Passiflora caerulea (Introduced)

Passiflora caerulea L., Sp. Pl. 959 1753. (Syn: Granadilla coerulea (L.) Medik.; Passiflora caerulea var. angustifolia G.Don; Passiflora caerulea var. glauca Mast.; Passiflora caerulea var. glaucophylla Loudon; Passiflora caerulea var. imbricata Mast.; Passiflora caerulea var. regnellii Mast.; Passiflora chinensis hort. ex Mast.; Passiflora granadilla Gaterau; Passiflora hartwiesiana hort. ex Mast.; Passiflora loureiroi G. Don; Passiflora stenophylla Hoffmanns.);
Bolivia (Cochabamba, La Paz, Tarija), NE-Brazil (Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte,
Paraiba, Pernambuco, Bahia, Alagoas, Sergipe), WC-Brazil (Mato Grosso, Goias),
SE-Brazil (Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro), Argentina
(Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Cordoba, Corrientes, Distrito Federal, Entre
Rios, Formosa, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Salta, Santiago del
Estero, Santa Fe, San Juan, San Luis, Tucuman), S-Brazil (Parana, Rio Grande do
Sul, Santa Catarina), Chile (Bio Bio, Reg. Metropolitana), Paraguay (Alto
Paraguay, Caaguazu, Central, Cordillera, Guaira, Misiones, Paraguari, Pres.
Hayes), Uruguay (Artigas, Canelones, Colonia, Lavalleja, Maldonado, Montevideo,
Rocha, San Jose, Tacuarembo), Peru (I), Ecuador (I), Mexico (I), Guatemala (I),
Colombia (I), Australia (I) (Western Australia (I), Queensland (I), New South
Wales (I), Victoria (I)), trop. Africa (I), Java (I), Sri Lanka (I), Vietnam
(I), Nepal (I), South Africa (I), Azores (I) (Sao Miguel Isl. (I), Terceira (I),
Sao Jorge (I), Pico (I), Faial (I), Flores Isl. (I)), Madeira (I) (Madeira Isl.
(I)), China (I) (Guangxi (I), Jiangxi (I), Sichuan (I), Yunnan (I)), Korea (I),
USA (I) (California (I)), Greece (I), Croatia (I), Maldives (I)
as per Catalogue of Life;
Blue Passion Flower, Common passionflower, Hardy passionflower • Hindi: झुमका लता Jhumkalata • Manipuri: ৰাধিকা নাচোম Radhika nachom • Bengali: ঝুমকা লা Jhumka lata;  
This climbing perennial is differentiated from related species in its deeply 5-7-lobed, entire leaves, cordate at base; flowers 5-9 cm across; sepals with a horn on back at apex; petals white or pinkish inside; corona shorter than petals, purple at base, white in middle and blue at tip; fruit ovoid to subglobose, 5-7 cm, yellow to orange,   
Here is the relevant portion of key from Bailey Manual of cultivated plants
Petals white or pink
Outer rays of corona about as long as petals; leaves serrate
Fruit yellow when ripe; leaves dull above………………………………………………P. incarnata
Fruit deep purple when ripe; leaves shining above…………………………………..P. edulis
Outer rays of corona distinctly shorter than petals; leaves entire
Leaves 5-7 lobed……………………………………………………………………………P. caerulea
Leaves 3-lobed………………………………………………………………………………P. alatocaerulea  

Here is another Passiflora caerulea, taken on 5th June 2010. Climber.

Taken at kanatal (garhwal himalyas alt. 8500ft) on 28.6.08 
Locally called as passion flower 
Would apprecite id

It is a Passiflora species.

This is common passion flower passiflora foetida. It is native of South America, naturalised in India.

Thanks for the feedback.
I don’t think it matches the description of Passiflora foetida. Pl. see the Wikipedia link with pictures for Passiflora foetida:

Actually the flower looks pretty similar, except the colours (which I think could vary)

The plant looks like Passiflora caerulea (reference: Tropical garden plants by Bose and Choudhry).




Passiflora for ID from Shimla 31122010-2: Passiflora for ID pls from Bird Park Summer Hill Shimla

I hope Passiflora caerulea

… such conspicuous yellow-orange anthers new to me … ruling out Passiflora incarnata and Passiflora edulis.
Good chance of Passiflora caerulea just as… says.

Passion Flower: This flower was photographed last week in my Garden at Tala Bandhavgarh.
Just thought to share it.… 




Passiflora caerulea from California: Passiflora caerulea L., Sp. pl. 2:959. 1753
Common names: blue passionflower, blue-crown passionflower

This climbing perennial is differentiated from related species in its deeply 5-7-lobed, entire leaves, cordate at base; flowers 5-9 cm across; sepals with a horn on back at apex; petals white or pinkish inside; corona shorter than petals, purple at base, white in middle and blue at tip; fruit ovoid to subglobose, 5-7 cm, yellow to orange,

Photographed from California in October, commonly grown in private gardens, along walls and fences.

Lectotype of Passiflora caerulea L.
Herb. Linn. No. 1070.26 (LINN)
Designated by Killip in Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 19 : 424 (1938)



Passiflora caerulea ATJUNE2016/32 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Passiflora caerulea Fruits
Blue Passion Flower

Attachments (2)


Leaves are important in species identification. Hope you can upload

Thanks … for sharing. That’s why it is also known as Rakhi (Not Sawant) Phool in Hindi belts.

Looks like Passiflora cerulea flowers (old) . Nevertheless, you may send the photographs of the foliage for confirmation.

Isn’t it the same as in –!searchin/indiantreepix/passiflora/indiantreepix/PlkHf7iqzk8/M-Phf5ksQRMJ ?

This is Passiflora incarnata and not Passiflora caerulea
The difference in the two can be seen, even without the leaves in the two links here:




at San francisco Botanical Garden, California on 10.10.2009;Passiflora – efloraofindia | Google Groups

Passiflora caerulea L. : 15 posts by 4 authors. 6 images- 4 to 6 mb each.

Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date: 07 June  2020

Altitude: 1300 m.

Habitat : Cultivated
Nepali Name : घडीफूल Ghadeephool

Very nice, … We also call it Ghadi phool.

Awesome photographs. In Kannada it is known as “GADIYARADA HOOVU” meaning ‘clock  flower’ .

Hovuu means flower ? 

Yes … HOOVU means flower

Updated on December 24, 2024

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