Musa ornata

Musa ornata Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2: 488 1824. (Syn: Musa mexicana Matuda; Musa speciosa Ten.; Musa troglodytarum var. rubrifolia Kuntze);
Ornamental Banana or Bronze Banana;
E. Himalaya to Myanmar as per WCSP;
Assam; Bangladesh; Cambodia; Colombia; Costa Rica; East Himalaya; Guatemala; Honduras; India; Jawa; Mexico Central; Mexico Gulf; Mexico Southeast; Mexico Southwest; Myanmar; Peru; Trinidad-Tobago as per Catalogue of Life;


Musa for ID : Nasik : 020612 : AK-2 :
A small, cultivated, potted ornamental variety of Banana with Pink inflorescence.
Seen at Gangajal Nursery, Nasik on the 25th of Feb,12.
Kindly id.

Musa ornata Roxburgh

This ornamental Musa was photographed by me in the Flower Show at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai and NOT at Gangajal Nursery, Nasik as stated earlier.


MS Oct2014 001 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2).

Location : Changpui, Mizoram
Date : 28-04-2011

Habit : Wild Plantain

This is for Identification: Musa sp. resembling M ornata

I agree with the ID Musa ornata.

dont they grow red ?

If I am not mistaken, Musa ornata grows green, M. velutina grows pink. So I agree with …

thanks to you both


Would like Botanical ID.Also is there another common name for this plant?
Date/Time – 14/08/11 – around 9 am
Location – Lalbagh Botanical Garden, Bangalore
Habitat – Garden/Park
Ht – 7′

Could be Musa ornata of Musaceae.

I agree with … id, it is Musa ornata.

Beautiful plant. Do they bear bananas? and if so are they edible ?

The fruits of Musa ornata are alike common banana .They r edible but not sweet, usually eaten boiled or fried.

It is Musa laterita.

Yes It is Musa laterita

I am confused between Musa ornata and Musa rubra
Pl. confirm.

Taking it as Musa ornata (—z/m/musaceae/musa/musa-ornata) for the time being.

Musa ornata only

Musa ornata photographed from Plantae Paradise, Datiyar Village, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, 29-5-2015.

Musa ornata



Updated on February 23, 2025

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