Utricularia stellaris

Mar. name Pan papani; 
As per efi thread
As per “Bengal Plants” –
  • flowers yellow,; peduncles bearing a whorl of vesicles ………. stellaris
  • flowers yellow; peduncles without vesicles ……… flexuosa


ID of Utricularia species!:
Utricularia snaps from 1-4 are different species with floaters whereas Utricularia snaps from 5 to 7 are without floaters and smaller with yellow flowers!

Please check the following species

1-4 Utricularia aurea
4-7 utricularia exoleta
Would you please let me where you took these pictures from?

It had floaters followed with flowers which were above the surface of water. 1-4 Utricularia spp. Unfortunately these variety of plants aren’t existing anymore. Those photographs were taken four years back in one of the lakes of Bangalore!

I have never heard of Utricularia having floaters??
Is it possible that these are two different plants?

I think … was referring the Bladders as floaters.

No there are white things attached with the stem below flower twigs if you see.

But I think these floats are a part of many species of Utricularia, to make inflorescence to remain emerged.

Thank you sir for the clarification. Please find attached the full paper

utricularia1.JPG, utricularia2.JPG, utricularia3.JPG and utricularia4.JPG = U. stellaris
utricularia5.JPG, utricularia6.JPG and utricularia7.JPG = U. exoleta

1-4 Utricularia stellaris L.f.
5-7 U. gibba L. (=U. exoleta R. Br.)

Hooghly – Aquatic – Utricularia stellaris L.f. : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors.
This one as well as the one in https://groups.google.indiantreepix/XcJ is Utricularia stellaris L.f.

As per “Bengal Plants” –
  • flowers yellow,; peduncles bearing a whorl of vesicles ………. stellaris
  • flowers yellow; peduncles without vesicles ……… flexuosa
Thank you,


Utricularia stellaris L.f. from Hooghly:

The book “Plant Groups” mentions two common floating herbs, Utricularia stellaris L. and Utricularia flexuosa Vahl. Failed to find much info on these two species. A post tells me that this plant might be the U. stellarishttps://groups.google.com/d/topic/indiantreepix/-g_Nhjwqf5k/discussion.
Species : Utricularia stellaris L.f. ?
Habit & Habitat : aquatic herb in a pond
Date : 16/10/12, 10.30 a.m.
Place : Garalgacha (Hooghly)
Links visited :-

This looks like Ceratophyllum submersum to me. Please check.

Thank you for the probable ID.
I was confused yesterday when i tried to ID this pant. Internet gave me images of Utricularia aurea Lour. (syn. U. flexuosa Vahl.) that looked very similar – http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Utricularia_aurea and http://www.kinmatsu.idv.tw/plant/Asteridae/Utricularia.aurea.jpg/
Now, Ceratophyllum submersum L. also looks similar.
I am not sure of which species i should go for.

Utricularia stellaris as per another thread.

Attaching the key of Utricularia in “Bengal Plants”.

ANDEC18 Please identify this aquatic plant : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6).

Ramadevarabetta, Karnataka
7th December 2014

Utricularia sp.

Nice catch..
Looks like some Utricularia sp… Check for Utricularia australis

Request for validation of Utricularia stellaris from Bilaspur. Photographed in October, 2022.

I guess so.!

Yes, appears close to images at Utricularia stellaris

Yes …,  It is Utricularia stellaris


Updated on December 24, 2024

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