Grewia oppositifolia

Grewia oppositifolia Roxb. ex DC., Prodr. 1: 509 1824. (syn: Grewia carpinifolia Roth; Grewia emarginata Wight & Arn.; Grewia involucrata Wight) as per efi thread;
Jammu & Kashmir, India (Himachal Pradesh, Indian Punjab, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu), ?Nepal as per Catalogue of Life

Grewia from Dhimbam ghat road-side in Sathyamangalam RF : 8 posts by 3 authors.
This photo was taken at the same location of Dhimbam ghat road-side in Sathyamangalam RF.
Date: 27 Feb 2012

Fruit images look different from the originally posted images. So posting for id pl. 

It appears to be
G. oppositifolia.

Plenty in the Maruthamalai, coimbatore region and other dry regions.  
Attaching images of G. oppositifoia for comparison.
Please crosscheck.
Attachments (2)

I hope author citation and synonyms are OK as per Catalogue of Life.
Pl. confirm.

The correct citation is G. oppositifolia Roxb. ex DC. and it is in my recent paper on Roxburgh’s Grewia which will appear in the next issue of Journal (I will notify you when it will publish).
Regarding the synonym, all appears to be fine, though I am doubtful about Grewia orientalis Roxb. ex Wight & Arn.
The G. orientalis Roxb. is nothing but the G. orientalis L., and it is not referable to G. oppositifolia Roxb. ex DC.
Wight & Arn. in their Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. (1837) referred Roxburgh’s Icon 222 for their G. emarginata, which was a drawing Roxburgh himself considered for his Flora Indica (1832) as G. orientalis and also mentioned Rheede’s Hort. Malabaricus (1865-1868) drawing (Tab. 46. attached below).
Further, Wight & Arn. (1837) also considered G. orientalis Roxb. Fl. Ind. 2. p. 586 as a synonym for G. orientalis L. 
The specimen was sent by Roxburgh to Smith as “G. microcos” initially, which is the type of Roxburgh’s G. orientalis available now at LINN.
So G. orientalis Roxb. ex Wight & Arn = G. orientalis L.
Also attaching the icons of G. orientalis and G. oppositifolia by Roxburgh here for clarification.
I hope the little information I provided is helpful. 
Attachments (3)


Tree for ID from Chikamagalur Mullayaingiri Road-GS09022022-2:
Please help with the ID of Tree photographed from Chikamagalur Mullayaingiri Road, 26-9-2015.

Pl. check comparative images at Grewia.
2 very high res. images.

Pl. check with images at Grewia oppositifolia Roxb. ex DC.

The image do looks like Grewia oppositifolia Roxb. ex DC.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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