Ammannia baccifera L., Sp. pl. 1:120. 1753 (Syn: (=) Ammannia aegyptiaca Willd.); . ammannia, acrid weed, blistering ammania, monarch redstem, tooth cup • Bengali: বনমরিচ banmarich • Hindi: अगिन बूटी aginbuti, बन मिरिच ban mirich, दादमारी dadmari, जंगली मेंहदी jungli mehendi • Kannada: ಕಾಡುಗಿಡ kaadugida • Konkani: दादमार्या dadmaria • Malayalam: kallur vanchi, nirumelneruppu • Marathi: अगीनबुटी aginbuti, भरजांभूळ bharajambhula, दादमारी dadmari • Nepalese: अम्बार ambar • Punjabi: dadarbooti • Sanskrit: अग्निगार्भ agnigarbha, ब्राह्मसोम brahmasoma, क्षेत्रभूषा kshetrabhusha, क्षेत्रवशिनी kshetravashini, महाश्याम mahasyama, पाषाणभेद pasanabheda • Tamil: கல்லுருவி kal-l-uruvi • Telugu: అగ్నివేండపాకు agnivendapaku; . Erect annual herbs to 40 cm tall; stem 4-angled or more or less winged. Leaves decussate, sessile, 2-6 x 0.5-0.8 cm, linear to elliptic, base attenuate, apex acute, chartaceous. Cymes dischasial, axillary. Flowers 4 or 5-merous, perigynous; pedicels c. 2 mm long. Calyx tube 1-2 mm long, campanulate; lobes 4, 1-1.5 mm long, triangular. Petals absent. Stamens 4; filaments c. 0.5 mm long. Ovary c. 1 mm in diam., globose, 4-5-locular; ovules many; stigma capitate. Capsule 1.5-2 mm across, globose, exceeding calyx tube. Seeds brownish, concavo-convex. Flowering and fruiting: September-December Paddy fields and other wet lands Tropical Africa, Asia, Europe and Australia (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi . Ammannia baccifera is a tropical species with a range that covers the tropical parts of Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan, China, Philippines, etc.), America and Africa. In the Mediterranean region it is present in Egypt and reaches its northwestern distribution limit in Turkey, Israel, and Palestine. It is naturalized in Spain.
. Ammannia baccifera from around Tikkar Tal Lake, Morni, Haryana: – Ammannia-baccifera is also very common in our locality. Please help id this small herb: This is Ammannia baccifera of Lythraceae. Does the baccifera also have a variety with greenish flowers? This is another common herb in uncultivated land. I am sorry that i couldn’t get any better picture. Species : UNKNOWN Habit & Habitat : wild herb, about 1 foot high, uncultivated land Date : 17-03-12, 9.38 a.m. Place : Gobra (Hooghly), WB Ammania baccifera. This is common in Mysore also near the water tanks. Does the Ammania baccifera looks like this attached picture, taken today (07-05-12), when the season is over? Pakistan Tannins and in – Cal photos Your last image is Rumex dentatus, very much distinct from Ammania in its very large leaves, spreading branched inflorescence and winged fruits. ID Request- 29092012-PKA2: Seen this herb at Mankhurd (Mumbai) near salt pans. … could be Ammannia baccifera (family: Lythraceae). Thanks … It does look like Ammannia baccifera.
Hooghly -> Ammannia baccifera Linnaeus: Attaching images of Ammannia baccifera Linnaeus, photographed today in an uncultivated land in Hooghly. ID Help : efi thread Ammannia baccifera L. from Kamrup district, Assam: Attached images are Ammannia baccifera L. Date :15.02.2013 Location: Kamrup district Family : Lythraceae Genus & species : Ammannia baccifera L. Habitat: Grows wild on bank of the river. Habit: Herb : Flower :Small ANAUG39 Please confirm if Ammannia baccifera : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4). Ammannia aegyptiaca Willd. SN Oct 15 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2). Ammannia aegyptiaca Willd., (= A. baccifera subsp. aegyptica (Willd.) Koehne, Tall herb near moist places from Anekal area of Bangalore. ANDEC21 Please identify this aquatic plant : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6). Mysore Road, Karnataka Ammannia baccifera L. Ammania baccifera on FOI: While checking Flowers of India in connection with plant uploaded by …, my own photographs uploaded from Morni hills, I realised that although the second photograph on FOI is clearly Ammania baccifera, the first plant may not be so. To me the first photograph by … looks to have clearly stalked flowers, the stem and leaves look different. It may after all be belonging to Rubiaceae, perhaps Oldenlandia corymbosa. .. please check your records of these photographs and give your valuable comments. … many thanks for validating and pointing the oddity. You must be correct too. Will be very glad to have my misidentified plants corrected. I (partially!) agree with both of your views. This is very interesting. Here are my photographs of A. baccifera from Tikkar Tal Lake, Morni, Haryana. It looks very similar to second photograph. Could you kindly give the differences between A. baccifera and A. octandra, I meant the attached image in this link: Just for record, here is my (herbarium photograph) from Kashmir. Ammannia baccifera family: Lythraceae Habit : Herb Height : 45 cm Habitat : River side, wet region. ID plz. Clicked at Faridkot, Punjab (India), elevation is 196 metres (643 ft) on June 9, 2019 Seems to be Ammannia baccifera:
Ammannia baccifera : Muscat : 28AUG19 : AK-36 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) These are my pictures of Ammannia baccifera taken in Muscat near a water body. Thanks …, for the pictures. I am convinced that plant in my post is different. Mumbai, MH :: Rotala (??) for ID :: ARK2020-028 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) Saw this tiny plant in a marshy area in Charkop, Mumbai, MH in October 2019. I suspect this is some Rotala. Requested to please provide ID Ammania sp. ?? It’s Ammannia only, Ammannia baccifera. Usually floral elements are red, but if looked for, all green plant can be found. This is one such plant, now with mature fruits showing some red. Attached pictures of can you identify the genus? I think it is Ammania gracilis but gracilis is not found in India. There is Ludwigia (no idea genus ?perinis) and Typha augustifolia also in this picture. Ammannia may be Ammannia baccifera L. as per comparative images at Ammannia . Small Plant for ID : Nasik : 03DEC20 : AK-04 Seen on the Gangapur Grasslands, close to the water body. Could be Ammania Species? 3 images. Ammannia baccifera Roth ?? I too agree with … 06062013 ASP 41 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Can you please ID this small plant with red leaves and flowers. Photo was taken in a park in Sri Lanka in Oct 2011 Ammannia sp. I guess this should be Ammania baccifera ! . Swamy/New series/ID/21- ID of the plant Ammania sps: 1 image. I guess Ammannia baccifera L. ! Ammannia baccifera . ID: wetland edge plant reddish green stem/fruit: 2 images. Ammannia baccifera L. ?? I concur with …. Plenty around lake bed in my place. . Plant for I’d from Bilaspur: 2 high res. images. Ammannia baccifera L. . FOR VALIDATION :: Ammannia aegyptiaca Willd. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Sep 27, 2008 · JUN23 DV102: 1 image. ?? Ammannia aegyptiaca Willd. (not synonym of Ammannia baccifera L.) it is true that two can’t be considered as synonyms according to POWO, COL and WFO, but before calling this as A. aegyptiaca, we need to know differences between the two before we decide ID of this. Referring to the differences that I put in another post, in this posted observation of Ammania aegyptica, I will wait for those who are familiar with genus Ammannia for study purposes to validate this ID. I have suggested ID based merely on my thinking. . FOR VALIDATION :: Ammannia baccifera L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Sep 27, 2008 · JUN23 DV106: 2 images. I guess the ID is correct. need to know differences between A. baccifera and A. aegyptiaca before we decide ID of this also. I have attempted to make some notes from the internet. Most of the sites have merged – ssp. aegyptiaca with ssp. baccifera – thus was difficult to find separate descriptions. Here below I have listed the differences briefly … Ammannia baccifera ssp. baccifera cymes peduncled epicalyx minute capsule exceeding calyx tubeAmmannia baccifera ssp. aegyptiaca cymes sessile-subsessile epicalyx horn-like capsule included within the calyx Here below are descriptions cited from two sites … The genus Ammannia L. (Lythraceae) in Egypt Ammannia baccifera ssp. aegyptiaca The genus Ammannia L. (Lythraceae) in Egypt In this posted observation of Ammania baccifera, I see peduncled cymes; and the leaf base as attenuate-cuneate, compared to ssp. aegyptica which has a sub-cordate base. I will wait for those who are familiar with genus Ammannia for the sake of their study, to validate this ID. I have suggested ID based merely on my thinking. . Lythraceae: Ammannia baccifera L.: 2 images.
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Ammannia baccifera
Updated on December 24, 2024