Grewia orbiculata

Grewia orbiculata Rottler, Neue Schriften Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 4: 205 1803. (Syn: Grewia rotundifolia Juss.);
India: Common in dry deciduous forests. Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kerala as per BSI Flora of India;
GREW-ee-uh — named for Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712), an English physician and author
or-bee-kul-AY-tuh — round
commonly known as: round-leaved grewia, round sage-leaved indian linden • Kannada: ಕರಿಜಾನ karijaana • Telugu: జాన jaana • Tamil: நெய்ச்சிட்டி ney-c-citti
Endemic to: s Deccan Peninsula (of India)


Malvaceae week :: Grewia orbiculataGrewia orbiculata Rottler

GREW-ee-uh — named for Nehemiah Grew (1641-1712), an English physician and author
or-bee-kul-AY-tuh — round
[image: Grewia orbiculata Rottl.] <…>
Apr 22, 2011 along NH4 near Sutagatti
commonly known as: round-leaved grewia, round sage-leaved indian linden • Kannada: ಕರಿಜಾನ karijaana • Telugu: జాన jaana • Tamil: நெய்ச்சிட்டி ney-c-citti
Endemic to: s Deccan Peninsula (of India)
 – [image: Ney-c-citti (Tamil:
நெய்ச்சிட்டி)] <…>…
Apr 22, 2011 along NH4 near Sutagatti


ANMAY19/20 Grewia orbiculata Rottler (Please validate)  : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (11)

Family: Tiliaceae
Date: 29th April 2015
Place: Hassan District

Habit: Small tree
Habitat: Scrub forest

Thank you for sharing.


ANMAY20/21 Grewia orbiculata Rottler (Please validate)  : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (15)

Family: Tiliaceae
Date; 30th April 2015
Place: Hassan District, Karnataka
Habit: Tree
Habitat: Scrub Forest

Grewia orbiculata is correct identification.

This is a large shrub.
Bot. name: Grewia orbiculata
Family: Tiliaceae
Location: Belgaum region


Malvaceae week: Grewia for identification 080911MK01:
A friend of mine had take this picture and requested for identification. I thought it is Grewia asiatica. Please help me in identifying this shrub.
Date: 08 Aug 2008
Location: Sathyamangalam RF, TN
Altitude: c. 900 ASL

… a very different Grewia many thanks for showing, … a lax-panicle seeing for first time.

I think close to images at Grewia orbiculata Rottler

Yes, indeed it is distinct. Not G. asiatica for sure
But need to be confirmed with the fruits.
…, can you let us know the other details of it?


Grewia tiliaefolia JM : 3 posts by 1 author.
Grewia tiliaefolia tree in Chilkur NP, Hyderabad. I hope Id is correct. I am trying to sort out three Grewia species seen flowering with yellow flowers on the same day i.e. 28/6/09.

Can it be Grewia asiatica L. ? or is it some other species?

I think close to images at Grewia orbiculata Rottler

If stipule is foliceous than it is G. tiliaefolia and if stipule sabulate than it is G.orbiculata

Yes it is Grewia orbiculata

Grewia sp. ?: 3 images.
Seen these flowers at Tiruvannamalai hill, requested to provide id.

Grewia species

Do you have photos of greater clarity of  leaves.

Yes, I took leaf close up view.

Grewia orbiculata

I concur with … ID.


Tree for ID : Grewia Species : Nasik : 26APR22 : AK – 07: 4 images.
A small tree seen at Borgad Conservation Reserve this week (26.4.22).

Grewia Species.
Could it be Grewia tiliifolia?

Grewia orbiculata Rottler

Grewia orbiculata Rottler


Updated on December 24, 2024

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