Utricularia reticulata Sm., Exot. Bot. 2: 119, t. 119 119 1808 (Syn: Utricularia oryzetorum Miq.; Utricularia reticulata var. parviflora Santapau; Utricularia spiricaulis Miq.); . Beautiful tiny blue flowers on rock hills of Haldipur: The second week of October and it is still raining in Haldipur. Here there is rocky hill at a km distance from home. On reaching top we find its is actually a plain flat rock surface which stretches for about 2-3 kms The hills have long soaked in all the rains giving rise to an abundance of beautiful tiny flowering plants, a sort of bluish-purple carpeting on the otherwise barren landscape. Small water bodies are created here and there. The little blue flowers thrive near those water holes on the rock surfaces. Utricularia reticulata flowering: Photographed at Shahapur the previous weekend with … Utricularia for species id: yeah its Utricularia i know .. and as i have written, i want to know specific name.. I think the id is correct. It looks close to the one reported by … here: … informative and interesting article by M.K. Janarthanam ji. Utricularia reticulata: Seen this insectivorous aquatic herb at “Prabal-Matheran valley”. Entire field was full of this herb. Beautiful valley views as well as macros… hi even i too got it today…:-) They were together with Drosera indica…. all were insectivorus plants…:-) Utricularia purpurascens: Validate Please This is U. reticulata, not U. purpurascens.
hello: This Utricularia I clicked at Ratnagiri on 3rd Sept.’12 and may like to know the sp. of the same. … to me looks like Utricularia purpurascens. This appears more closer to images at Utricularia reticulata Sm.
Yes, you are right.
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Utricularia reticulata
Updated on December 24, 2024