Grewia flavescens

India: Common in scrub and dry deciduous forests. Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Prdesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala; Tropical Africa as per BSI Flora of India;
Donkey Berry, Sandpaper Raisin, Rough-leaved Raisin • Marathi: खटखटी Khatkhati;


Malvaceae week : Grewia flavescens: Malvaceae week : Grewia flavescens
These are the pictures of a plant I believe as Grewia flavescens.
Vetal Tekdi Pune.

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Grewia%20flavescens1.jpgSo you have started sending Griwias. Masta flowers.


on Hanuman Tekdi Pune Maharashtra Aug 2008.

Grewia flavescens

grewia flavescens :  grewia flavescens, ramdhaneshwar, alibaug
this sunday
many thanks to … for showing it to me

ANJUL01 Grewia sp. for id- Grewia flavescens?: 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).

July 2014

Nice photos. Do all Grewia sp have oblique leaf base ?

Sorry …, I am not aware if all Grewia sp. have an oblique base. Maybe the experts to confirm if this is the case.

The identification of the plant as Grewia flavescens is already desiminated

Yes it is G. flavescens. but for confirmation please cheack the drupe which shows Crustaceous rind.

Correctly Identified, yes it is Grewia flavescens 


Malvaceae Fortnight :: Grewia flavescens ::Dhule :: PKAJUL63:: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)- 1 Mb each.

Bot.Name: Grewia flavescens (Grewia pilosa) 
local name: Khatkhati 
Family: Tiliaceae 
Photographed at “Pisol fort, near Dhule”.



Identification of Grewia sp. : 14 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)

Pl help me to identify the attached Grewia sp.
Observed at Vellore.
Shrubby in nature with drooping leaves

Pl. check comparative images at Grewia

It is Grewia flavescens


A typical G flavescens. Lot of difference between the post and this one.

Attachments (1)

On going through, I feel both are same.

It’s Grewia flavescens.

Both are Grewia flavescens only; the quality of photographs are different

Grewia for ID :: Sathyamangalam :: JUN2018 MK001 : 11 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (10)
Please help in identifying this small tree/shrub of Grewia sp. The pictures are of low quality.
Height: 3 metres; shrubby habit
Habitat: Scrub dry forests
Alt.: 250 m asl
Place: Sathyamangalam TR, TN

The plant was quite common in that jungle.
Date: 16 June 2018

… most probably Grewia serrulata, based on nature of buds and flowers … not sure because here the leaves seem to be broader, and shorter.

May be G. flavescens

Comparative images in the NET are closure to G. flavescens suggested by …

I will also go with … for Grewia flavescens Juss. as per images and details herein.
Does not match with images at Grewia serrulata DC.

It appears to be Grewia flavescens !

Sevvel05 – 30 September – Kallar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu – Grewia flavescens? : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)- around 600 kb each.
Location :  Kallar, Mettupalayam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. 
Date : 30 October 2018.
Elevation : 500 m.
Habit : Wild.
Adding my photos of Grewia flavescens to EFI.

To me also appear close to images at Grewia flavescens

I guess … is right.

Only one Grewia species which has mature stem quadrangular. a characteristic feature  Grewia flavescens Juss.
Nice photographs.



Grewia for id 100210MK1: Grewia sp.

Located on the roadside of Dhimbam ghat section in Satyamangalam WLS.
Have glabrous leaves and leaves does not exceed 10cm in length.
Date: 09 Feb 2010

… could it be Grewia serrulata ?

Grewia tenax.

Grewia tenax is a shrub. But the picture is of a Tree.

It maybe Grewia oppositifolia

I think this is not Grewia serrulata.

This photo was taken at the same location of Dhimbam ghat road-side in Sathyamangalam RF.
Date: 27 Feb 2012

Please check against Grewia laevigata (syn glabra). The tree habit, leaf elliptic shape. glabrous and lobed fruit seem to match

I too, do not think it to be Grewia serrulata. My earlier thought is incorrect.

It is Grewia polygama Roxb., reasons- small trees/ shrubs; leaves basally 3 nerved, margin iregularly serrate; fruit 4 lobed, hairy

BSI Flora of India, only gives G. helicterifolia with syn. as G. polygama auct. non Roxb. 1832: Masters in Fl. Brit. India 1: 391. 1874.

Also does not match with images of this species as per specimen at

Interesting …, I would love to see the flowers.

We are not getting any lead into this. Any guess?

It is difficult to id without the flowers. Though from the fruit character it appears to be G. bracteata Roth (drupe obscure (rarely deep); broadly ovoid, rusty)

Sorry for the quite a long absence of mine. I was able to trace the plant in the same location after many years. I hope we can resolve this Grewia sp.

Attachments (1)– 3 mb.

Am sorry, I couldn’t resize the images.

Location: Thimbam, Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve, TN
Date: 4, December 2019

Attachments (2) -1 & 2 mb.

It is Grewia flavescens Juss., very common here

I too agree with …, G. flavescens only,


Wild Weed For ID : Oman : 200314 : AK-26: 2 images.
Grewia plant was seen growing wild last week (26.7.21).

For Species id please.

Grewia flavescens


Updated on December 24, 2024

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