Glinus lotoides

Glinus lotoides L., Sp. Pl. 463 1753. (Syn: Doosera esculenta Roxb. ex Wight & Arn.; Glinus astrolasion Zipp. ex Span. [Invalid]; Glinus dictamnoides Burm.f.; Glinus lothoides Crantz; Glinus lotoides var. virens Fenzl; Glinus micranthus Boiss.; Glinus ononoides Burm.f.; Glinus parviflorus Wall. [Invalid]; Holosteum hirsutum L.; Mollugo glinus A. Rich.; Mollugo glinus var. lotoides (L.) Maire; Mollugo hirta Thunb.; Mollugo lotoides (L.) C.B. Clarke (ambiguous synonym); Mollugo lotoides (L.) Kuntze (ambiguous synonym); Pharnaceum hirtum (Thunb.) Spreng.; Pharnaceum pentagonum Roxb.; Tryphera prostrata Bl.);
Albania, Greece, Crete, East Aegaean Isl., Rhodos, Spain, Italy, former Yugoslavia, Portugal, Sardinia, Sicily, Azerbaijan (incl. Talysh), Bulgaria, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Tibesti, Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria), Java, Sri Lanka, Myanmar [Burma] (Magway, Mandalay, Taninthayi, Yangon), Sumatra, Lesser Sunda Isl. (Bali, Sumba, Timor), Sulawesi (incl. Selayar), Mauritania, Mali, Gambia, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Chad, Sudan, South Sudan, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Benin, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Congo (Brazzaville), Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania,Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Angola, Socotra, Cameroon (introduced), Botswana (introduced), Zambia (introduced), Zimbabwe (introduced), South Africa (introduced) (Transvaal (introduced), Free State (introduced), KwaZulu-Natal (introduced), Cape Prov. (introduced)), Namibia (introduced), Swaziland (introduced), Taiwan, China (Hainan, Yunnan), India, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Argentina (introduced), Cyprus (E-Cyprus), Egypt (Desert Oases, Eastern Desert, Nile Delta, Nile Valley, NW-coastal Egypt, SE-Egypt), European Turkey, Iran (S-Iran, W-Iran), Iraq (NW-Iraq, SE-Iraq: Mesopotamia), Israel (coastal W-Israel, Rift Valley, N-Israel, N-Negev Desert), Jordania (W-Jordania), Lebanon (Antilebanon, C-Lebanon, coastal W-Lebanon), Oman (Dhofar), Saudi Arabia (NE-Saudi Arabia, N-Saudi Arabia, Hejaz, Asir), Sinai peninsula (S-Sinai), Syria (C-Syrian Desert, Jazira, Jbel Druze), Yemen (Aden Desert, SW-Yemen, Tihama, W-Yemen), Pakistan (Sind, Karachi, Baluchistan, Pakistani Punjab, Lahore, etc.), Cape Verde Isl. (Santo Antao Isl., Sao Vicente Isl., Sal Isl., Ilha da Boa Vista), USA (introduced) (Arkansas (introduced), California (introduced), Kansas (introduced), Louisiana (introduced), Missouri (introduced), Oklahoma (introduced), Texas (introduced)) as per Catalogue of life;
GLEE-nus — Greek: glinos (sweet juice) … The biologist’s handbook of pronunciations
loh-TOY-deez — resembles Lotus (ancient Greek name for another plant) … Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: lotus sweetjuiceAssamese: পদ্মাক্ষী শাক padmakshi shakBengali:আলুঘাস alughasa, দশেরা শাক dasera sakaGujarati: ધોળો ઓખરાડ dholo okharad, મીઠો ઓખરાડ mitho okharadHindi: गंधी बूटी gandhi butiKannada: ಚಂದ್ರ ಕಾಸಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು chandra kaasi soppu, ಕಾಗ ಪುರಳೆ ಗಿಡ kaaga purale gidaKonkani: कडवी भाजी kadvi bhajiMarathi: कडवी भाजी kadvi bhajiPunjabi: ਗੰਦੀ ਬੂਟੀ gandhi butiRajasthani: बकडो bakado, गंधी बूटी gandhi butiTamil: செருப்படை ceruppatai, சிறுசெருப்படை ciru-ceruppataiTelugu: చాదరాసి కూర chadrasi koora, తెల్ల పొరకు thella poraku, తెల్ల పుని thella puni


Herb for ID: SPC-007:
Please help to identify this interesting herb from Baroda of prostrate habit.

Its Glinus lotoides

Glinus lotoides :  Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.
Glinus lotoides L (= Mollugo lotoides (L.) Kuntze), Fam: Molluginaeae
Prostrate wild herb, in the lakes during dry seasons.
Chennai out skirt
Used as a medicine in Siddha system, (Siru seruppadai)

Re: Validation and confirmation of Mollugo sps :  5 posts by 3 authors. 2 correct images as above.
sending images of Mollugo verticillata ? please validate and confirm

The first two pictures may be of Glinus lotoides (Molluginaceae).
The third picture looks like a Heliotropium sp., probably H. supinum.

The first 2 are Glinus lotoides. I’m not sure about the third,

Prostrate herb for ID: AVD 2_19042014 : 3 posts by 2 authors. 7 images.
Please help me identify the plant in attached image.
Photographed on : 19th April 2014
Habitat: Cultivated field
Habit: Prostrate herb
Entire plant covered witht stiff hairs.
Leaves: Orbicular 1 cm – 1.5 cm x 1 cm – 1.5 cm, leaves both surfaces covered by stellate hairs, petioles 0.5 cm, leaves arranged in whorls.
Flowers: Axillary, sessile, apetalous?, sepals 5 – ovate, hairy

I think Glinus lotoides.

Thank you for the id. Yes it is Glinus lotoides!

Came across this prostrate herb at the top of Lohagad Fort.
Date/Time: 20-06-2010 / 09:50AM
Location: Lohagad Fort, Lonavala region
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Wild

Glinus lotoides FOR VALIDATION :: Sam sand dunes, Jaisalmer :: 26 OCT 18 : 11 posts by 4 authors. 5 images.
Sam sand dunes  … the Thar desert, Jaisalmer
Date: October 26, 2018 … Altitude: about 225 m (740 feet) asl  
¿ Glinus lotoides ?

Seems matching …

Yes, it should be Glinus lotoides, nice habitat pics too…
Perhaps you also could not find the open flowers like me..

Thank you very much … for validating the ID, and for appreciation.

Yes, …, I could see no fully opened flowers. I think about 5 – 10 minutes later I would have seen them.
The first picture, at right bottom has one flower slightly opened. All parts of this plant seems to have only one colour, only differing in shades !!!

I assume this plant is found in Nepal. Any local name(s) ?

POWO shows its distribution in Nepal but did not find it anywhere listed. Mollugo

OK, thanks …, Glinus lotoides is not listed in Nepal’s Annotated Checklist.


Names of Plants in India :: Glinus lotoides L. : 8 posts by 4 authors.
via Species‎ > ‎G‎ > Glinus lotoides L. … family: Molluginaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
GLEE-nus — Greek: glinos (sweet juice)The biologist’s handbook of pronunciations
loh-TOY-deez — resembles Lotus (ancient Greek name for another plant)Dave’s Botanary
commonly known as: lotus sweetjuiceAssamese: পদ্মাক্ষী শাক padmakshi shakBengali:আলুঘাস alughasa, দশেরা শাক dasera sakaGujarati: ધોળો ઓખરાડ dholo okharad, મીઠો ઓખરાડ mitho okharadHindi: गंधी बूटी gandhi butiKannada: ಚಂದ್ರ ಕಾಸಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು chandra kaasi soppu, ಕಾಗ ಪುರಳೆ ಗಿಡ kaaga purale gidaKonkani: कडवी भाजी kadvi bhajiMarathi: कडवी भाजी kadvi bhajiPunjabi: ਗੰਦੀ ਬੂਟੀ gandhi butiRajasthani: बकडो bakado, गंधी बूटी gandhi butiTamil: செருப்படை ceruppataiTelugu: చాదరాసి కూర chadrasi koora, తెల్ల పొరకు thella poraku, తెల్ల పుని thella puni
botanical names: Glinus lotoides L. … synonyms: Doosera esculenta Roxb. ex Wight & Arn. • Mollugo hirta Thunb. • Mollugo lotoides (L.) Arcang. • Pharnaceum hirtum (Thunb.) Spreng. … more at The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1.
March 5, 2011 … along Kumbharli Ghat

It is called Siru seruppadai in Tamil, Seruppadai is Coldenia procumbens

Thanks very much … for validating the name. Will compile this name soon in the Names database and do the necessary correction.

GLEE-nus — Greek: glinos (sweet juice) … The biologist’s handbook of pronunciations
loh-TOY-deez — resembles Lotus (ancient Greek name for another plant) … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: lotus sweetjuice • Assamese: পদ্মাক্ষী শাক padmakshi shak • Bengali: আলুঘাস alughasa, দশেরা শাক dasera saka • Gujarati: ધોળો ઓખરાડ dholo okharad, મીઠો ઓખરાડ mitho okharad • Hindi: गंधी बूटी gandhi buti • Kachchhi: અછો ઉખરાડ acho ukharad • Kannada: ಚಂದ್ರ ಕಾಸಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು chandra kaasi soppu, ಕಾಗೆ ಪುರಳೆ ಗಿಡ kaage purale gida • Konkani: कडवी भाजी kadvi bhaji • Marathi: कडवी भाजी kadvi bhaji • Punjabi: ਗੰਦੀ ਬੂਟੀ gandhi buti • Rajasthani: बकडो bakado, ढोलकनी dholakni, गंधी बूटी gandhi buti • Tamil: செருப்படை ceruppatai, சிறுசெருப்படை ciru-ceruppatai • Telugu: చాదరాసి కూర chadrasi koora, తెల్ల పొరకు thella poraku, తెల్ల పుని thella puni

botanical namesGlinus lotoides L. … homotypic synonymsMollugo glinus A.Rich. nom. superfl. • Mollugo glinus var. lotoides (L.) Maire • Mollugo hirta var. lotoides (L.) C.B.Clarke • Mollugo lotoides (L.) Arcang. … heterotypic synonymsGlinus dictamnoides Burm.f. … and more at POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
lotus sweetjuice
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
পদ্মাক্ষী শাক padmakshi shak
  • Many thanks to Brahmananda Pattiri for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
আলুঘাস alughasa, দশেরা শাক dasera saka
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
ધોળો ઓખરાડ dholo okharad, મીઠો ઓખરાડ mitho okharad
गंधी बूटी gandhi buti
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~
અછો ઉખરાડ acho ukharad
  • Many thanks to Shabir Rayma for help with this name … facebook
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಚಂದ್ರ ಕಾಸಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು chandra kaasi soppu, ಕಾಗೆ ಪುರಳೆ ಗಿಡ kaage purale gida
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
कडवी भाजी kadvi bhaji
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
कडवी भाजी kadvi bhaji
ਗੰਦੀ ਬੂਟੀ gandhi buti
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~
बकडो bakado
ढोलकनी dholakni
गंधी बूटी gandhi buti
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
செருப்படை ceruppatai
சிறுசெருப்படை ciru-ceruppatai
  • for synonym Glinus dictamnoides Burm.f. … Tamil lexicon [Madras], University of Madras
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
చాదరాసి కూర chadrasi koora, తెల్ల పొరకు thella poraku, తెల్ల పుని thella puni
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


Image of new combination Glinus lotoides subsp. hirtus published by M.R. Almeida in Fl. Maharashtra 2: 342 :
I hope you are doing well. I need a page with the new combination Glinus lotoides subsp. hirtus published by M.R. Almeida in Fl. Maharashtra 2: 342. Could you please help me to find out an image of this page. Thank you very much for your attention.

… has kindly forwarded the pages.
Attachments (3)


Small Plant for ID : 22JAN21 : AK-21: 1 image.
A very small plant growing wild.
No flowers but probably the buds or seeds.

Glinus lotoides

I agree with …


Small Plant for ID : Nasik : 22APR21 : AK-15: 2 images.
A small plant seen in a grassland in Nasik.

Glinus lotoides

Could be the ID suggested by … Nevertheless please post the close up of the plant parts as  Chrozophora species also look like in photographs posted.

Chrozophora plicata leaves posted from the same area look much different than the ones in this post.
These are the only images I have.

Glinus lotoides only

That’s fine. Doubts clarified.


identification of aquatic plant no. 140621sn1: 3 images.

Help in id. of this aquatic plant. may be Rotala sp.?
location:Aambyvalley Rd.,Upper Lonavala,Pune

Glinus only, Glinus oppositifolius,

Rather close to Glinus lotoides L. than Glinus oppositifolius (L.) Aug.DC., as per images and details herein.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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