Parasopubia delphiniifolia

Parasopubia delphiniifolia (L.) H.-P. Hofm. & Eb. Fisch., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 125(3): 357 2004. (syn: Euphrasia coromandelina Rottl. ex Spreng.; Gerardia delphinifolia L.; Gerardia heyneana Benth.; Lophanthera delphinifolia (L.) Raf.; Sopubia delphinifolia (L.) G.Don) as per Catalogue of Life;
India, Sri Lanka as per Catalogue of Life;
sow-PEW-bee-uhnot sure of pronunciation, meaning not known
del-FIN-ee-foh-lee-uh — meaning, delphinium-leaved
commonly known as: common sopubia, delphinum-leaved sopubia • Gujarati: દુધાળી dudhali • Marathi: दुधाळी dudhali • Santal: dak-kadur
Native to: Western Ghats (India)
Herbs 45 cm high, erect, branched. Leaves pinnatisect, 2-3.5 cm long, segments filiform. Flowers pale purple or white, axillary, solitary or in terminal racemes. Capsule 0.7 cm long. Seeds numerous cuneate-oblong striate.
Sopubia comes under the group where corolla is not bilabiate; tube enlarges at throat. Perfect stamens 4. Calyx ribbed and anthers in pairs 2 celled. (Whereas calyx not ribbed; anthers not in pairs, 1 celled in Rhamphicarpa)
Coming to difference at species level
Calyx teeth filiform, longer than calyx tube … … … …S. delphinifolia
Calyx teeth deltoid-ovate, equalling calyx tube .. … … S. trifida

Stem hispid. Leaves 2-3.5 cm long, lobes narrow, filiform, hirsute. Flowers pink or pinkish-white, axillary; pedicels 2-3 cm long, slender; calyx 9 mm long, tube ribbed, lobes acuminate, scabrid; corolla 2.5 cm long, tube ventricose, lobes subequal, obovate, obtuse; stamens 4, one anther lobe sterile, spurred. Capsule 5 x 3.5 mm, truncate at apex; seeds oblong, pitted.  

Flowering and fruiting: September-October
Grasslands, laterite hillocks and moist deciduous forests
India and Sri Lanka
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi
from India Biodiversity Portal  (Parasopubia delphiniifolia)

Sopubia delphinifolia:
Sopubia delphinifolia
Marathi name: Dudhali
At Alibag,29 Sept,2001


Wild flower for ID (06/11/2011-NSJ-03): A wild flower for ID Photo taken at Satara a week back.
Habitat wild, Herb around 2 feet high
Leaves opposite


identification plant :
please ID Plant near Godhra, Gujarat

Its Sopubia delphinifolia from Scrophulariaceae family

Supporting …

Scrophulariaceae fortnight :: Sopubia delphinifolia(L.) Pune SMP7 : 1 image. 1 post by 1 author.
Sopubia delphinifolia (L.)
Herbs 45 cm high, erect, branched. Leaves pinnatisect, 2-3.5 cm long, segments filiform. Flowers pale purple or white, axillary, solitary or in terminal racemes. Capsule 0.7 cm long. Seeds numerous cuneate-oblong striate.

Adding some more photographs showing the calyx character- filiform, longer than calyx tube; in S. delphinifolia.

scrophulariaceae week : 1 correct image.
sending some images of scrophulariaceae members. Sophubia delphinifolia.JPG

Sopubia delphinifolia G. Don.

at Pirojshanagar, Mumbai on 23 SEP 07

Clear photographs showing the calyx characters like … they are filiform, longer than calyx tube; in S. delphinifolia.


Sopubia delphinifolia At Uran ,Maharashtra : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors.

Today visited uran wetland and grassland got this beautiful White flowers

Sopubia dephinifolia
Orbanchaceae (Scorphulariaceae)
दुधाळी In Marathi

Common in grasslands in all ranges
Uran , Maharashtra , India

Really beautiful..

Fwd: plant ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Here I am attaching the photograph of the plant Sopubia delphinifolia, belongs to the family Orobanchaceae. Found in the botanical garden Karnatak University, Dharwad, Karnataka.
Please give the proper ID for this photo.

Corolla yellow with purple centre – Sopubia trifida

Corolla pinkish white to purple – S. delphinifolia
This is Sopubia delphinifolia (L.) G.Don.
Flora of Eastern Karnataka, Volume 2

Requesting to please validate ID of this plant captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014.
Is this Sopubia delphinifolia?

Yes it is Sopubia delphinifolia G.Don

Parasopubia delphiniifolia (L.) H.-P. Hofm. & Eb. Fisch.

Thanks … for the correct name…
As per Plantlist, Sopubia delphiniifolia is an unresolved name..

Thanks, … Could you pl. give more details about this name ? 

I could not decide based on references as below:

GRIN (Sopubia delphinifolia G.Don. – updated in 2013) 

The Plant List Ver. 1.1 (Sopubia delphinifolia G.Don- Unresolved)

The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Parasopubia delphiniifolia (L.) H.-P. Hofm. & Eb. Fisch)  

Tropicos (Parasopubia delphiniifolia)

India Biodiversity Portal (Parasopubia delphiniifolia) 

Do you have a copy of paper “Parasopubia delphiniifolia (L.) H.-P. Hofm. & Eb. Fisch., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 125: 357. 2004; Ratheesh Narayanan, Fl. Stud. Wayanad Dist. 586. 2009. ”  to clear the matter further? 

Does it mean that name of Sopubia trifida also needs to be changed ?

Images by tspkumar



150-TSP-ID-31JAN2018-2: A herb near Tumkur for ID assistance : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

Kindly examine and identify this plant 

Habit: Herb 

Habitat: Wild, Scrub forest 

Sighting: Tumkur, Karnataka, about 800 msl 

Date: 5-10-2015

Pl. check
Grass/ Herb for ID : 13 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Found in Thally, near Hosur. Please ID.

Thanks … Attaching two more photos. Attachments (2) – 1 Mb and 2 Mb.

Not a grass. Looks more like a fern.

Sorry, photo not good enough – I need to see details of the stems and sheathes to see if it is E. diffusum (or even an Equisetum at all).  What State is Hossur? (apologies!).

Forwarding more images pl.

It’s a flowering plant, not a fern, but still no close-up details, nor what State Hosur is, with aprox. altitude.

Thanks, …  It is near Bangalore in Karnataka. Altitude may be around 3000 ft.

Attached are two more photos from today with the flowers. Thally is in the state of Tamilnadu but close to Bangalore.
Attachments (2)- 2 Mb and 4 Mb.

i am impressed. did you end going back up just to get these extra pitures? thanks. effort paid off, see … reply

Thank you, … It does seem very similar.

Sopubia delphinifolia : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Sopubia delphinifolia
Uran, Maharashtra

third week of September 2018


Please identify this flower : 4 posts by 3 authors. 1 image.
I would be obliged if you can tell me which is this flower. This was shot at Saswad, near Pune, Maharashtra, India on 12 October, 2018.

To me appears close.



Sopubia trifida :: Matheran:
Species : Sopubia trifida
Family : Orobanchaceae
Habit : Small herb (root parasite)
Habitat : Grassland on forested hill slope

Location : Matheran, Maharashtra
Date of observation : Sept., 2011

This should be Sopubia delphinifolia rather than Sopubia trifida as per details herein.


Kas Week:: PKA8– Sopubia trifida:
Sopubia trifida (Family: Scrophulariaceae).

This should be Sopubia delphinifolia rather than Sopubia trifida as per details herein.


Sophubia trifida——for validation : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Your help needed. found in the grasses at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune in october 15.

Yes, … Matches with images at Sopubia trifida

Thanks, … Yes, I agree with this being Sopubia delphinifolia

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Sopubia%20trifida-Dudhali.jpg/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Sopubia%20trifida-0.jpgSopubia trifida:
Sopubia trifida – (Dudhali– Marathi)
Found during Oct-Nov

This should be Sopubia delphinifolia rather than Sopubia trifida as per details herein.

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Sopubia%202.jpg/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Sopubia%201.jpgKas week : Sopubia species for ID SMP05/10/2012:
Observed at Kas
No idea whether it is Sopubia delphinifolia or Sopubia trifida?

I think linear calyx lobes and larger corolla suggests S. delphinifolia

Calyx teeth are deltoid (not filiform) and as long as tube (longer in S. delphinifolia) hence this is S. trifida. The flowers are smaller (1 cm) and of uniform pink colour as compared to S. delphinifolia. S. delphinifolia occurs on dry grasslands.


Herb Photographed at Kas, Satara.
Bot. name: Sopubia trifida

Very good close-up.
I remember the discussion related to this genus.

Just to highlight some points here…

Sopubia comes under the group where corolla is not bilabiate; tube enlarges at throat.

Perfect stamens 4

Calyx ribbed and anthers in pairs 2 celled. (Whereas calyx not ribbed; anthers not in pairs, 1 celled in Rhamphicarpa)

Coming to difference at species level

Calyx teeth filiform, longer than calyx tube … … … …S. delphinifolia
Calyx teeth deltoid-ovate,equalling calyx tube .. … … S. trifida

This should be Sopubia delphinifolia rather than Sopubia trifida as per details herein.

Sophubia trifida——for validation : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Your help needed. found in the grasses at Aambyvalley Rd., Lonavala, Pune in october 15.

Yes, … Matches with images at Sopubia trifida

Thanks, … Yes, I agree with this being Sopubia delphinifolia

Images by J.M.Garg


on 7/9/08 at Gandipet, Hyderabad, AP; in Bannarghatta forest area- 13-9-09; in Pench Tiger Reserve on 30-9-05; Satyamangalam forests; alt: 900 msl: 15 Nov 2008; Bor Wildlife Sanctuary in Wardha Dist.- Aug’10; 16th of September, 2010: Lonawala, Maharashtra; 

Request for ID : 011110 : AK-3 – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Plants for ID – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Convolvulaceae for id 301109MK2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Sopubia delphinifolia white coloured – NSD 76 – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Wild Flower for ID-180909-RK – indiantreepix | Google Groups
For Id 220908JM1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups

IdentificationVST1 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Kindly identify the plant.
Date/Time- 10 SEP 2019
Location-Place, Altitude, GPS-  Savandurga Hill, Karnataka 562201, 12° 55′ 7.55” N 77° 17′ 55.07” E. Altitude 872
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild
Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Shrub
Height/Length- 70 cm.
Flower – Light purple, Corolla covered with hair.  
Is this Sopubia trifida (Orobanchaceae family)?

I guess the ID is correct.

from our page
Corolla yellow with purple centre – Sopubia trifida
Corolla pinkish white to purple – S. delphinifolia
This is Sopubia delphinifolia (L.) G.Don.
Flora of Eastern Karnataka, Volume 2

Satara, MH :: Pink flowers for ID :: ARK2020-009 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) – around 950 kb each.
Saw this plant the Sadawaghapur plateau near Satara. MH in October 2019.
Suggestions on FB indicated Sopubia delphinifolia and Micrargeria wightii.
Requested to please provide ID.

Looks more close to Micrargeria wightii

Calyx is the key … reflexed long pointed lobes … Parasopubia delphinifolia.

This late in season, corolla becomes smaller, maroon patch in throat is small or absent. In Surat, it has become scarce to locate now, (in December) also plants are smaller, less vigorous.

/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/P1120462.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/P1120459.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/P1120460.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/P1120461.JPG/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/P1120458.JPGSmall plant for identification 160113MK01:
Please help me to identify this small plant found in the coastal region. The plant was not more than 10 cm high. Could this be any Scrophulariaceae?

Flower: 1.5 x 1 cm
Habitat: Estuary (saline soil)
Date: 24 Dec 2012
Place: Point Calimere, TN

Sopubia species from Scrophulariaceae. Not sure about the sp.

It may be Sopubia delphinifolia of Scrophulariaceae


Rocky Plant ID REG. :  Attachments (1)- 2 MB.  2 posts by 2 authors.
see this and find its correct ID

Sopubia sp. Scrophulariceae


Satara, MH :: Pink flowers for ID :: ARK2020-009 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Saw this plant the Sadawaghapur plateau near Satara. MH in October 2019.
Suggestions on FB indicated Sopubia delphinifolia and Micrargeria wightii.
Requested to please provide ID.

Looks more close to Micrargeria wightii.

Calyx is the key … reflexed long pointed lobes … Parasopubia delphinifolia.
This late in season, corolla becomes smaller, maroon patch in throat is small or absent. In Surat, it has become scarce to locate now, (in December) also plants are smaller, less vigorous.

The description in Micrargeria wightii states
calyx tube 1.5 cm, campanulate, lobes spreading above”
The description in Sopubia delphinifolia states
calyx 9 mm long, tube ribbed, lobes acuminate, scabrid”

I am a bit confused between Micrargia wightii and Sopubia delphinifolia.

Parasopubia delphinifolia (syn Sopubia delphinifolia). No doubt about it.


Parasopubia delphinifolia from Madaparai : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- 2 mb.
Please validate Parasopubia delphinifolia from Madaparai, kerala. Photographed in September, 2029

Other recipients:
The ID is correct.

The ID is correct.


Need help with little pink-flowered annual id : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Bhopal; black soil; 21/10/2020

Parasopubia delphiniifolia (L.) H.-P. Hofm. & Eb. Fisch. ??

Sorry …,  it’s different, Any habit or leaves pics.

It seems to me … is correct


Orobanchaceae: Parasopubia delphiniifolia (L.) H.-P.Hofm. & Eb.Fisch.: 1 high res. image.
synonym: Sopubia delphiniifolia (L.) G.Don
location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994


ID: white+purple grassland flower: 2 images.

Sept 2024

Parasopubia delphiniifolia (L.) H.-P. Hofm. & Eb. Fisch.



Catalogue of Life  POWO  GRIN  The Plant List Ver. 1.1 (Sopubia delphinifolia G.Don- Unresolved) The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Parasopubia delphiniifolia (L.) H.-P. Hofm. & Eb. Fisch)  Tropicos  Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post  Flowers of India  Sahyadri Database  India Biodiversity Portal (Parasopubia delphiniifolia)

Updated on December 24, 2024