Orthosiphon pallidus Royle ex Benth., Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 370 1833. (syn. Ocimum reflexum Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.; Orthosiphon ehrenbergii Vatke; Orthosiphon incisus A.Chev.; Orthosiphon inodorus K.D.Koenig ex Hook.f.; Orthosiphon macrocheilus M.R.Ashby; Orthosiphon reflexus (Ehrenb. ex Schweinf.) Vatke); . Jyoti; . In O. pallidus the white flower-tube is almost as long as the calyx, whereas in O. rubicundus the white flower-tube is twice as long as the calyx. . In Orthosiphon pallidus, the corolla is as long as the calyx. The differentiating point between thymiflorous and rubicundus is leaf morphology. In rubicundus the leaf has very short petiole-up to 4mm or the leaf is almost sessile, and in thymiflorous petiole is longer-about 1 to 3cm; . I think this species is Orthosiphon pallidum. Please validate.
It can be Orthosiphon pallidus Royle ex Benth. hope you made some typographical mistake Thanks. It was a typo. The illustration on the site exactly matches with my plant esp the calyx lobes and teeth. Orthosiphon pallidus All shrubs are supposed to be male so they tend to end with a masculine gender unless conserved by ICBN, hence not ‘um’ but ‘us’. . Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Lamiaceae ::Orthosiphon pallidum :: SMPMAY25/25 : 1 post by 1 author. 1 image. Orthosiphon pallidum Lamiaceae week Images of Orthosiphon pallidus for sharing : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) attaching images of Orthosiphon pallidus from Nashik for sharing Request for ID-240809 AVD1 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Would kindly request for identification. Could only guess the family – Lamiaceae. This herb was gregarious. Could be Orthosiphon pallidus Yes, it’s Orthosiphon pallidus Royle ex Benth. as per keys & images herein. . Re: ORTHOSIPHON PALLIDUS ROYLE Ex. BENTH. : 2 posts by 1 author. Greetings sir. I am … I studying M. Sc nanoscience and technology at alagappa university. For my nanobiotechnology research purpose I need medical plant which is named ORTHOSIPHON PALLIDUS ROYLE Ex. BENTH. I need your help where I can get that. I saw your profile in INDIA BIODIVERSITY PORTAL. Can you help? Pl. check our observations at our site: Thank you very much for you reply sir. Can you tell the accurate place where I can collect the orthosiphon pallidus? . To know information about ORTHOSIPHON PALLIDUS : 3 posts by 2 authors. My name is … from tamilnadu. I am studying m.sc Nano-biotechnology at Alagappa University. For my research work i need to know the plant which one is named ORTHOSIPHON PALLIDUS. Searching that plant I noticed you uploaded the picture in your website. But i don’t understand where I can get that plant. kindly accept this letter and help me. can you sir? Orthosiphon pallidus. Location in the link. the plants are available in hilly areas of eastern ghats, in A.P you can find them Seshachalam hills, In Tamilnadu it is also available in Eastern ghats range, you may take the help of botany department for correct locations. Please help to identify this plant from Agra, U.P. Date: 18 October 19 Could be Orthosiphon sp. Lamiaceae. Orthosiphon pallidus Royle ex Benth. ?? Thanks, …, for the id. To me also appears closer to images at Orthosiphon pallidus Royle ex Benth. as per comparative images at Orthosiphon Need help with id of this small Lamiaceae?: 3 images- 1 high res. Bhopal; black soil; 8/7/2021 Ocimum basilicum L. Please post the leaves picture and habit ! Orthosiphon pallidus Need help with ID: Lamiate?: 4 images. Bhopal Black soil 20/7/2022 Please check Salvia ! Orthosiphon pallidus I think you are right . References: |
Orthosiphon pallidus
Updated on December 24, 2024