Acantholimon lycopodioides (Girard) Boiss., Prodr. 12: 632 1848. (syn: Acantholimon tibeticum Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke; Armeriastrum lycopodioides Kuntze; Statice lycopodioides Girard);
Common name: Lycopodium Prickly Thrift • Ladakhi: ལོང་ཟེ་ Longze
China (NW-Xinjiang), N-India, Pakistan (Chitral, Swat, Kohistan), Pakistani Kashmir (Astor, Gilgit, Baltistan), Tajikistan, Afghanistan (Badakshan, Wakhan, Baghlan, Kunar / Nuristan, Laghman, Parwan), Jammu & Kashmir (Dras, Ladakh, Zanskar), Tibet as per Catalogue of Life;


Sharing some photographs of Acantholimon lycopodioides : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)- around 600 kb each.
This plant was clicked at Phyang, Ladakh, Elevation about 4000m 

It was identified as Acantholimon lycopodioides (Girard) Boiss.
A small compact shrub with sharp spiny tipped leaves.
Date: June 2017


Ladakh, August 2022 :: Acantholimon (?) for ID :: ARK2022-133: 6 high res. images.
This was at Namika la (a pass on the Srinagar Kargil route) at 3700 mt. ASL in August 2022.
I so liked these delicate flowers and wanted to zero in on the ID. This for me was one of the highlights of the Ladakh tour.
I went through FoI and eFI multiple times but could not find a match. Then all of a sudden on one of the international FB groups, someone posted something similar from Turkey – Acantholimon armomum.
I was so excited to finally found a clue. However, Acantholimon on eFI and FoI looked so different, I am not sure.
Is this Acantholimon lycopodioides? Or something completely different?
Are these bracts?
Requested to please ID.

I found this again at Fotu la, Ladakh (4108 mt. ASL), an hour later
Attaching pics from Fotu la.
There seems to be a very slight tint of pink in one of the pics.

Yes …, Acantholimon lycopodioides
I had collected from Namikala and Drass In 1971

Herbarium Sheet of above closeup

Thank you Sir ji so much for validating.
Your first pic so matches mine. Even mine was from Namika la.

I also agree as per images at Acantholimon lycopodioides (Girard) Boiss.