

Thaiszia – J. Bot., Košice, 19: 47-60, 2009 (pdf- 14 pages)
Genera as per this:

Magnoliaceae : 1 post by 1 author.

I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) pages on ‎Magnoliaceae & its genera pages along with incorporating species found in India subcontinent as per

A synopsis on distribution and endemism of Magnoliaceae s.l. in Indian Subcontinent by SUBIR RANJAN KUNDU- Thaiszia – J. Bot., Košice, 19: 47-60, 2009 (pdf- 14 pages).

Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details.

Any comments/ corrections are welcome.
Thanks Dr. Kundu for the wonder document.

Dilleniaceae, Magnoliaceae and Annonaceae Fortnight: March 1 to 14, 2014. : 13 posts by 6 authors.

Our next monthly family Fortnight will include Families Magnoliaceae, …. The members are requested to please organise their photographs for upload during the Fortnight.
The members uploading the photographs should follow the following subject line for uniformity:
For Identified photographs
Magnoliaceae, … Fortnight: …………(Family)-…………….(name of plant) from ………………(Place)-…….(serial number with your initials month and e.g. GSMAR-1)
For photographs meant for ID
Magnoliaceae, … Fortnight: …………(Family)-…………….(unique ID DDMMYY+your initials+post for the day) from ………………(Place)-…….(serial number with your initials month and e.g. GSMAR-1)
Please maintain separate serial number for Fortnight uploads and General posts throughout the month.

Genera already discussed in efloraofindia is given below:

Magnolia ….
A synopsis on distribution and endemism of Magnoliaceae s.l. in Indian Subcontinent by SUBIR RANJAN KUNDU – I shall be requesting him for assisting us on Magnoliaceae

Updated on December 24, 2024

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