Ocimum × africanum

Ocimum × africanum Lour., Fl. Cochinch. 370 1790. (Syn: Ocimum americanum var. pilosum (Willd.) A.J.Paton; Ocimum basilicum var. anisatum Benth.; Ocimum basilicum var. pilosum (Willd.) Benth.; Ocimum × citriodorum Vis.; Ocimum × graveolens A.Br.; Ocimum × petitianum A.Rich.; Ocimum × pilosum Willd.);
Tropical & Subtropical Old World: Angola, Borneo, Botswana, Cambodia, Cameroon, China South-Central, China Southeast, Ethiopia, India, Jawa, Kenya, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Madagascar, Malawi, Malaya, Mozambique, Myanmar, New Guinea, Northern Provinces, Philippines, Queensland, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia, Zaïre, ZimbabweIntroduced into: Brazil Northeast, Guatemala, Mexico Southeast, Netherlands Antilles as per POWO;
Complete set of Keys for Indian Species available on efi page Ocimum.


amit uid 1 2452011:
Sending photographs of Ocimum. confused over Ocimum basilicum and O. americanum. The plants details as in the photographs and having lemon scented smell. Growing in Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, Plants ca. 50 cm tall

I would go with O. americanum based on shorter corolla, slightly longer than calyx and more hairy calyx

I go with Dr .. O. americanum
Ocimum basilicum
having smell is bitter armatic with oily stem leaves not lemon smell just like pudina smeel with bitter test.

Thanx .. and .. for the identification. But .. I have some sweet smelling O. basilicum accessions having saunf like smell

The plant is probably O. africanum possibly backcrossed with O. basilicum (see key from Taxonomic Revision of Tribe Ocimeae Dumort. (Lamiaceae) in Continental South East Asia III. Ociminae Author(s): S. Suddee, A. J. Paton, J. A. N. Parnell Source: Kew Bulletin, Vol. 60, No. 1 (2005), pp. 3-75

Key to continental SE Asian species of Ocimum
1. Teeth of lateral fruiting calyx lobes distinct, deltoid or lanceolate; bract without bowl-like gland developing
2. Throat of fruiting calyx closed by the upcurved 2 median teeth of anterior lip, anterior much shorter than posterior; mostly shrubs or undershrubs ……….. 1. O. gratissimum
2. Throat of fruiting calyx open, the 2 median teeth of anterior lip as long as or longer than posterior; mostly herbs with stems woody at base
3. Calyx tube glabrous or thinly covered with minute glandular hairs inside; nutlets unchanged when wet ……… 2. O. tenuiflorum
3. Calyx tube with a ring of hairs at throat inside; nutlets producing mucilage when wet
4. Flower with pedicel nearly as long as calyx; appendage of posterior stamens hairy ………. 3. O. kilimandscharicum
4. Flower with pedicel much shorter than calyx; appendage of posterior stamens glabrous
5. Fruiting calyx up to 5 mm long; corolla 4 – 5.5 mm long
6. Fruiting calyx 2 – 3 mm long; stem internodes with short adpressed or retrose hairs …………… 4. O. americanum
6. Fruiting calyx 4 – 5.5 mm long; stem internodes with long, spreading and sometimes retrorse hairs ……… 5. O. africanum
5. Fruiting calyx 6 – 8 mm long; corolla 7 – 8 mm long ……… 6. O. basilicum
Thanks to Alan Paton at Kew for this!

Confusion….!! but I will definitely check the internode hair characters as provided in the key. your say is that its an hybrid.

The key I find is confusing for lack of formatting. I am reproducing after formatting. I also notice that First lead is redundant (atleast for SE Asian species) unless the key is only a part of original key and all SE Asian species share the common features of distinct teeth of lateral calyx lobes, deltoid or lanceolate in shape and bract without bowl-like gland developing.
Key to continental SE Asian species of Ocimum

1. Teeth of lateral fruiting calyx lobes distinct, deltoid or  lanceolate; bract without bowl-like gland
2. Throat of fruiting calyx closed by the upcurved 2 median teeth of anterior lip, anterior much shorter than posterior; mostly shrubs or undershrubs ,,,,,, 1. O. gratissimum
2. Throat of fruiting calyx open, the 2 median teeth of anterior lip as long as or longer than posterior; mostly herbs with stems woody at base
3. Calyx tube glabrous or thinly covered with minute glandular hairs inside; nutlets unchanged when wet ………. 2. O. tenuiflorum
3. Calyx tube with a ring of hairs at throat inside; nutlets producing mucilage when wet
4. Flower with pedicel nearly as long as calyx; appendage of posterior stamens hairy ……… 3. O. kilimandscharicum
4. Flower with pedicel much shorter than calyx; appendage of posterior stamens glabrous
5. Fruiting calyx up to 5 mm long; corolla 4 – 5.5 mm long
6. Fruiting calyx 2 – 3 mm long; stem internodes with short adpressed or retrose hairs ……… 4. O. americanum
6. Fruiting calyx 4 – 5.5 mm long; stem internodes with long, spreading and sometimes retrorse hairs ….. 5. O. africanum
5. Fruiting calyx 6 – 8 mm long; corolla 7 – 8 mm long …… 6. O. basilicum

Is it not Ocimum basilicum var. pilosum?

Ocimum basilicum var. pilosum (Willd.) Benth. is the synonym of Ocimum x africanum Lour.
Your conclusion tallies with that of ..

The name O. x africanum is new to me. I know the plant as O. basilicum var. pilosum. And these names are not yet available at GRIN.
The combination O. americanum var. pilosum in GRIN is confusing b’cos the basionym O. pilosum Willd. is also linked to O. basilicum var. pilosum.
Thanks also to .. and .. for the id. Is it possible to get full version of the revision?

But they are at Kew Plant List, 2010. Where as GRIN treats only limited names, this list claims to be nearly complete, though lot needs to be settled. We may soon be all following this:

Plea find the file attached for further study. It is too big so I  assume it wont reach eflora.

Yes my doubt was correct, the key was not complete. Here is the complete one. Thank .. for upoading the paper.
1. Teeth of lateral fruiting calyx lobes distinct, deltoid or lanceolate; bract without bowl-like gland developing
2. Throat of fruiting calyx closed by the upcurved 2 median teeth of anterior lip, anterior much shorter than posterior; mostly shrubs or undershrubs ……. 1. O. gratissimum
2. Throat of fruiting calyx open, the 2 median teeth of anterior lip as long as or longer than posterior; mostly herbs with stems woody at base
3. Calyx tube glabrous or thinly covered with minute glandular hairs inside; nutlets unchanged when wet ……… 2. O. tenuiflorum
3. Calyx tube with a ring of hairs at throat inside; nutlets producing mucilage when wet 4. Flower with pedicel nearly as long as calyx; appendage of posterior stamens hairy …….3. O. kilimandscharicu
4. Flower with pedicel much shorter than calyx; appendage of posterior stamens glabrous
5. Fruiting calyx up to 5 mm long; corolla 4 – 5.5 mm long
6. Fruiting calyx 2 – 3 mm long; stem internodes with short adpressed or retrose hairs ……… 4. O. americanum
6. Fruiting calyx 4 – 5.5 mm long; stem internodes with long, spreading and sometimes retrorse hairs ……… 5. O. africanum
5. Fruiting calyx 6 – 8 mm long; corolla 7 – 8 mm long ……. 6. O. basilicum
1. Teeth of lateral fruiting calyx lobes obscure, fringed with a row of many minute teeth; bract caducous, with bowl-like gland developing in the scar .. ……. 7. O. filamentosum

Thanks a lot for providing the keys .., but………..I am sending some other photos according to my observations the plant is O x africanum but the internodes are mostly showing retrorse hairs and not the spreading ones now waiting for all expert advise from your side to place it under the correct name O. africanum or O. americanum

Looking at the scale and calyx, the calyx already seems to be around 3.5-4 mm and would definitely enlarge in fruit. Also the hairs seem to be spreading and not appressed. That fits well with O. x africanum.


Ocimum for ID 10092013CS 1 : Attachments (3). 9 posts by 4 authors.
Can somebody please identify this Ocimum species

Looks like Ocimum basilicum..

You mean sweet basil. … We have sweet basil plants too. This plant is not so fragrant.

This looks like Ocimum americanum L., because of the pubescens, apex of leaves acute, short pedicels, color of the flower (creamy white).

Thank you … for the ID. Yes the plants were pubescent while the sweet basil plants we have are glossy.

I am attaching an image of Occimum basilicum for Id confirmation

I think the first set of pictures are of Ocimum africanum (= O. basilicum var. pilosum).
The more recently posted picture has been correctly named as O. basilicum (= O. b. var. purpurascens).

Thank you … Now I am getting more clarity of why search yields two types of Ocimum basilicum

A lamiaceae member. I would casually call it as “Ran tulas” in Marathi.
Was growing by roadside in Pune city. 29 Oct 2009. Aromatic smell yes but minimal.
Any clue about botanical name?

Perhaps Ocimum basilicum L. var. pilosum (Willd.) Benth.

Ya, i agree with …

‘Ocimum basilicum’ is called ‘Tukhmariya’ ‘तुखमरीया’ / ‘Sabjache Bee’ ‘सब्‍जाचे बी’ in Marathi.

Ocimum americanum

One species I have not been able to sort out.

Ocimum × africanum Lour. as per PLANT FOR ID 156 SMP OCT 2009 – indiantreepix | Google Groups 


Fwd: [efloraofindia:169284] Ocimum citiodorus L. and Ocimum citriodorum Vis. are synonyms or both are different cultivars ? : 2 posts by 1 author.
I am student of …. My research work is on Plant tissue culture. I have a query i. e. Ocimum citiodorus L. and Ocimum citriodorum Vis. are synonyms or both are different cultivars.  I have searched several research papers but didn’t get satisfactory answer. In a research article the author has used both names (Venugopal G and Rao A Prasad, in vitro propagation and callus induction of endangered medicinal herb Ocimum citriodorus L, World congress on Biotechnology, Biotechnology, 2011.). i would like to know the correct name of Ocimum species at your earliest.

As per The Plant List, Ocimum × africanum Lour. is the accepted name for Ocimum x citriodorum Vis. It is thought to be a hybrid between O. basilicum and O. americanum.
I couldn’t fine any reference for the name O. citriodorus L.
[Ocimum citrodorum Blanco is a synonym of Ocimum basilicum L.]


Can you suggest Gujarati / Hindi Name for Ocimum basilicum (pilosum)? I suspect it is Takhmariya… Could not find this one on eflora. Could reach, however, to the page describing Ocimum basilicum.””
As per The Plant List Ocimum basilicum var. pilosum (Willd.) Benth. is a synonym of Ocimum × africanum Lour.

Sir Ji, how can you be be wrong?
As far as I know, in Gujarati it is called તખમરીયાં (Takhmariyan) only. I suppose Sbze name given on efloraIndia is not used in Gujarati.

CSIR Dictionary say Guj: Damaro, nasabo, sabza


Ocimum americanum L. : 6 posts by 2 authors. 7 images- 1 to 7 mb each.

Location : Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Elevation : 1300 m.
Date : 16 April 2020
Habitat : Cultivated

I think more closer to Ocimum × africanum Lour. rather than Ocimum americanum L. as per comparative images at Ocimum


132 ID wild plant Mentha: 20 images.

Please ID wild plant,
Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, (Kochi) Kerala PIN:686671
Altitude: 1400fsl
Flower date: 10.08.2021, 11.35am
Habitat: wild moisture
Plant habit: under shrub, erect, branches, hard rigid stem, hairy, good aromatic taste and smell, perennial
Height: 05 feet
Leaves: opposite, ovate, oblong, apex, toothed margins, aromatic taste and smell, size:7×4cm or less
Flower: racemose inflorescence, clustered, diameter:03mm, white, good fragrance
Fruit: chamber green into brown, size:3×3mm
Seed: ovate, black 5 nos., size:1×.5mm, mucoused when wet
Camera: mobile Samsung Galaxy A21s

Ocimum basilicum

Yes, it is, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant,

I concur with … I have this plant in my house.

Three Ocimum species are quite close and confused with each other.

Key to continental SE Asian species of Ocimum:
5. Fruiting calyx up to 5 mm long; corolla 4 – 5.5 mm long
6. Fruiting calyx 2 – 3 mm long; stem internodes with short adpressed or retrose hairs ……. 4. O. americanum
6. Fruiting calyx 4 – 5.5 mm long; stem internodes with long, spreading and sometimes retrorse hairs ……….. 5. O. africanum
5. Fruiting calyx 6 – 8 mm long; corolla 7 – 8 mm long ……… 6. O. basilicum
As stem internodes have long spreading hairs, it should be Ocimum × africanum Lour.
It (Ocimum × africanum Lour.) is a hybrid of O. americanum × O. basilicum as per WCSP and listed as Ocimum basilicum var. pilosum (Willd.) Benth. in FoPI

Thanks … for the final ID and for the Key provided by you.

Cultivated Ocimum Species : 270618 : AK-16 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Cultivated Ocimum Species seen in a garden in March,2018 in Muscat.

I think O. sanctum.

Does not seem to match with images at Ocimum tenuiflorum L.  (syn: Ocimum sanctum L.)
Pl. check images at Ocimum × africanum Lour.  

Looks correct !


Identification needed for this plant: 1 high res. image.
Location: Rajouri jandk
Date: 15-08-2022
Cultivated plant

Ocimum sp. 🌿
Family. Lamiaceae
Please upload more images

Appears close to images at Ocimum × africanum Lour.




POWO  Catalogue of Life  WCSP

Updated on December 24, 2024

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