Pedicularis denudata Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 309 1884.;

East Himalaya as per POWO;

Sikkim, Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;



Inclusion of Pedicularis denudata in eFI : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)- Rediscovery of Pedicularis denudata (Orobanchaceae), a little known, rare herb after 135 years from India.pdf

I am attaching here Pedicularis denudata for inclusion in efloraofindia



Rediscovery of Pedicularis denudata (Orobanchaceae), a little known, rare herb after 135 years from India– Dipankar Borah, Rajeev Kumar Singh and Arti Garg- October 2020 Phytotaxa 461(2):136-138 (Abstract- Pedicularis denudata Hooker is rediscovered from Arunachal Pradesh after a lapse of about 135 years confirming the second locality for India. This species is known to India and Nepal, represented only by a few herbarium specimens. Extended taxonomical description, habitat, phenology and color plates with the first available live photographs are provided)