nepeta laevigata
Updated on December 24, 2024