Plectranthus glabratus (Benth.) Alston, Handb. Fl. Ceylon 6(Suppl.): 236 1931. (Syn: Coleus glabratus Benth.; Coleus paniculatus Benth.; Coleus wightii Benth.; Majana paniculata (Benth.) Kuntze; Plectranthus bernardii Doan [Invalid]; Plectranthus coleoides Benth.; Solenostemon paniculatus (Benth.) Guillaumet & Cornet);
Fleshy subshrubs, pubescent. Leaves to 18 x 12 cm, ovate-elliptic, membranous, puberulus, acuminate, base obtuse or slightly truncate, margin coarsely and prominently truncate; petiole to 10 cm. Panicles of racemes terminal, to 25 cm long, racemes to 3.5 cm; flowers pink. Fruiting calyx 2-lipped to 8 mm, upper lip entire, ovate, lower lip 4-toothed, teeth unequal, glabrous. Nutlets 4, oblong, 2 x 2 mm, brown, shining. Flowering and fruiting: August-October Shola forests Peninsular India (endemic) (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi Plectranthus glabratus (Benth.) Alston SN June 41 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Plectranthus glabratus (Benth.) Alston (= Plectranthus coleoides Benth.), tall herb from Kodaikanal area of Tamilnadu at an altitude of 1300m Interesting plant … |
Plectranthus glabratus
Updated on December 24, 2024