Helixanthera ligustrina (Wall.) Danser, Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 10: 317 1929. (Syn: Dithecina ligustrina (Wall.) Tiegh.; Gaiadendron ligustrinum (Wall.) Engl.); . India: Tropical or subtropical Himalayas, up to 1500 m altitude, found on a limited number of hosts, the few recorded are Eurya acuminata, Cedrela toona, Ficus clavata, Mallotus philippensis and Melia azedarach. Uttar Pradesh, W. Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Tripura; Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, S. China, Indo-china, Thailand and Philippines (Luzon) as per BSI flora of India; .
Location: Indra Daha, Kathmandu Altitude: 1825 m. Date: 18 August 2019 Habit : Wild Attachments (3) – 1, 1 & 3 mb. Attachments (1) – 6 mb. Looks Loranthaceae family species this not tree, it’s a parasitic shrub, … is correct, Loranthaceae member, Helixanthera only, Thanks, … Yes, I now see it clearly. Thank you …! I guess it matches with Helixanthera ligustrina (Wall.) Danser according to ACFPoN. Could you please verify? Am not sure about sp. …, I will go through that when I have complete information only, finalize yourself sp. because you know which one is recorded in local floras, Only two sp. recorded according to the ACFPoN and I guess Helixanthera ligustrina (Wall.) Danser matches on the basis of elevation. However I could not find images of fruiting stage in the net for comparison. Can you please help from the enclosed materials ? Attachments (3) what is the another recorded sp. as per ACFPoN, Please open the link I cant tell strongly with this information, let’s wait for experts comments, Ok …! Pl. check in Gbif. Member of family Loranthaceae. Could be a species of Taxillus Thank you …, Two species are listed in Nepal so far. I guess it is more close to Taxillus umbellifer (Schult. & Schult.f.) Danser. Could you please check once the links ? Taxillus I appreciate that you always get back with possible identities of plants for further validation, after the initial suggestion of the genus or family. But I must confess that I am never able to respond to your follow up emails. This is because I havent seen those species myself and I rarely have the time to sit with the flora and validate the identity by matching the keys and the description. I am telling you this so that you know the reasons for me not getting back to you on those posts. Checklist of Nepal is not opening right now. It appears closer to Taxillus umbellifer as per High resolution specimen at GBIF. Pl. check. To me appears close. Also check with other listed species in Checklist. Thank you for validation … Thanks, … As per Checklist of Nepal, two species are reported as It looks different from Helixanthera parasitica Lour. as per FoC illustration. It appears close to Helixanthera ligustrina (Wall.) Danser as per Specimen from GBIF I think Taxillus umbellifer (Schult. f.) Danser is also showing a specimen from Nepal, but it looks different now. You are correct …! Kindly identify this loranthus species : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3). Kindly identify the loranthus species found in the citrus orchards of pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh. This parasite is also seen in fig tree also. Flower- red in colour, around 1cm in length, 4 petals, 4 stamens and 1pistil. First two pictures are same as in efi thread Fwd: Loranthus species identification : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2). Please, check – http://www.phytoimages.siu.edu/ Also, endnote – http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=242324837 Identification requested of Loranthaceae member : 19 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)- around 800 kb each. Please help to identify this hemiparasitic plant of Loranthaceae family. I think it’s some Taxillus species. Host tree is Populas species Altitude -1500 metres asl Photographed near Palampur, HP Dated – 6 May 2018 Pl. check /species/a—l/l/loranthaceae/taxillus Thanks Garg sir But I have already checked at efloraofindia pages of Taxillus and other Loranthaceae but didn’t find any match. Helixanthera hookeriana (Wight & Arn.) ?? Thanks … But Helixanthera hookeriana looks different to me as it has distinct reddish brown midrib present in leaves lacking in our plant also the flower petals are much back curved and attached in our plant unlike Helixanthera hookeriana where they are less curved and free. I think close to images at Helixanthera ligustrina (Wall.) Danser Garg sir earlier I was also thinking of the same but its different as calyx of H.ligustrina is not backly curved as in our plant. Pl. see Thanks …, yes it looks very close. It is also mentioned from subtropical Himalayas, up to 1500 m altitude, though I can’t find Populus ciliata mentioned as its host as I have seen most of plants on Populus and also there’s no records from Himachal Pradesh. Here’s the description and distribution detail by BSI http://efloraindia.nic.in/id=1440&type=4 After going through all possible areas I guess it is more close to Helixanthera ligustrina. Link3 ??? Please validate if it is correct..
Location: Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur Date: 08 March 2020 Elevation: 1519 m. Habit : Wild
Location: Indra Daha, Dahachok, Kathmandu Date: 23 June 2020 Elevation: 1800 m. Habitat: Wild Nepali Name : ऐंजेरू Ainjeroo Location: Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur Date: 07 July 2020 Elevation: 1519 m. Habit : Wild Fruiting images . Fwd: loranthus parasite found in the orange orchards of pasighat arunachal pradesh : 4 posts by 1 author. Attachments (1)- 2 Mb. Kindly identify the species of this loranthus parasite found in the orange orchards of pasighat arunachal pradesh. I am again uploading a smaller file size photo for your kind attention. I could not upload the flowers as the flowers will come in april- may. I will upload it as soon as it flowers. Your specimen photograph is not informative (there is no inflorescence and details of flower) You know very well taxonomic identification at the species level, requires short descriptions along with images of flower and floral parts. Helixanthera ligustrina (Wall.) Danser ! . Helixanthera ligustrina (Wall.) Danser: 8 high res. images. Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu Date: 20 July 2024 Altitude: 1867 m. Habitat : Wild |
Helixanthera ligustrina
Updated on December 24, 2024