Memecylon angustifolium

Memecylon angustifolium Wight, Ill. Pl. Orient. 1: 215 215 .;
Malayalam: Attukanala
South India and Sri Lanka; in the Western Ghats- rare in South Sahyadri.        











Another Western Ghat endemic plant.
Memecylon angustifolium Wight of Melastomataceae family from Pooyamkutty Reserve forest.
Some of the pictures taken during March 2011 and others taken during February 2012.
Altitude arond 150m
Habitat: Riparian
Plant height. ca 3-4m
Flowering: December-March
Fruits not seen yet.
Thanks to … (TBGRI, Trivandrum) for id confirmation.

Thanks for sharing the nice set of beautiful photographs of the species. I have seen other species in Chennai but not this.


ANMAY28/36 Memecylon angustifolium Wt. (Please validate) : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Family: Melastomataceae
Date: 12th May 2015
Place: Hebri, Karnataka

Habit: Tree
Habitat: Riverside in an evergreen forest (low elevation)

Memecylon angustifolium.

very apt photography. beautiful colors

Thank you …. Thank you ma’am. 🙂 Entire banks of the river were populated with this species but I must have found it early/late in its cycle and saw only two inflorescences which had flowers in bloom.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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