Phlomoides bracteosa

Common name: Purple Jerusalem Sage, Purple Lampwick plant
Perennial herb with ovate-cordate up to 10 cm long leaves, crenate on up to 8 cm long petiole, upper on shorter petioles; flowers pinkish to rose coloured in up to 20-flowered clusters; bracts fringed with hairs.
As per efi thread:
Bracts are linear in Phlomis spectabilis (and subulate as in P. bracteosa) as per GBIF– specimen 1 and specimen 2

Lamiaceae for ID plz_171210_RKC_02:
Locality: On way to Churdhar (ca 1500m); Himachal Pradesh.
Habit: Herb upto 20 cm tall.
Date: August, 2010.

– I think Neuracanthus is not a Himalayan genus. It is a member of lamiaceae, possibly a fruiting Phlomis bracteosa

– Jarusalem sage is Phlomis fruticosa a cultivated plant. Although flowers would be conclusive, but leaves look like P. bracteosa.

– As per Polunin and Stainton description and picture, matches well with Phlomis bracteosa.

Lamiaceae & Verbenaceae Week: Lamiaceae, Phlomis bracteosa (needs confirmation) from Kashmir:
Phlomis bracteosa, could well beP. spectabilis, both species have broad ovate-codate leaves and almost rounded at tip, former with leaves usually smaller not exceeding 12 cm whereas latter has often as large as 30 cm long
Will confirm in my next visit in a week or so. Photographed from Khillenmarg, Kashmir

I visited the play yesterday again and checked leaves. It is surely Phlomis bracteosa


Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae-, Phlomis bracteosa from Kashmir-GSMAY90/93 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Phlomis bracteosa Royle ex Benth. in Hook., Bot. Misc. 3: 383. 1833.
Perennial herb with ovate-cordate up to 10 cm long leaves, crenate on up to 8 cm long petiole, upper on shorter petioles; flowers pinkish to rose coloured in up to 20-flowered clusters; bracts fringed with hairs.
Photographed from Khillenmarg, Kashmir

Is it same as Phlomoides bracteosa ?​


VoF Week :: Phlomis bracteosa at Valley of Flowers:
Phlomis bracteosa Royle ex Benth. … (family: Lamiaceae)

2 AUG 12
Valley of Flowersabout 11000 – 12000 ft


Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight :: Phlomoides bracteosa :: Valley of Flowers :: DVMAY39/39 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 6 images.
Phlomoides bracteosa (Royle ex Benth.) Kamelin & Makhm. syn. Phlomis bracteosa Royle ex Benth.
at Valley of Flowers on August 2, 2012

Excellent images


VoF Week : Phlomis bracteosa from Valley:
Phlomis bracteosa from Valley
pls validate

To me yes, … Ditto plant in my upload.
Referred Keshava Murthy’s VoF book for ID.

Yes … Very good photographs


VOF week ,Id please:
A flower photographed at Kedarnath in Jul.2008

Yes, Phlomis bracteosa.


VOF Week: Phlomis bracteosa at VoF:
Phlomis bracteosa (Family: Lamiaceae) at VoF.


Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Phlomis bracteosa from Chakrata- NS May 119/119 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
The extension in fortnight helped me to re-search my collection.. which resulted in finding these shots..
Phlomis bracteosa….  from Chakrata area, Uttrakhand

Yes … Thanks for sharing.


Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Phlomis bracteosa from VOF-NS May 137/137 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
Phlomis bracteosa from valley of flowers area..

Phlomis bracteosa ABAUG2016/12 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 4 images.
Please validate.
Phlomis bracteosaJerusalem Sage
On Mcleodganj-Triund trek, HP
2600m approx.
31 July 2016

I think yes. Good photographs.


For weeks after mid-July till about the first week of August these Phlomis bracteosa plants dominated the slopes about 3000m. I took some more photos to share. Attachments (7)

VOF Week 310812_DS_07: Located In the main Valley – VOF, 14 August’12.
Please help to id.

May be Clinopodium

looks like phlomis species.

Flowers suggest Plectranthus sp.

Phlomis spp.

Yes … you are perhaps right
My old eyes mistook upper lip with lower lip.

Phlomoides bracteosa'09%20150.jpg?part=0.1&view=1&vt=ANaJVrF_heC4xdbbJXTNmKUCEm0vMAUM8RSpgfh1LOEKexbTaakAuvGgshuR89NnA41g2KQVL_bSrrlcPi8fBKNLTsPIuNF9evO0rhGZsLUsveMOuh-js-I
Flower for Id-ID23102015SH2 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Old picture of flower for Id pl.
Location – Chakrata,Uttarakhand.
Date- 05.10.2009

Habitat –Wild

Phlomis cashmeriana !

Thanks, …, for the suggestion.
I think it is Phlomoides bracteosa (Royle ex Benth.) Kamelin & Makhm. rather than Phlomis cashmeriana Royle ex Benth. as per images and details herein.


Plant for identification
Phlomoides spectabilis
Location – Dudu valley Udhampur (Jammu and Kashmir)

Thanks, …, for a new addition to our efloraofindia. Do you have the habit image ? If so, pl. post. Is the images in the following posts of Phlomis spectabilis as per keys at Flora of Pakistan: Lamiaceae (Incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Phlomis bracteosa from VOF-NS May 137/137

Thank you sir ji. But I have only this picture available and now the place is covered with snow , so I have to wait for the next season. Sir flower in my image is slightly different from the above species you attached.

Your plant is Phlomis bracteosa Royle ex Benth. in Hook. only as per GBIF– specimen1 & specimen2 and specimen 3.
Keys in Flora of Pakistan are not correct at least w.r.t. bracts (as bracts are linear in Phlomis spectabilis (and not subulate as in P. bracteosa) as per GBIF– specimen 1 and specimen 2).


Identification request for This Lamium sp.: 4 images.
Location:Kupwara, Kashmir. 

Topography :High altitude 3900 meters. 
Habit: Herb.
Flowers:Purplish in colour

Did not find a match ! May not be Lamium ??

Pl. try with Phlomoides bracteosa (Royle ex Benth.) Kamelin & Makhm. as per comparative images and details at Phlomoides
To me appears close.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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