Schrebera swietenioides Roxb., Pl. Coromandel 2: 1 1799. (Syn: Nathusia swietenioides (Roxb.) Kuntze; Schrebera pubescens Kurz; Schrebera swietenioides var. pubescens (Kurz) Kurz); . Weaver’s Beam Tree • Hindi: बनपलास Banpalas, मोखड़ी Mokhdi, मोखा Mokha • Kannada: bula, gante, mogalingamara • Malayalam: maggamaram, malamplasu, muskkakavrksam • Marathi: मोखा Mokha, mokadi, nakti • Oriya: mokka • Sanskrit: Ghantapatali, Golidha, Kastapatola • Tamil: kattupparutticceti, mogalingam, makalinkam • Telugu: bullakaya, magalinga, tondamukkudi; . Bangladesh; Cambodia; India; Laos; Myanmar; Thailand; West Himalaya as per Catalogue of Life; . Schrebera swietenoides Family :Oleaceae. Sharing some pictures shot today (19.4.10) evening from Vetal Tekdi Pune. Earlier I had posted the dried fruits of it. The old fallen flowers have some similarity to Parijatak flowers. (Nyctanthus arbortrystis) Very interesting. Is this a common tree? Are flowers fragrant? Is it from tropical regions, or can it take some frost? I think it is an endangered species with hardly few trees spotted in my area of observation. The above tree has been observed by me for last one year but it is lone and hasn’t produced any fruits though the flowering is profuse. I do not want to impact an endangered species. Schrebera sweitenioides fruit & seeds: Mokha was fruiting yesterday. ID : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Vallidate please Is it Canarium strictum Black dammar Tree At Nallamal forest, AP 25March,2015 Schrebera swietenioides of Oleaceae! Schrebera swietenioides We do have few of its trees wild in Pune city ANMAY08/09 Schrebera swietenioides Roxb. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (11). Family: Oleaceae Date: 29th April 2015 Place: Tumkur District, Karnataka Habit: Tree Habitat: Scrub forest Good one. Yet to flower here in Pune. Please help me in identifying this small tree found in the deciduous forests. Could this be a Meliaceae? Location: Mudumalai TR, Nilgiris, TN Alt.: 900 m asl Date: 25 August 2016 I think it is Schrebera swietenioides with immature fruit, Looks like Schrebera swietenioides of Oleaceae family It does looks like S.swietenioides. A large tree observed this Sunday (27.4.09) on Vetal Tekdi. For ID … taking a guess Schrebera sweitenioides, in Marathi: मोकडी mokadi OR मोख mokha Referred Ingalhalikar’s FFOS, pg 273 Schrebera swietenioides (Spelling correction) Links for Schrebera swietenioides: (an illustration), Link (details from Indian Medicinal Plants By Orient Longman, Limited, P. K. Warrier, C. Ramankutty, R. Vasudevan Nair, P. K. ). Kindly help to identify this tree found in Satyamangalam on 15 Nov 2008. nice picture of Schrebera swietenioides (Oleaceae). The fruits of this Red Listed plant are medicinal and traded in the name of ‘Ganti phal’ (the dehisced fruit looks like a bell). 1 image. The local name is Mokha [not Motha]. 4 images. Fruits for ID – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) I saw few of these trees again without any leaves. Only fruits were observed. Two compartments with flattened winged seeds staggered can be observed. These dried fruits were seen hanging down from branches. Hoping to get the ID Any chance for Schrebera swietenioides Roxb...? I have seen Schrebera swietenioides trees in this area but in flowering phase. You may be right. I don’t know how its flowers look. Thanks for the lead. I think the fruits in the following link look close to fruits in my picture. … is correct! its Schrebera swietenioides (Oleaceae, the jasmine family), called as ‘gant phal’ due to the bell-shaped fruits. A red listed medicinal plant having sporadic distribution. Have seen reasonably good size of population only in Sandur in KA and in Bastar. Regarding the plant, I have an interesting story to tell… It was in 2006, during a fieldwork in the areas of Uttara Kannada distrct, (North Canara) of Karnataka, some where near Mundgod, beside the Sirsi-Hubli main road, we came to notice this plant in fruiting.. Unable to identify, we collected the fruits and noted down the bark characters.. then , there was a villager passing by. We stoped him to ask for that plant. He said its called as “Ghanti mara” (The bell tree), as the fruits resembled bells.! Then, we asked about its usage, if any. he said- not much more, but the wood is very light, and is used to make some parts of Bullock cart. .. And we came back to lab.. With the critical screening of all the literature, we came to know- its Schrebera swietenioides of Oleaceae. then , interestingly, its listed in Red list too..!! ( Ref: 100 Red-Listed Medicinal Plants of Conservation Concern in Southern India by K. Ravi Kumar and D.K. Ved, Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT), 2000.) .. Then next day only, we ran back to that area , since there was a road extention was planned..We planned to colect some seeds as well as the plant material for further propagation.. But… .. The time we reached there.. there was nothing but a Burnt trunk.!!!!!!! …Later we guessed- probably our interest in the plant might have given a hint to the villager.. and may be… he was also searching for the plant from a long time.. Its just like we have shown him the plant…And he might have taken it.!!! …..We came back with utter sad… And thereafter., we could not notice the tree anywhere.. It is Schrebera swietenioides. I have collected it from Pune district. 17082018BHAR01 -Tree in Yelagiri : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)- around 600 kb each. Found in Yelagiri hills of Eastern ghats. Schrebera swietenioides Oleaceae
Requesting to please ID this tree captured on a hill in South Goa in May 2019. Seems to be Schrebera swietenioides. Found in Auroville Botanical Garden TN June Kindly help in identification. Medium height tree at Bavdhan hill, Pune. Oleaceae ? compare Schrebera swietenioides.? Looks to me like Schrebera swietenioides Yes it is Schrebera swietenioides which is observed in this area. . Schrebera Swietenioides : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- 1 & 2 MB Schrebera swietenioides Oleaceae मोखा, घंटापाटली, काष्ठपटोला photographed on September 1,2020 near Kannad, Aurangabad MH . Tree for id_ Maval _Pune: 3 images. Tree was photographed in the wild on a hill slope in Jan 2021. Tree location-Near Pusane Village, Maval Altitude- 500 m ( appx) No fruits or flowers were observed at that time. Please help in identification. Reminds me of Schrebera swietenioides Roxb. [Oleaceae]. I too agree . Wild fruit for ID: 24august2023-01: 1 image. I found a few of these smallish pods that were split open in the leaf litter for identification if possible. Place: Maharashtra-Gujarat border region (off Dahanu). Date: 24 August 2023. Seems to be Schrebera swietenioides Schrebera swietenioides Roxb. [Oleaceae]. . Oleaceae: Schrebera swietenioides Roxb.: 1 image. location/date: Barha, Jabalpur Distr., Madhya Pradesh, October 1994 . References: |
Schrebera swietenioides
Updated on December 24, 2024