Angelonia salicariifolia Humb. & Bonpl., Pl. aequinoct. 2:92, t. 108. 1812 (“1809”) “salicariaefolia” (syn: Angelonia evitae Descole & Borsini; Angelonia hirta Cham.; Angelonia leandrii J.Kickx; Physidium gardneri Nichols.; Thylacantha campestris Mart.); . commonly known as: granny’s bonnets, willowleaf angelonia ; . angel-on-ee-a — derived from South American name for the plant, Angelon … Dave’s Botanary sa-lih-kar-ee-FOH-lee-uh — bearing leaves like that of willow … Dave’s Botanary . Native of tropical South America; not sure when it was introduced (as garden ornamental) in our country – now it has naturalized. . Colombia (Antioquia, Arauca, Boyacá, Casanare, Chocó, Cundinamarca, Huila, Tolima, Valle), Venezuela (Aragua, Bolivar, Cojedes, Distrito Federal, Miranda, Monagas, Portuguesa, Tachira), NE-Brazil (Piaui, Pernambuco, Bahia, Alagoas, Sergipe), WC-Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul), Argentina (Chaco, Cordoba, Corrientes, Formosa, Misiones, Santa Fe), Paraguay (Alto Paraguay, Amambay, Central, Cordillera, Paraguari, Pres. Hayes, San Pedro), Cuba (introduced), Hispaniola (introduced), Puerto Rico (introduced), trop. Africa (introduced), Niue (introduced), Myanmar [Burma] (introduced), Australia (introduced) (Queensland (introduced)), New Caledonia (introduced), Guyana (introduced), Surinam (introduced), Cook Isl. (introduced) (Rarotonga (introduced)), Society Isl. (introduced) (Tahiti (introduced), Raiatea (introduced)), Gilbert Isl. (introduced) (Tarawa (introduced)), Sri Lanka (introduced), India (introduced), Nepal (introduced), Maldives (introduced), Benin (introduced) as per Catalogue of Life; . Pl. id following flower phtographed at Phansad WLS on 30 Nov 2008 Appears like Angelonia salicariaefolia (ANGELONIA) from Scrophulariaceae. See the links: biologie.uni-hamburg 2 (a picture), biologie.uni-hamburg 1 (about Scrophulariaceae), (another picture), 1 (an image), 2 (another image), 3 (little details), (an image), factopia (some details) Does the leaves have a peculiar scent . Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. request. Location: Peelamedu, Coimbatore Date: 13.12.2011 Habitat: Garden Habit: Herb Angelonia salicariaefolia : Family Scrophulariaceae I agree with … Angelonia species (possibly A.salicariaefolia). A very common ornamental plant in Chennai gardens. Names of Plants in India :: Angelonia salicariifolia Humb. & Bonpl.:
… the plant is about 3 ft high, and flower about 2 cm across. Native of tropical South America; not sure when it was introduced (as garden ornamental) in our country – now it has naturalized. From what I saw – it grows gregariously along road-sides and clearings. angel-on-ee-a — derived from South American name for the plant, Angelon … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: granny’s bonnets, willowleaf angelon botanical names: Angelonia salicariifolia Humb. & Bonpl. … synonyms: Angelonia evitae Descole & Borsini • Angelonia hirta Cham. • Angelonia leandrii J.Kickx • Physidium gardneri G.Nicholson • Thylacantha campestris Mart. … GBIF Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ granny’s bonnets willowleaf angelon
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at It is a garden plant used for flower beds. I had an opportunity to grow this in my institutional garden. Of course long back. Photograph changed; earlier one identified at iNaturalist by Víctor de Paiva, to be of Angelonia biflora Benth. How to differentiate between the two? Víctor de Paiva’s comment in my observation at iNaturalist: The difference is in the leaves next to the flowers. Angelonia salicariifolia has ovate leaves and Angelonia biflora has lanceolate leaves. Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Angelonia salicariaefolia from Coimbatore. BRS 001: Attachments (4). 1 post by 1 author. Sharing the images of Angelonia salicariaefolia from Coimbatore. . Seen this almost half a meter tall herb on “Sirsi – Jog Fall route”. Bot. name: Angelonia salicariifolia Family: Scrophulariaceae Scrophulariaceae fortnight :: Angelonia salicariifolia in Shimoga :: DV16 : 3 images. 1 post by 1 author. Angelonia salicariifolia Humb. & Bonpl. … also placed in Plantaginaceae at Mavingundi near Shimoga on 16 DEC 12 Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Angelonia salicariifolia from North karnataka -PKA17:: : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors. Seen this almost half a meter tall herb on “Sirsi – Jog Fall route”. Bot. name: Angelonia salicariifolia Family: Scrophulariaceae
Flora of Kaiga_ID_Confirmation 14092015 PK1 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2) Is this Angelonia salicariifolia, Pl confirm attached 2 pics efi page on Angelonia salicariifolia Angeloniaspecies so far in efi Also check for Angelonia goyazensis, Angelonia angustiflolia. If it is A.goazensis every part of plant has fragrance. When you water them the smell comes stronger. Please check for this character. Furthermore, based on a portion of the inflorescence it is not possible to confirm as other charters of the plant need to be checked. You may please check all the characters at your end. There is only one species of Angelonia (Scrophulariaceae) recorded so far for Karnataka, viz. A. salicariifolia Bonpl. and the description of the species is matching with these images.
TSPNOV2015-18: Images of Angelonia salicariifolia (Plantaginaceae) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6) It is my pleasure to share few images of Angelonia saicariifolia (Plantaginaceae) Habit: Shrub Habitat: Wild, possibly a garden escape, naturalized since I came across in many wild locations.. Sighting: Kanoor and Devaramane in Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1000 and 1200 msl respectively. Date: 22-01-2015, and 22-08-2015 could well be an escapee. its a popular, easily grown plant. flowers last a few weeks giving color to the garden Angelonia biflor Uttara Kannada plants 5 – indiantreepix | Google Groups: 3 images. Beautiful flowering plant in marshes of HEBBARMANE near Yellapura taluk, Uttarakannada district, Karnataka Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia Herb 1 : Attachments (1 + 1- 3 MB each). 6 posts by 3 authors. One more picture for the previous post. I think it belongs to Angelonia sp. commonly known as snap dragon may be A. angsustifolia ?of Scrophulariaceae (I dont know its correct name) Much thanks sir, Actually Antirrhinum majus is known as snap dragon. The flowers of Angelonia resembles those of the snap dragon. Attaching all the re-sized pictures. Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia Angelonia angustifolia FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 01 MAY 18 : 9 posts by 3 authors. 4 images. Date: May 1, 2018 … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl Angelonia ¿ angustifolia ? I tried to check on net, but could not find the differences between different species available in efi site. I think our images has to be properly sorted out. On checking books in India on net, I could only find only AngeloniabifloraBenth., Prodr. 10: 254 1846. (syn: Angelonia grandiflora C. Morr.) as per the following: An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995) Floriculture in India By Gurcharan Singh Randhawa, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay (1986) I think all our posted plants may be this species and its cultivars. yes, …, exotic and ornamental plants have many cultivars, and become difficult to sort out IDs. After going through eFI, I suggest doing image search on Google, especially with genus name alone. The page provides a list of keywords at the top. Clicking on any, helps in doing a narrow search. I have a strong feeling that the posted plant is Angelonia angustifolia. Will wait for validating comments. Can you find any listing of Angelonia angustifolia in Indian literature ? To me your posted plant also look similar to images Angelonia biflora at I agree … The posted plant pictures seem to match those in your list of Angelonia biflora. There are too many hybrids and cultivars. But all species present in efi look similar as well on net. I am unable to find differences between them. We have to only rely on Indian literature to find out what species are actually available in India. I could only two references I have given you. I think we require more such references along with keys if more than one species is present. I hope … may be able to throw some light. Nice catch. You are right. I have grown this plant in Chennai. Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia Okay, thanks … I will revise my notes at flickr shortly. Plant for ID 25/08/2011 SMP1: This Angelonia is a common garden escape in hilly areas from Goa to entire south India. Grows gregarious and is naturalised. Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia 251111PD01_ Flora of Orissa for ID: i am now in field for ecological assessment. During the study i came across this interesting species in Raanpur. Please help me in identifying the plant. Place of collection: Ranpur, Nayagarh Habit: Scented Herb or under shrub Habitat: Wild, near Dam (reservoir) Altitude: 300 m above msl Description: Perennial herb (up to 1 m), leaves linear, stem quadrangular, hairy and sticky, flowers violet to violet blue. I think Angelonia sp. Family: Scrophulariaceae To me also Angelonia salicariaefolia Family Plantaginaceae Angelonia goyazensis syn. Angelonia angustiflolia. Angel Mist, Summer Snapdragon, Angel Flower No this is not a weed. The local people use the flower for worshiping the god and goddesses during many festivals. I think … is right. In Angelonia salicariifolia the leaves are lanceolate or ovate lanceolate 5-12 mm broad and racemes sometimes branched: The leaves are narrowly lanceolate inAngelonia goyazensis syn. Angelonia angustiflolia Yes the specimen here is Angelonia goyazensis syn. Angelonia angustiflolia. This is a common flowering annual grown in Chennai gardens. Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia [EfloraofIndia_Flora picture of the year 2011_Angelonia angustifolia_Flora of Odisha]: Angelonia angustifolia While i was shooting this image from the river bank in ranpur, my team was desperately waiting for lunch. I forgot that completely as i saw this plant for the first time in my life and the flowers were so beautifully dancing due to cool breeze, i lost myself for the best ever close up of the flower. Finally when i returened to camp everyone has finished their lunch and it was around 4 pm. I took almost 2 hours to take around 50 snaps. i got heavly scolded by the team mets (as all are sociologist). Another important fact is that the ID of this species was conformed only through EFLORAOFINDIA. So cheers for the group. Taking it as Angelonia biflora for the time being, in view of discussions at Angelonia angustifolia FOR VALIDATION Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia Scrophulariaceae Fortnight : 09082013 ARK-01 : Angelonia angustifolia from Mumbai – August 2013 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors. Attached are pictures of Angelonia angustifolia captured in a cultivated garden in Mumbai in August 2013. Requested to please confirm ID. Nice photographs … Taking it as Angelonia biflora for the time being, in view of discussions at Angelonia angustifolia FOR VALIDATION Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia Scrophulariaceae fortnight :: Angelonia angustifolia SMP 18 : 2 images. 3 posts by 3 authors. Taking it as Angelonia biflora for the time being, in view of discussions at Angelonia angustifolia FOR VALIDATION Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia crophulariaceae fortnight :: Angelonia angustifolia in gardens :: DV15 : 1 image. 3 posts by 3 authors. Yes a beautiful ornamental with profuse flowering and that characteristic unmistakable shape of the flowers and the dark dotted throat looks great! Taking it as Angelonia biflora for the time being, in view of discussions at Angelonia angustifolia FOR VALIDATION Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia Okay, thanks … I will revise my notes at flickr shortly.
Impatiens species-17 for ID assistance : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4) Submitting images of an Impatiens spp. for Id assistance. Date/time: 11-03-2014/ about 2-00 PM Location: Narasimharajapura, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1200msl Habitat: Wild, occurring by the side of a stream Habit; Terrestrial herb This is not an Impatiens sp. sir, rather, it is an Angelonia sp. (Scrophulariaceae) Angelonia angustifolia yes … this winter I had one with violet flowers they lasted only a couple of weeks even meticulous deadheading did not prolong the flowering season very delicate constitution of this plant Taking it as Angelonia biflora for the time being, in view of discussions at Angelonia angustifolia FOR VALIDATION Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia Location : Sentosa, Singapore Date : 18 October 2012 Elevation : 131 m. Habit : Cultivated May be Angelonia biflora Thank you … I guess you are right. Angelonia biflora Benth. Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia Angelonia species : Mixed thread. 1 correct image as above. IMG_0003-4a appears similar to Angelonia salicariaefolia, but flower appears a bit different. For me it looks like Ornamental Angelonia (A.grandiflora), escape from the gardens. Thanks, … On going through ‘Tropical Garden Plants’ by Bose, Chowdhury & Sharma, can it be Angelonia angustifolia, due to deep voilet flowers compared to ‘white with voilet spots’ flowers of Angelonia grandiflora. Links for Angelonia angustifolia (Summer Snapdragon, Angel Flower): (details with a few pictures), (details with pictures), images (pictures). There are many variants of A.grandiflora. I have seen many in Chennai. One has to check the morpohological character before the final ID. This should be Angelonia biflora as per images and details herein. Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia Flowers of Java 1 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Could you help me to identify the following plant please. Location Purwokerto 110 m alt. Cultivated. Angelonia biflora Benth. Thanks, … for the id. Yes, to me also appears close to images and details at Angelonia biflora I too agree with … Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia . Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia : 7 posts by 3 authors. Species and distribution as per Flora of Peninsular India is given below: Angelonia biflora (Cultivated in Gardens)- AP, Telangana, TN, Odisha and Karnataka Angelonia gardneri– Karnataka- Shivamogga district Angelonia salicariifolia– Kerala- Idukki district I tried to find differences on the net, but unable to find any where. This makes confusion between the two all the more apparent. JSTOR Global Plants says that Angelonia biflora Benth. has been misidentified as A. salicariifolia Humb. & Bonpl., A. goyazensis Benth. and A. grandiflora Morren. I also strongly feel for this. There has been lot of misidentifications also on the net. Flora of Peninsular India gives distribution in hundreds of districts in India, but only one district for Angelonia gardneri and Angelonia salicariifolia It is also understandable as there are lot of variations, being planted in the gardens. Thus, I think we should take all our observations under Angelonia salicariifolia ? as Angelonia biflora, until there is more clarity in the matter. I think all Angelonia in FOI to be shifted to Angelonia biflora until there is more clarity in the matter. Okay, thanks very much, … for pointing to mistaken identities. I will check my sightings and do the needful correction, shortly. Yes, it is hard to distinguish between different plants of Angelonia currently on FOI. However, according to POWO, IndiaBiodiversity and eFloras-Nepal, Angelonia salicariifolia is the species which is introduced in India, and also naturalized. Angelonia biflora has not been introduced into India, according to POWO. Catalogue of Life gives the following distribution: Angelonia salicariifolia Humb. & Bonpl. – Colombia (Antioquia, Arauca, Boyac, Casanare, Choc, Cundinamarca, Huila, Tolima, Valle), Venezuela (Aragua, Bolivar, Cojedes, Distrito Federal, Miranda, Monagas, Portuguesa, Tachira), NE-Brazil (Piaui, Pernambuco, Bahia, Alagoas, Sergipe), WC-Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul), Argentina (Chaco, Cordoba, Corrientes, Formosa, Misiones, Santa Fe), Paraguay (Alto Paraguay, Amambay, Central, Cordillera, Paraguari, Pres. Hayes, San Pedro), Cuba (I), Hispaniola (I), Puerto Rico (I), trop. Africa (I), Niue (I), Myanmar [Burma] (I), Australia (I) (Queensland (I)), New Caledonia (I), Guyana (I), Surinam (I), Cook Isl. (I) (Rarotonga (I)), Society Isl. (I) (Tahiti (I), Raiatea (I)), Gilbert Isl. (I) (Tarawa (I)), Sri Lanka (I), India (I), Nepal (I), Maldives (I), Benin (I), Guinea (I) Angelonia biflora Benth. – NE-Brazil (Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraiba, Pernambuco), Guyana, Fiji (I), Vanuatu (I), Pitcairn Isl. (I), Society Isl. (I) (Tahiti (I)), Mauritius (I), La Runion (I), Rodrigues (I), Andamans (I), Nicobars (I), American Samoa (I) (Manua Isl. (I)), Marquesas Isl. (I) (Hiva Oa (I)), Myanmar [Burma] (I), Bangladesh (I), Rotuma Isl. (I) Here are the links of Angelonia biflora India Biodiversity Portal If we agree with POWO and Catalogue of Life, we may dump Flora of Penisular India and Angelonia biflora, until we get difference between the two. Flora of Puerto Rico and Adjacent Islands: A Systematic Synopsis By Alain H. Liogier, Henri Alain Liogier, Luis F. Martorell (2000) shows introduction of Angelonia salicariifoliaHumb. & Bonpl. in India and Ceylon. Ornamental Plants By Sabina George (2009) also shows Angelonia salicariifoliaHumb. & Bonpl. (syn: A. aungustifolia) in Indian Gardens. In view of more sources pointing to it, we can go for Angelonia salicariifolia until some more information comes up.
You are reviewing Angelonia. This plant was seen in a park near the Zarwani Forest. Probably a cultivated plant. Angelonia Species for ID : FOT Exhibition, Mumbai : 04JUN20 : AK-2 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Had seen this Angelonia plant at the Friends of Trees Exhibition in Mumbai few years ago. Could you kindly help me with the Species? Attaching image of Angelonia angustifolia from Mahe. Photographed in April 2019. Taking it as Angelonia salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia These are some Angelonia plants I have seen earlier in Muscat. Very old photographs. I realized that I missed posting these before. For Species id please. Pl. see discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia I went through the discussion. I am confused. Earlier I had labelled these as Angelonia angustifolia. What does Flora of Oman say ? Are there more than one species listed with keys ? These plants were cultivated ones. Not native species. I might have forgotten to mention. So go for A.salicariifolia as per discussions at Angelonia biflora & Angelonia salicariifolia, until there is more clarity. , Angelonia Species for ID : Asteraceae : Nasik : 22JAN22 : AK – 34: 3 images. Maybe Angelonia salicariifolia, as per images and details herein.
. References: |
Angelonia salicariifolia
Updated on December 24, 2024