Oenothera glazioviana Micheli, Fl. Bras. 13(2): 178 1875. (Syn: Oenothera aberrans Lutz; Oenothera albida de Vries; Oenothera bipartita Lutz; Oenothera blandina de Vries; Oenothera brevistylis de Vries; Oenothera cana de Vries; Oenothera candicans DeVries; Oenothera elliptica de Vries; Oenothera erythrosepala (Borbás) Borbás; Oenothera erythrosepala var. azorica K. Rostanski; Oenothera fatua de Vries; Oenothera fusiformis Munz & I. M. Johnston; Oenothera gigas de Vries; Oenothera grandiflora subsp. erythrosepala (Borbas) Löve & Löve; Oenothera hamata DeVries; Oenothera laevifolia de Vries; Oenothera lata de Vries; Oenothera leptocarpa DeVries; Oenothera liquida de Vries; Oenothera militaris DeVries; Oenothera multiflora R.R.Gates; Oenothera multiflora var. elliptica R.R.Gates; Oenothera nanella de Vries; Oenothera oblonga de Vries; Oenothera oxypetala de Vries; Oenothera pallescens de Vries; Oenothera plicatula Lutz; Oenothera pulla DeVries; Oenothera rubrinervis de Vries; Oenothera rubrinervoides R.R.Gates; Oenothera rubritincta R.R.Gates; Oenothera scindens de Vries; Oenothera scintillans de Vries; Oenothera simplex de Vries; Oenothera spathulata de Vries; Oenothera suaveolens f. erythrosepala (Borbás) Jáv.; Oenothera sublinearis de Vries; Oenothera subovata de Vries; Oenothera superflua de Vries; Oenothera tarda de Vries; Oenothera tardiflora R.R.Gates; Onagra erythrosepala Borbás; Onagra lamarckiana Macdougal); . formed by hybridization in the 19th century in Europe, since spreading rapidly, . Chile (I), Argentina (I), Ecuador (I), Colombia (I), Uruguay (I), Portugal (I), Spain (I), Gibraltar (I), France (I), Corsica (I), Sicily (I), Italy (I), Austria (I), Belgium (I), England (I), Czech Republic (I), Slovakia (I), Denmark (I), Germany (I), Netherlands (I), Hungary (I), Poland (I), Romania (I), Italy (I), Switzerland (I), Finland (I), Albania (I), Bosnia-Hercegovina (I), Serbia (I), Kosovo (I), Slovenia (I), Croatia (I), Romania (I), Greece (I), Australia (I) (Western Australia (I), South Australia (I), Queensland (I), New South Wales (I), Victoria (I), Tasmania (I)), New Zealand (I), Azores (I) (Sao Miguel Isl. (I), Terceira (I), Sao Jorge (I), Pico (I), Faial (I)), Canary Isl. (I) (La Palma Isl. (I)), Japan (I) (Hokkaido (I), Honshu (I), Shikoku (I), Kyushu (I)), China (I) (Anhui (I), Guizhou (I), Hebei (I), Henan (I), Hunan (I), Jiangsu (I), Jiangxi (I), Jilin (I), Shaanxi (I), Sichuan (I), Yunnan (I), Zhejiang (I)), Taiwan (I), European Russia (I), Northern Caucasus (I), Transcaucasus (I), Moldavia (I), Belarus (I), European Russia (I), Korea (I), Java (I), Nepal (I), India (I), Afghanistan (I), Iraq (I), South Africa (I) (widespread), Swaziland (I), Lesotho (I), Angola (I), La Runion (I), Burundi (I), USA (I) (Arkansas (I), California (I), Connecticut (I), Massachusetts (I), Maine (I), Michigan (I), North Carolina (I), New Hampshire (I), New Jersey (I), New York (I), Oregon (I), Pennsylvania (I), Rhode Island (I), South Carolina (I), Virginia (I), Washington State (I), Wisconsin (I)), Canada (I) (British Columbia (I), Nova Scotia (I), Ontario (I), Quebec (I)) as per Catalogue of life; . Large-flowered evening pimrose; . Oenothera glazioviana Micheli (syn: O. erythrosepala (Borbas) Borbas) from Kashmir, occasionally found growing in in wastelands, roadsides and disturbed ground. Photographed from Botanical Garden near Cheshmashahi on June 26, 2010. Common name: Large-flowered evening primrose. I took this flower picture in Auli, Uttarakhand Oenothera glazioviana Oenothera glazioviana indeed can it be Oenothera biennis? Germanname Nachtkerze? Oenothera glazioviana should have some red color at the bottom of the flower, i think. Nachtkerze (engl. evening star) opens in the evening and moths pollinate the flowers. The oil from the seeds is used against Neurodermitis, also used a lot as Additive in Kosmetikartikels. Roots are supposed to be edible, though i never tried it. Normally grows on sandy places and wasteland. Oenothera glazioviana
Can this be Large Flowered Evening Primrose? Picture taken at Pahalgam on the 7th of Sept,11. Kindly validate. Oenothera glazioviana
Flowers of Oenothera biennis I hope Oenothera glazoviana as flowers seem larger and more important stigmas much above the stamens. Oenothera biennis in FOI : 3 posts by 2 authors. Images of Oenothera biennis in FOI appears to be of Oenothera glazioviana Micheli as per images and details at and as per keys in Flora of China You are right …, It should be Oenothera glazioviana . Oenothera elata ssp. hookeri in FOI : 5 posts by 3 authors. I have doubts about the id of Oenothera elata ssp. hookeri in FOI as per https://www.wildflower.org/gallery/result.php?id_image=6763 It is also not reported in Flora database of Tamilnadu as per details at Oenothera To me it appears close to images at Oenothera glazioviana Micheli Corrected! .
A very interesting feature of the evening primrose is that just as the sun sets its flower buds open and become a fully developed flower in a few seconds. Thus one can see with the unaided eye what can only be seen with time lapse photography for other flowers! . References: |
Oenothera glazioviana (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024