Pogostemon hispidus

Pogostemon hispidus (Benth.) Prain, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1908: 254 1908. (Syn: Pogostemon parviflorus var. hispidus Benth.);
Assam to Thailand as per WCSP;
Assam; Bangladesh; Myanmar; Thailand as per Catalogue of Life;


Elsholtzia sp. for ID : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Place : Hmuifang (1,500m alt.). Date : 25-11-2013.
Habitat : Wild. Habit : Herb ?

Looks like Elsholtzia pilosa but hair and bract characters not clear in photo Important in this genus.

Again sending herewith another photo of Elsholtzia for confirmation. Attachments (1)

Is it E. stautonii ?

Yes, … Appears close to Elsholtzia stauntonii as per images at

Pogostemon sp. ??

Pogostemon hispidus (Benth.) Prain as per another thread: Herb for Id



Herb for Id : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).

Location : Hmuifang, Mizoram
Altitude : c. 1,500 m.
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Date : 25-11-2013

Pogostemon ??

This most probably a Pogostemon parviflorus.

Looks different from images at Pogostemon parviflorus Benth.

This might be Pogostemon hispidus, kindly check it.

Thanks, …, for the id.
To me also appear close of Pogostemon hispidus (Benth.) Prain as per specimen at
I could not find any other such material or images on net.
WCSP gives its distribution from Assam to Thailand.

MS Oct,2018/12 Pogostemon sp. fo Id : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Tan, Mizoram
Date : 05-10-2018
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Please check comparative images at

Yes Pogostemon species. What is distributed in NE. In south we have P.benghalensis shrub like, P.paniculatus where flowers arranged one side, P.heyneanus white flowered etc

I could not find a match at comparative images at Pogostemon
It is the same as posted by you earlier at Pogostemon species- Hmuifang, Mizoram
What are the species reported from your area ?

The following spp. are reported in Mizoram :- Pogostemon amaranthoides, P. auricularius, P. brachystachys, P.crassicaulis, P. cruciatum, P. elsholtzioides, P. fraternus, P. glaber, P. linearis, P. paniculatus, P. parviflorus, P. stellatum var. roxburghianus &  P. wattii.

Thanks, …, for the id in another thread.
To me also appear close of Pogostemon hispidus (Benth.) Prain as per specimen at
I could not find any other such material or images on net.
WCSP gives its distribution from Assam to Thailand.


MS Jan.,2020 / 02 Pogostemon sp. (parviflorus ?) for ID : 11 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Location : Mawmrang tlang, Mizoram

Altitude : ca 1,600 m.
Date : 08-11-2019
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Pogostemon hispidus (Benth.) Prain ??

Thanks, …, for the id.
To me also looks closer to Pogostemon hispidus (Benth.) Prain rather than Pogostemon parviflorus Benth. as per comparative images at Pogostemon

Please check also Pogostemon amaranthhoides, from photo not able to confirm but it is not P. parviflorus.

May I request you to pl. post high resolution image of 1st, to further check the details.

With these images I feel it is more close to Pogostemon hispidus as per specimen at MNHN rather than Pogostemon amaranthoides as per specimens at GBIF.

Pogostemon hispidus is treated as synonym of Pogostemon parviflorus, indeed it was orginally described as variety of the latter. Hence it should be confirmed whether it is P. parviflorus or P. amarantoides.
My manuscript says,
The P. amarantoides can easily be distinguished by its glabrous calyx tube and white hairs at the inner surface of the calyx teeth. In addition, it is distinguished (except from P. heyneanus Benth. and P. tuberculosus Benth.) by its much interrupted inflorescence in which internodal distance are up to 2 cm long.

Thanks, … I think high resolution image from …, should settle the issue.

However, Pogostemon parviflorus Benth. (Bangladesh; Cambodia; China South-Central; China Southeast; India; Myanmar; Vietnam) and Pogostemon hispidus (Benth.) Prain (Assam; Bangladesh; Myanmar; Thailand) are currently treated as independent species as per Catalogue of life

Attachments (3) – 1 mb each.

Thanks, …, for high resolution images.

With these images I feel it is more close to Pogostemon hispidus as per specimen at MNHN rather than Pogostemon amaranthoides as per specimens at GBIF.

Ocimum??060410-PKA1 : Attachments (3). 17 posts by 7 authors.
Came across this herb at Mizoram. Resembles some Ocimum sp??. This was found in wild in the forest cover.
Botanical name:Ocimum sp??
Family:Lamiaceae ?
Date/Time-10th November /11:20 AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-Mizoram (Ailang)
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Wild
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-Herb
Height/Length-20 to 40 cm high
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-Hairy, Opposite, 1 to 2 cm X 0.5 to 1.5 cm , base rounded, tapered towards apex,   margins toothed,  petioles 8 to 10mm,

The stem of this plant looks cylindrical to me, Lamiaceae has a square stem ……
can please validate from the original photos where my observation is right?

I checked with other photos. Not able to conclude but as u said, it does look some what cylindrical.
A close up of stem would have helped us.
I was initially thinking that it could be some Mentha sp.

As you said I am also confirmed that the stem is cylindrical and if it is so then Mentha sp can be ruled out because it has a square [4-angled] stem as far as I know. Most of the Lamiaceae members have square stem which is diagonistic character of the family. But I am referring a name because the stem can be 4-angled but due to photographic angle its not visible. then i will say…….

Mentha asiatica Borissova Bekrjasheva,

I find most character of this plant matches with with your specimen hence I am suggestion it. Characters which I have found common i coloured them in blue with bold letter please donot Take it otherwise I have only done this so that you can try to compare them with the original photos. Kindly validate ot wait for more better suggestions by experts.

I also agree with you for Mentha asiatica color of corrlla and calyx and some other characters of the photographs match with the description of the said sp. Hope the id is correct.

I also hope for the best!! This plant made me go through several floras and now if it is wrong then I will be extremely sad !!

Perhaps you may not have to be sad, it is closest call. I have seen a lot of M. longifolia (from which it is not very distinct) in Kashmir, the only thing which worries me that the inflorescence is unusually long in our plant today.

Any possibility of Pogostemon…???

You have caught my thought, this inflorescence is too long and also robust but sir  due to the leaf character I feel hard to identify it as M longifolia.

I didn’t mean to call it M. longifolia. If it can be identified with M. longifolia, then surely it is more correctly M. asiatica, I meant inflorescence is too long and robust for both the species.

I Just told you that as u discussed the matter with me. Sorry if you have thought that I meant to say that you suggested M longifolia, you never told this name. Sorry For the misunderstanding I have created please pardon me for the innocence.

Mentha asiatica as per earlier opinion.

While interacting with …, he indicated that this could  be some sp. of “Elsholtzia“. I had cropped few pics. Requesting you to have a fresh look.

E. stauntonii seems to be the closest call

Mint shrub.

Well. The close look shows it might be Ocimum or Orthosiphon (the stamens are much longer)

Pogostemon hispidus (Benth.) Prain


MS,Nov.,2023/14 Herb for id: 2 images.
Location : Ailawng, Mizoram

Altitude : ca.1,380 m
Date : 04-11-2023
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Pogostemon hispidus (Benth.) Prain !


Updated on December 24, 2024

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