Chukrasia tabularis

Chukrasia tabularis A.Juss. Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 19: 251 1830. (Syn: Chickrassia nimmonii J. Graham ex Wight; Chickrassia tabularis Wight & Arn.; Chickrassia tabularis var. velutina (M. Roem.) King; Chickrassia velutina M. Roem.; Chukrasia chickrassa (Roxb.) J.Schultze-Motel; Chukrasia nimmonii Graham ex Wight; Chukrasia tabularis var. dongnaiensis (Pierre) Pellegr.; Chukrasia tabularis var. macrocarpa (Pierre) Pellegr.; Chukrasia tabularis var. microcarpa (Pierre) Pellegr.; Chukrasia tabularis var. velutina (M. Roem.) Pellegr.; Chukrasia trilocularis (G.Don) M.Roem.; Chukrasia velutina M.Roem.; Chukrasia velutina (M. Roem.) C. DC.; Chukrasia velutina var. dongnaiensis Pierre; Chukrasia velutina var. macrocarpa Pierre; Chukrasia velutina var. microcarpa Pierre; Dysoxylum esquirolii H.Lév.);
Lal Devdar;
India: Bihar(?), W. Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands; Also cultivated elsewhere in the country; Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Sri Lanka as per BSI Flora of India;
Saplings have bipannately compound leaves whereas adult trees usually exhibit unipinnately compound ones.

Identification of a tree at BPT Garden/Sagar Upavan, coloba:ID01:
Kindly identify this tree.
Date/Time- 05/05/2011 07:15AM
Location- BPT Garden/Sagar Upavan, Mumbai, Maharashtra. Altitude: Sea level
Habitat- Garden
Plant Habit- very large Tree
Height/Length- 30mtrs approx.
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- as seen in photo
Inflorescence Type/ Size- as seen in photo
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-as seen in photo
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- not found

… good possibility of Chukrasia tabularis

Agree with .. . This looks like Chukrasia tabularis


Is it Chukrasia tabularis?

Local Marathi name Dalmara

Large evergreen tree, Height more than 20 m.

Leaves odd pinnate

Habitat: Evergreen forest

(Ref Further Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar)

Validate Please

At Phansad WLS,Maharashtra

Alagarkoil flora 25062012 TBN 1 for id:
Please identify this plant details of which are as follows:
Date : 03/04/12                                                        
Location : Alagarkoil, Peria aruvi valley, Natham Taluk, Dindigul dt
Altitude : approx 1000 ft
Habitat : wild
Habit :?tree (?intermingled with a climber)
Height :30 ft
Leaves : not well seen
Flowers : not seen
Fruits : dried fruit seen /as shown, with wing like extn of seed (however not like Pterospermum canescens)
Local name :not known
I am sorry for the poor quality of the photograph depicting the fruits

.. could it be Chukrasia tabularis (family: Meliaceae) ?

Yes indeed its Chukrasia tabularis

chukrasia tabularis, chandigarh :  Attachments (6).  2 posts by 2 authors.
chukrasia tabularis,
in a small park in chandigarh
photographed in the month of may

Very nice set of pictures.

tree for id , chandigarh. mm1 21 07 2013 : Attachments (5). 6 posts by 3 authors.
This tree has been planted as an avenue tree in Chandigarh. It was a large tree and was photographed in the month of june. I would very much appreciate an id. Perhaps it is Swietenia macrophylla.

the tree is Chukrasia tabularis. I dont think there is any specimen of S. macrophylla in Chandigarh. (though i may be wrong) as far as my observation is concerned. i may have missed some corners. Can you please give the the exact location i mean the sector from where you clicked it?
the tree is definitely Chukrasia tabularis.

Yes, I agree with Chukrasia tabularis

many thanks for the id
… this species is growing in sector 5 along atleast a couple of roads


Ex-situ Silviculture : Chukrasia tabularis A.Juss. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4).


Chukrasia tabularis A.Juss.SN 15jan 32 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
Chukrasia tabularis A.Juss, tree from Tirumala hills of Andhrapradesh

Meliaceae tree for ID :: MK APR-001 2016 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)
Please help me to identify this tree species, which I suspect to be a Meliaceae.
Height: 15 metre tree
Habitat: Deciduous forest (and on road sides)
Alt.: 800-900 M ASL
Place: Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, TN
Date: 06 April 2016

Could be Chukrasia tabularis??

Thanks, …, for the correct Id.
I also think it matches with images at Chukrasia tabularis A.Juss. 

Looks like Dysoxylum sp. Could be D. binectariferum

To me it is Chukrassia tabularis

Chukrasia has bipinnately compound leaves not unipinnately.

Pl. see images at Chukrasia tabularis A.Juss.

Please go through the Biotik link


Agree with … This is Lal Devdar [Chukrassia tabularis]. Saplings have bipannately compound leaves whereas adult trees usually exhibit unipinnately compound ones. Sending a few photographs. Attachments (7)

TREE VZT2D : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)

Location- Daouli, Dapoli, MH
Habitat- Wild
Plant Habit- Tree
Height-7 meter

Chukrasia tabularis

Sterculia guttata

I go with …  Chukrasia tabularis A.Juss. The leaves are very characteristic. The fruits seem to be dried immature, thus no dehiscence seen here.


21112017BHAR01 -Yelagiri hills -Tree with spherical fruits : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Found in Yelagiri hills –
Tree with spherical fruits

It is Chukrasia tabularis of Meliaceae

The fruits resembles Meliaceae

Thanks, … Identified as Chukrasia tabularis by …



Nagla Forest Block (part of Sanjay Gandhi National Park); Fwd: DV – 11APR10 – 1226 :: rohira – efloraofindia | Google Groups


ID Request
1 high resolution image.
Date/Time- 22-Feb-2021
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Rabindra Sarobar, Kolkata
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type – Urban
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree
Height/Length- 20 Feet (top is chopped off)
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Twice Feathered ? (bipinnate), first few leaflets are single then each leaflet becomes feather compound

Chukrasia tabularis

I could identify it as Chukrasia tabularis
I did not know it is partially bipinnate in yonger branches

ID Kannur 05/02/22: 1 high res. image.
Please identify this plant.

Chukrasia tabularis.

It appears to be a herb. Maybe from Asteraceae.

I agree with … It is a seedling of Chukrasia.


Need Plant ID: 2 high res. images.

Any help with this plant’s ID?


Just a guess: Chukrasia tabularis; I am not sure.

I guess you are right

Chukrasia tabularis young plant leaves will be like this …

Yes, you all appears to be correct as per images at

Young plant of Chukrasia tabularis.

I am in front of Chukrasia tabularis right now in Chandigarh. You have correctly identified it

It looks like Chukrassia. Leaves of small plants look like this.


Yes it looks similar with chukrasia species

Updated on December 24, 2024

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