Hemiphragma heterophyllum

Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wall., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 13: 612 612 1822.;
China (Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan), Taiwan, Tibet, Bhutan, India, Sikkim, Darjeeling, Nepal, Philippines (Luzon), Assam, Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Kachin, Magway, Shan) as per Catalogue of Life;
Tiny flowers, up to 1 cm across blooms during March-May. Leaves are dimorphic- on main stem these are cordate and hairy while on short lateral branches these are needle like and densely clustered.
It is found in the Himalaya from Uttarakhand to entire Central and Eastern Himalaya.





Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wall. (accepted name) : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (11)
Location: Thulo Phedi, Taplejung, Nepal
Date: 18 April 2017
Altitude: 10000 ft.

Nepali Name: नाश झार Nash Jhaar / लहरे फूल Lahare Phool / रातो गेडी Raato Gedi

Wonderful images …, I always missed flowers…

Thank you …  First time for me too after a long wait. Did not expect at that altitude.

Location: Shivapuri National Park, Nepal
Altitude: 7500 ft.
Date: 27 March 2018
Habit : Wild 
Attachments (7)


Prostrate herb SN11117 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Prostrate wild herb with orbicular opposite leaves from Pangu top Uthrakand

Please check Hemiphragma heterophyllum

Yes, agree with …


Hemiphragma heterophyllum for validation:
Hemiphragma heterophyllum from the family Scrophulariaceae perhaps

small herb growing close to the ground
tiny pink flowers
sandakphu, sinagalila national park
second week of april

If this plant is Hemiphragma heterophyllum, as has been suggested / identified by …, then i must say it has some unique features –
  1. only single species reported as per KEW data – http://www.theplantlist.org/browse/A/Plantaginaceae/Hemiphragma/
  2. no synonym recorded – http://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/record/tro-29208131
  3. again no synonym and with three varietieshttp://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=2&taxon_id=200020668
Let us see if this could be Hemiphragma heterophyllum
I think it is Hemiphragma heterophyllum, but i wonder how it is possible to id such a seemingly unknown plant !


Gori Valley Tour: Herb for id from Kalamuni Top:
This very small, prostrate, creeping herb was shot from Kalamuni Top near Munsiari and from some other locations.. flowering was over.. only fruits could be located… the picture of this plant appears in Flowers of Himalayas by Polunin and Stainton (unfortunately I do not have presently)..help in id is requested..

Hemiphragma heterophyllum Family: Scrophulariaceae




Hemiphragma heterophyllum from Uttarakhand : Attachments (2).  2 posts by 2 authors.

Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wallich (Scrophulariaceae) is a small, perennial, creeping herb in temperate and alpine zones.
It is found in the Himalaya from Uttarakhand to entire Central and Eastern Himalaya. Tiny flowers, up to 1 cm across blooms during March-May. Leaves are dimorphic- on main stem these are cordate and hairy while on short lateral branches these are needle like and densely clustered.

Beautiful flowersfindia photographs. I saw them at Singalila National Park last year.


Scrophulariaceae Fortnight, hemiphragma heterophyllum : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author.
reposting these images as a part of the Scrophulariaceae Fortnight
hemiphragma heterophyllum, sandakhphu
singalila national park

Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wall. is a small creeping perennial herb in sub alpine and alpine zones of Uttarakhand.
It blooms early in May-June showing its tiny flowers at soil surface often visible with dried brown fruits of last year. It produces two types of leaves- linear and pointed leaves on branches and broader opposite leaves on main stem.
Photographed near Munsyari, Uttarakhand.
My previous pics are also on eflora at- efi thread
This genus was previously in Scrophulariaceae but now it is in Plantaginaceae.

Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Hemiphragma heterophyllum from Gori Valley-NS 59 : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors.
Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wall. a small creeping herb was shot near Munsyari, Uttarakhand last year during our trip to Gori valley, I was trying to find out any flowering specimen, could not succeed… thanks… for sharing the flower pics..I have only fruit pics.. I hope the id is correct.

Correctly identified even without flowers. Very good pics too. I hope it is from Kalamuni area near temple where it is common on slopes along road.

Thanks again … for validating.. you are right.. this was found near Kalamuni Top..


Ericaceae (inc. Vacciniaceae) Fortnight: 04042014GS1 trailing under shrub for ID from Uttarakhand-GSAPR05 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3).
This small trailing undershrub was photographed from near Ukhimath in Uttarakhand.
Could it be a species of Gaultheria?. Please help in ID.

Can this be Hemiphragma heterophyllum

… correctly identified—Hemiphragma heterophyllum

To me it seems Hemiphragma heterophyllum!!!

Umbelliferae: Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wall. : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Date: 23 July, 2014
Location: Deurali, Dolakha District, Nepal
Altitude : 6000 ft.

Yes it is Hemiphragma heterophyllum fruiting stage. Earlier in Scrophulariaceae, it is now in Plantaginaceae.

Liane à fleur rose : 9 posts by 3 authors. 2 images.
Bonjour à tous!
Je ne trouve rien qui se rapproche de cette plante, aucune idées! 
Photos prises le 14/04/2016 à 3000met. sur la commune de Bhatwari, Uttarakhand, Inde. 

Merci d’avance pour vos commentaires!

Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wall. (Plantaginaceae).
Earlier it was placed in Scrophulariaceae.
Please see also the eFI page on this species. 

The same day but to 3500mt altitude, a flower with leaves and flowers very similar: 2 images.

Photos prises le 14/04/2016 à 3500met. sur la commune de Bhatwari, Uttarakhand, Inde.
Please confirm ID= Hemiphragma heterophyllum!

Yes both are H. heterophyllum.


Hemiphragma heterophyllum : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

I think should be Hemiphragma heterophyllum in the body also.





Hemiphragma heterophyllum ABSEP2016/30 : 4 posts by 3 authors.

I found this growing just below Triund and later saw it on lower slopes too. I think this is Hemiphragma heterophyllum. Please advise.
Hemiphragma heterophyllum
Mcleodganj-Triund, HP 2500m 10-11 September 2016

Wah!!! Very cute!!!

Yes, rightly identified and very nice images..

Hemiphragma heterophyllum AT OCT2016/11 : 15 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)

Hemiphragma heterophyllum
October 23, 2016
Place: Hatu, Narkanda, Shimla, India
Altitude: 8900 feet

Nice ripe fruits and linear leaves in clusters. Please check DSCN1508 image, probably some other plant as leaves in H.heterophyllum are rounded cordate in shape.

I 2nd …

I think, the 3rd photograph also belongs to the same plant. The
species name is derived from two types of leaves present in in this
Leaves on the main stems are orbicular, cordate or reniform, But the
leaves on branches are crowded, needle-like, sometimes
linear-lanceolate and 3-5 mm in length.
Photograph attached

Both types of leaves visible in this photograph. Rounded/cordate
leaves on main stem are dry and leaves present on branches are
needle-like and arranged in dense clusters.

This is the plant, which I uprooted for photograph in DSCN1508. Even
after care in uprooting from amongst the grasses, I can still be

Nice to be reminded of this plant which I first saw in leech-ridden conditions on my first visit to Nepal in 1990. It is not recorded from Pakistan or Kashmir indeed ‘Flowers of the Himalaya’ give a distribution from Uttaranachal (as it was) through to SW China & SE Asia.
I have been two Hatu on a couple of occasions but not noticed this there though as has been indicated Collet recorded it there for ‘Flora Simlensis’ – must be one of its most NW locations.
Yes it has dimorphic foliage – cauline leaves variable from orbicular-cordate to ovate or reniform; those on branches fascicled, acicular forming tufts.  With berry-like shining red globose fruits one would not automatically think it belonged to the Scrophulariaceae (or was, no doubt transferred to another family now – must check); its flowers are pink.

Yes, Hemiphragma has been transferred from Scrophulariaceae to PLANTAGINACEAE….

Yes agree with FoC description. Dried and withered cordate leaves are visible and so are the needle leaves in cluster. The third picture show leaves which are different from cordate and needle leaves that is why was my question.

This area is rich in plant diversity. I’ll  plan more visits to this place in future. Thank you for adding more information, …

Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wall. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)- around 600 kb each.
Location: Sandakphu, India
Date: 13 May 2018
Altitude: 12g000 ft.
Habit : Wild


Hemiphragma heterphyllum Wall. near Munsiari, Uttarakhand, September 25, 2024.: 3 images.

Hemiphragma heterphyllum Wall. near Munsiari, Uttarakhand, September 25, 2024.

Heterophylum means different types of leaves on the same plant. This species has two types of leaves.

Creeping herb, rooting at nodes and carpeting the ground. Fruits fleshy red when ripe.


Updated on January 15, 2025