Pedicularis sp. for ID –.. en-route Dhel Pass – GHNP- PKA43 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Seen this herb en-route Dhel pass at GHNP at an altitude of approx. 3400m. Bot. name: Pedicularis sp.. (ID pl) Family: Orobanchaceae Date/Time: 28-09-2014 / 10:20AM Pedicularis megalantha? It looks me Pedicularis pectinata. Going be the following, I think it is different from Pedicularis pectinata Wall. ex Benth. These photographs conclude that the species is neither P. Pyramidata, not P. Porrecta nor P. Megalantha. Thanks a lot, … May I request to kindly tell what it can be ? I agree with P. pectinata by photographs. Thanks, …, But looks different from other images at Pedicularis pectinata Wall. ex Benth. Pedicularis pectinata Thanks, …, But looks different from other images at Pedicularis pectinata Wall. ex Benth. P. pectinata seems correct ID for me ! Thanks, Saroj ji, Than why images at Pedicularis pectinata Wall. ex Benth. look different ? |
Pedicularis species- Dhel Pass, GHNP, Himachal
Updated on December 24, 2024