











Victoria species in India:
  1. Victoria amazonica (Poep.) Sowerby [cultivated]
  2. V. cruziana Orbigny [cultivated] 
1. Mitra, R.L. 1993. Nymphaeaceae. In; Sharma, B.D., Balakrishnan, N.P.,
Rao, R.R. and Hajra, P.K. (eds.) Flora of  India Vol-1. BSI, Calcutta. Pp.


Botanical nameFamilyCommon name

Victoria amazonica NymphaeaceaeGiant Water Lily

Floriculture in India By Gurcharan Singh Randhawa, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay (1986)- Details- p. 486-
Biodiversity and Its Conservation in India By Sharad Singh Negi (1993)-
‎Nymphaeaceae- Euryale, Nuphar, Nymphaea & Victoria: 3 posts by 2 authors.

I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Euryale, Nuphar, Nymphaea & Victoria (Pl. click).

Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links.

Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details.

If someone can provide complete list of Indian species with source references it will be wonderful.

Any comments/ corrections are welcome.

I have compiled and added the list of species of Nymphaea, Euryale and Victoria.
Not able to add the list for Nuphar in lack of literature.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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