Hibiscus caesius Garcke, Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 7: 850 1849. (syn: Hibiscus gibsonii Stocks ex Harv.; Hibiscus pentaphyllus F. Muell.); Came across this large herb at the entrance of Devgiri-Daulatabad fort (26-12-09). Bot. name: Hibiscus caesius Family: Malvaceae Came across this large herb at the entrance of Devgiri-Daulatabad fort (26-12-09). Bot. name: Hibiscus caesius Family: Malvaceae nice… almost no leaves? Malvaceae Fortnight ::Hibiscus caesius:: Aurangabad :: PKAJUL04 : : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Bot.name: Hibiscus caesius Family: Malvaceae Location: Devgiri (Daulatabad Fort), near Aurangabad. new face of a flower for me References: |
Hibiscus caesius
Updated on December 24, 2024