IUCN Red List Status: Endangered (EN) Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f., Prodr. 17: 102 1873.; Pitcher plant, tiew-rakot, kset phare, memang-koksi, Indian Pitcher Plant • Khasi: Tiew rakot; The species has a very localised distribution and is rare in the wild. Isolated populations are known to occur in the Jarain area of the Jaintia Hills, the Baghmara area of the Garo Hills, adjacent to the Khasi Hills region of Meghalaya and in the Upper Kharthong area, of Dima Hasao district Assam.[4] as per Wikipedia;
The Pitcher Plant: Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.: Attachments (5) Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. Prodr. (DC.) 17: 102. 1873. Family: Nepenthaceae Note: This plant is supposed to be endemic to India and this is one of the very few plants which is enlisted among the Schedule VI of Wildlife Protection Act (1972) of India. Hence any extraction of this from wild is illegal and punishable. Location: TBGRI, Palode, Trivandrum. Camera: Nikon D300+60mm Nikkor +Vivitar ringlflash. …………………………………….. Few more information on the plant [Source Wikipedia]: Nepenthes khasiana (pronounced /nɨˈpɛnθiːz ˌkæsiˈɑːnə/, after the Khasi Hills, to which it is largely endemic) is a tropical pitcher plant of the genus Nepenthes. It is the only Nepenthes species native to India. The species has a very localised distribution and is rare in the wild. Isolated populations are known to occur in the Jarain area of the Jaintia Hills and the Baghmara area of the Garo Hills, adjacent to the Khasi Hills region of Meghalaya. Nevertheless, N. khasiana exhibits considerable genetic diversity. The Khasi people call the plant tiew-rakot, which means demon-flower or devouring-plant. The Jaintias call it kset phare, which is roughly translated as lidded fly net. The Garo call the plant memang-koksi, which literally means the basket of the devil. Nepenthes khasiana is a protected species, classified as Endangered, and is on CITES Appendix I along with N. rajah. In 2010, The Rare Nepenthes Collection was established with the aim of conserving 4 of the most threatened Nepenthes species: N. aristolochioides, N. clipeata, N. khasiana, and N. rigidifolia. Nepenthes khasiana (RD_271011_1): Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. Prodr. (DC.) 17: 102. 1873. Family: Nepenthaceae Photographed this endemic pitcher plant from a private garden at Assam. Its good to see a pitcher plant. Do people grow it privately to prevent the species getting extinct? I have seen this sp in two private garden (Rubber Garden) in my area. Yes, It is really nice to see the sps here, because the wild population in its native habitat is declining rapidly. Oh! Very beautiful. I have photographs of many varieties of these plants taken in Botanical garden San Francisco. I will upload during the course of time. My photographs taken near Karwani village,Baghmara in the South Garo Hills,Meghalaya in May this year. wow its beautiful. Is it rare and in plenty in this place Nepenthes is native of Jowai in marshy habitat. I took a basketful of live plants to Coromandel where Roxburgh worked. Plant is cultivated by Udai Pradhan in Kalimpong and I displayed live specimen in Teen Murti House in 1986. Udai an Orchid specialist also maintains Dionaea and also Ginkgo biloba. Do you know I wrote on Plants of Garo hills/-… followed Hooker wrote many papers -see Google Scholar and also Google Docs for work on Linnarus as visible in google circles-search Robert Kyd images or Roxburgh monument to keep in touch. Every student of Botany must visit Gangtok where best library on Himalayas and over 50000 sp of India can be consulted. … Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. from Barapani Experimental Garden: Attached images are an insectivorous plant known as Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f.. It is endemic to Meghalaya. Thank you for sharing …. and … shown me this plant, in same Barapani experimental Garden. Garden is really rich with lots of endemic and rare plants.
Flora Picture of the Year 2012: Balkar Singh: Here is my Picture of the Year Nepenthes khasiana On 3rd of December Dr Satishkumar from TBGRI Thiruvanthpuram delivered a lecture in ASC Calicut Uni on Carnivorous Plants. That was an amazing presentation because he brought many fresh specimens of carnivorous plants with him. There were 3 different sp of Nepenthes he was having to show us. As we were 40 in number and about 3/4 persons among us have not seen live Nepenthes before, everybody wanted to feel and touch Nepenthes. So lot of competition were there to grab those 3 specimens of Nepenthes. But I was wandering behind every persons having/watching those specimens as i have to shot these plants and I took around 50 shots of those 3 species of Nepenthes. Here I am attaching one of those picture. This was my first meeting with all these 3 species of Nepenthes and we enjoyed this beauty of Nature very much. Image is so surreal!!! The joy while seeing a new plant is clear from your description and photo. Few months back I shared a range of Pitcher Plant pics…. but in India only single species, Nepenthes khasiana is found. You all would be surprised to know that Dr. C. Sathish Kumar is an authority on Orchids and insectivorous plants are actually his kind of second love :). We have been very close to each other and I always consider him as my Mahaguru. Glad you could interact with him. Nice story associated with an interesting and unique plant. I have added this to Flora Picture 2012 UP-Meghalay-10-Nepenthus khasiana : 8 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (5) We were lucky to have seen large natural location of N.khasiana near the border of the forest in the open near Mauphlong in Meghalay. on the location we went on taking photos and after seeing them back at home … pointed out that male and female flowers are on the two separate plants Wow, Great Find.. Thank you for showing this species which is much talked for its threatened status. Seeing its flowers first time. Simply superb.
Addition of some images of Nepenthes khasiana to EFI website : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) Kindly find some images of Nepenthes khasiana for addition to the EFI website. Photographed in Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya. Attachments (1) Nepenthes sp. Location: Shillong Thanks, …, Appears closer to images at Nepenthes khasiana Hook.f. References: |
Nepenthes khasiana
Updated on December 24, 2024