Salvia hians Royle ex Benth., Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 3: 373 1833. (Syn: Salvia macrophylla Tausch [Illegitimate]); Himalayan Blue Sage • Nepali: ग्वालपानी Gwalpani; One of the most beautiful species of alpine Himalayas with glandularviscid stems, broadly ovate leaves up to 20 cm long, on almost as long petiole, upper gradually smaller, crenate-serrate; flowers blue to violet with white patches in lower lip, in 4-6 flowered clusters forming simple or branched raceme.
Salvia hians from Bhadarwah J&K: Kindly confirm ID Bot. name: Salvia hians Family: Lamiaceae Location: Bhadarwah valley J&K Altitude: 2800 m asl Date: 16th August 2012 Yes it is S.hians. Yes … Nice photographs
Salvia hians : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors.
Yes, nice photograph … Nice photograph of a Lamiaceae member.
Salvia hians — en-route Bheradnala – GHNP – PKA71 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4). Seen this herb on Dhel – Bheradnala Trek route at GHNP at an altitude of approx. 3000m. Bot. name: Salvia hians Family: Lamiaceae Date/Time: 29-09-2014 / 10:10AM * Extremely sorry for the poor quality pics..
Thanks …, I am yet to see this..
Lamiaceae (incl. Verbenaceae) Fortnight: Lamiaceae-Salvia hians from Kashmir –GSMAY147/150 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Salvia hians Royle ex Benth. in Hook., Bot. Misc. 3: 373. 1833. One of the most beautiful species of alpine Himalayas with glandularviscid stems, broadly ovate leaves up to 20 cm long, on almost as long petiole, upper gradually smaller, crenate-serrate; flowers blue to violet with white patches in lower lip, in 4-6 flowered clusters forming simple or branched raceme. Photographed from Apharwat mountain Kashmir Beautiful pictures Sir, never seen by me.. thanks! Eastern Himalayan Labiates need id : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) I need id of the following Eastern Himalayan Labiates collected during September, 2014 from different areas of Singalila NP. Darjeeling. Locality: Kalapokhri-BK Bhanjang Roadside Hilly slope Date: 19/09/2014 Populations: only 2 pop. seen throughout SNP Looks like Salvia (Lamiaceae). Closer to S. hians. Does not seem to match with any species available so far in efi at Salvia in eFI Sorry, I think I made a mistake. On closer scrutiny, I now agree that these appear to match with images at Salvia hians Royle ex Benth., but only colour appears different (which may be variable). Yes Salvia hians |
Salvia hians
Updated on December 24, 2024