Litsea coriacea Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 166 1886. ;
LIT-see-a — Chinese litse or Ii, meaning small, little … Dave’s Botanary
kor-ee-uh-KEE-uh — leathery … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known as: leather-leaf litsea • Kannada: ಎರ್ಚಿಕೂಟಿ erchikooti, ಮುಜ muja • Malayalam: മരവെട്ടിത്താളി maravettithaali, പന്നിത്താളി pannithaali, വെട്ടിത്താളി vettithaali • Tamil: பன்னித்தழை pannittalai • Tulu: ಎರ್ಚಿಕೂಟಿ erchikooti
Names further compiled / updated at

Dioecious trees, to 12 m high, bark pale brown, thinly scaly; branchlets puberulous, rather slender. Leaves simple, alternate, estipulate; petiole 5-10 mm long, slender, pubescent; lamina 8.5-17.5 x 2.5-7.5 cm, elliptic-lanceolate or elliptic-ovate, base acute or cuneate, apex acute or acuminate, margin entire, coriaceous, glabrous above, minutely puberulous beneath; lateral nerves 6-9 pairs, pinnate, slender, prominent, intercostae reticulate, obscure. Flowers unisexual, white, in 4-flowered axillary, subsessile, crowded, umbels; bracts 4, silky; perianth tube funnel shaped, finely silky, lobes 6; stamens 12, in 4 rows; those of rows 1 and 2 usually eglandular, glands of those opposite to tepals very large; staminodes in female flowers as the stamens of males, but those of inner rows subulate and 2-glandular; ovary half inferior, ovoid; style slender; stigma small, erect. Fruit a berry, 10-12 mm long, ovoid, greenish-white, seated on a thickened perianth tube.

Flowering and fruiting: December-January
Semi-evergreen forests and sacred groves
Peninsular India (Endemic)

Tree Identification: Attachments (9).  9 posts by 5 authors.
Please help me identify this tree. They are found in our house premises not planted ones. See the pics.
Location : North Paravur , Ernakulam , Kerala.

The tree is 10m tall.

My wildest guess is for Hydnocarpus pentandra (male buds?)! Not sure at all.

please check species of Listea as well.

I agree with … looks a lot like Litsea coriacea


ANDEC36 Please identify this tree : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

Nelliyampathy, Kerala
November 2014

Litsea sp.?

The images attached with your mail are of Litsea coriacea (Lauraceae).


ANJAN36/36 Litsea coriacea : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)

Family: Lauraceae
Date: 11th December 2014
Place: Paripathodu, Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala
Habit: Medium sized tree

Beautiful pictures of a plant from Lauraceae (Already mentioned by you)

Charmadi Ghat Karnataka
Date: 12 NOV 2016 … Altitude: explored between: 873 – 976 m (2863 – 3201 ft) asl
Litsea ¿ josephii ? … (family: Lauraceae)
Dear friends,
Please validate whether Litsea josephii.  

I think this is Litsea coriacea.

efi page on Litsea coriacea with images 

The images in the link is of Litsea coriacea (B. Heyne ex Nees) Hook. f.
One more thing I want to tell you that Litsea josephii S. M. Almeida is illegimate and superflous name, the valid name for Litsea josephii is Litsea stocksii (Meisn.) Hook. f.
Please refer this article for nomenclature – TYPIFICATION OF TEN SPECIES OF LITSEA LAM. (LAURACEAE)
ENDEMIC TO INDIA. Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 22(2): 77-81. 2015. 

It should be Litsea coriacea.

via Species‎ > ‎L‎ > Litsea coriacea (Heyne ex Meisner) Hook. f. … family: Lauraceae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
LIT-see-a — Chinese litse or Ii, meaning small, little … Dave’s Botanary
kor-ee-uh-KEE-uh — leathery … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known asleathery-leaved laurel • Kannadaಎರ್ಚಿಕೂಟಿ erchikootiಮುಜ muja • Malayalamമരവെട്ടിത്താളി maravettithaliപന്നിത്താളി pannithaliവെട്ടിത്താളി vettithali • Tuluಎರ್ಚಿಕೂಟಿ erchikooti 
botanical namesLitsea coriacea (Heyne ex Meisner) Hook. f. … synonymTetranthera coriacea Heyne ex Meisner … Kerala Plants 
November 12, 2016 … along Charmadi Ghat, Karnataka 

Dear friends, please read author citation in subject line and body text as (Heyne ex Meisner) Hook. f.

Wonderful efforts, …

LIT-see-a — Chinese litse or Ii, meaning small, little … Dave’s Botanary
kor-ee-uh-KEE-uh — leathery … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: leather-leaf litsea • Kannada: ಎರ್ಚಿಕೂಟಿ erchikooti, ಮುಜ muja • Malayalam: മരവെട്ടിത്താളി maravettithaali, പന്നിത്താളി pannithaali, വെട്ടിത്താളി vettithaali • Tamil: பன்னித்தழை pannittalai • Tulu: ಎರ್ಚಿಕೂಟಿ erchikooti

botanical namesLitsea coriacea (B.Heyne ex Nees) Hook.f. … homotypic synonymsTetranthera coriacea B.Heyne ex Nees … heterotypic synonymsMalapoenna coriacea Kuntze • Tetranthera micrantha Meisn. … POWO

Bibliography / etymology
Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will.

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
leather-leaf litsea
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಎರ್ಚಿಕೂಟಿ erchikooti, ಮುಜ muja
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
മരവെട്ടിത്താളി maravettithaali, പന്നിത്താളി pannithaali, വെട്ടിത്താളി vettithaali
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
பன்னித்தழை pannittalai
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಎರ್ಚಿಕೂಟಿ erchikooti
*Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, *Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu; endemic

* no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state

~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

Both Malayalam and English spellings are correct


Kannada names for Litsea coriacea are: erchikooti and muja
Etymology of erchikooti (muscle binder) as the leaves are much used to heal muscle torsion.
Reference: Shodhganga Medicinal plants of Tulunadu
Would it be written in Kannada script thus: ಎರ್ಚಿಕೂಟ್ಟಿ and ಮುಜ … I could not see any satisfactory results in search for ಎರ್ಚಿಕೂಟ್ಟಿ / ಮುಜ
Please validate ಎರ್ಚಿಕೂಟ್ಟಿ and ಮುಜ

For me the  the word  should be written as ಎರ್ಚಿ ಕೂಟಿ.
erchikooti   =  ಎರ್ಚಿ ಕೂಟಿ (Erchi meaning muscle and kooti meaning ‘which joins’ a binder).
The other word ಮುಜ is correctly written.

Thank you very very much for validating the names, and rendering them in native script.




The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Unresolved) Tropicos  India Biodiversity Portal